The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P7

Super High-school Level Update #72

  1. * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…

     Re: Junk Food for a Dashing Youth

     Good morning! It’s another perfect tropical day, huh?!