The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR3 CH3 P4

Super High-school Level Update #69

  1.  Third Island Theme

     You’re late, Hinata-kun. You’re the last one here.

    Is everyone else already inside…?

     There’s a corridor with several rooms beyond this door. Everyone’s waiting for you in the room at the far end of the corridor.
     …Aren’t you coming too?

     Sonia-san… She truly is a Super High-school Level Princess.
     She came to me and sincerely asked me to come too… She sure understands the feelings of us commoners.

     But… I am not so unaware of my position that I’d just come striding into the room with everyone.
     I mean… I’d just be a hindrance to such an emotional scene, wouldn’t I?
     …You… Wait, did you just say “emotional”?

     I envy you, Hinata-kun.
     You… do? Why?

     You don’t even know your own talent, and yet you act like one of the group without even a hint of anxiety…

     That’s some incredible self confidence you have!
     …I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.

     I…I’m not! I’m really not!

     But… honestly. What is that talent of yours?
     It’s been so long and you still can’t remember what it is. Must be some incredible talent…
     Well, don’t ask me. It’s not really my fault that I can’t remember, is it?
     Yeah, you’re right…

     Ah, I’m sorry. I’m holding you up with my boring conversation.

     …Go ahead, join the others.

    What was he even trying to say…?

    And now, we can finally go into the hospital.

     Re: Despair-Syndrome

    The hospital is this chapter’s 3D environment, complete with map:

    To our left, four patient rooms. Hinata won’t go into the first three right now. To our right, a peculiar display behind some glass windows.

    Oh, wait! There’s something in this final part of the display that’s not quite right!

    That was a hidden Monobear in plain sight!

    Hinata won’t go up the stairs either. Which leaves us just one place we can enter.

    I can hear voices from behind this door.

     Seems like everyone really is inside. What are they doing?

    With an ill-boding feeling in my heart, I cautiously opened the door…

    Music fades out


    Without noticing, I let out a small cry of surprise.

     Re: Desire for Execution

     What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.
     K…Kuzuryuu… Are you alright?
     Heh… Just a flesh wound…
     It’s not “just” a flesh wound!
     Well, at least now we can rest at ease! We were worried sick you might have kicked the bucket!
     Heh… No way I’d die from something like that, right?
     No way I… could’ve died… right…?

     I…I asked Monobear-san and he gave me special permission to look at his chart…
     There are a lot of lacerations and puncture wounds on his body, but…
     There doesn’t seem to be any damage to internal organs or nerves or even bones… They’re all comparatively light wounds…

     He was hit so many times…! It’s some kind of a miracle!

     Ha ha… He’s a tough guy, ain’t he? That, or he caught one hell of a lucky break.

     …Are you sure about that? I think there’s another explanation…

     Perhaps… Pekoyama-san shielded him with her body, in order to save him.
     What?! She managed to do that while being attacked a million sword-wielding puppets?!
     She must have been really intent on protecting him…
     For someone like Pekoyama-san… I don’t think that’s such an impossible feat.
     Yeah. I think that’s really what happened. That’s what we should believe happened.

     How about you, Kuzuryuu-kun? That’s why you said those words earlier, isn’t it?
     “No way I could’ve died”…


     Who knows…

    Kuzuryuu rolled over in his bed, as if trying to hide his face from us…

    …And didn’t say another word.

     Beautiful Ruin

     Um… I think Kuzuryuu-san needs to rest here for a little while longer.
     His wounds still aren’t completely healed… so he can’t be up and about just yet.

     But don’t worry! I will take good care of him!
     I’m a medical worker! That’s what I’m here for!

     …So it seems. We’ll let you rest in peace, Kuzuryuu.

     I’ll avenge you, just like I promised!!

     We told you, he’s not dead yet!!

     U…Um… Please lower your voice in front of the patient…!

     Owari. We just got Kuzuryuu back. Do not act rashly…
     I’ve had it with losing people. We can’t have any more losses. Don’t you get it?

     Of course I get that! But it would be alright if I win, right?!

     It’s scary how much you don’t get it…

     Ku… Do as you please, then!
     W…What…? Nidai…!

     I’ve come to learn that she’s a woman who won’t listen to reason once her mind is set…
     Do whatever you like, then. I will have no further dealings with you.

     And you can forget about our arrangement, too.


     P…Please lower your voices! You’re disturbing the patient!

    You’re the loudest one here…

     H…Hey… Wait a second, Nidai…
     T…That was the first time I ever felt anything like that… I never imagined something so good existed in this world…
     I can still feel it in my body… A…And now you say we can’t do it anymore…?

     S…See? Just by thinking about it, my body got all tingly in anticipation…!

     Hey, hey, hey… Wait a minute… Just what kinda “arrangement” are we talkin’ about here?!

     I’m sorry. If you won’t listen to me, you will have to give it up!

    Nidai spat out the words and left the room.

     W…Wait! But it has to be you! No one else is good enough!

    Owari ran out of the room as well, her voice clingy as she tried to keep up with Nidai.

     …What was that, I wonder.

     Fuyuu… It’s finally quiet… Raising your voice in a hospital just isn’t common sense.

     …What fools these mortals be.


     It’s… nothing.

    She might say that… but she keeps glaring at Kuzuryuu with such hateful eyes…

    I don’t think there’s anything I can do about that, though…

    After all, it was Kuzuryuu who gave Pekoyama the reason to kill Koizumi.
    And on top of that, they were setting her up to take the fall…

    I can’t imagine she’ll be able to let it go so easily.

     …So, why are you making such a scary face too?
     Those two… their “arrangement”… You don’t think…!


     That was way too suspicious!

     We gotta follow ‘em, right?! You in?!

    Once again… He’s totally fired up about something he really shouldn’t be.

    We’d better… talk him out of it.

     I can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but… could those two have an illicit relationship goin’ on?
     An illicit relationship? What are you, forty?

     You heard how Owari’s voice got when she was chasin’ after Nidai, right?
     It was just like… she suddenly became a proper woman!

    Yep. I’m talking to a forty-year-old teenager.

     Can’t risk followin’ ‘em, though… If we got found out, she’d probably rearrange my face
     Dammit… if only I had a little more courage…!
     What is it they say? “Discretion is the better part of valor”…?

     Maybe… Still kinda feel like a failure, though.


    She’s still staring straight at Kuzuryuu…

    Somehow… I don’t think now’s a good time to try to talk to her.

     Yaaaaawn… Now that I know everything’s fine I’ve become tired. How about we go back to the hotel?
     I walked around quite a bit today. I’m a little tired myself…

     Yeah… So let’s go back to the hotel now…

     And then… sleep……

    She fell asleep in the middle of a sentence. Guess she wasn’t kidding about being tired.

    The game won’t let us talk to every character right now, and goes on to the next scene automatically. Look for a bonus short update with the other potential dialogue soon.

     So, how about it? Should we call it a day?
     Let’s discuss what we’ve found tomorrow. I’m too tired to handle it right now.

     Um… Please leave Kuzuryuu-san to me. I’ll take good care of him…

     I’ll take such good care of him that he won’t be able to hate me!


    She’s still glaring…

    Music fades out

    In any case, we decided to disperse for the day, and returned to the hotel.

    I felt like every bit of strength had left my body. It was probably all the walking.
    As soon as I got back to my cottage, and much earlier than usual…

    …I fell into deep sleep.

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

    Monobear Theater

     Huh?! Are you saying you look up to warriors of justice?!
     Don’t you know? You do realize what they really are, right?
     You do realize their sole raison d'être is hindering people’s dreams and ambitions, right?
     You do realize they try to butt in whenever they see a gathering because they don’t have many friends of their own, right?
     You do realize they get angry and righteous whenever someone laughs a little loudly because their tempers are so short, right?
     You do realize they wait for their opponent to move before countering because they’re too lazy to move first, right?
     You do realize they’ll cut down armed and unarmed opponents alike because they’re so aggressive, right?
     You do realize they have no real understanding of how the weak and oppressed feel because they always win their fights, right?.
     You do realize the only reason they wear those flashy outfits is because they like showing off, right?
     To sum it up, they’re the intelligent, healthy elite who are violent, stubborn and friendless.
     …And you seriously look up to them?

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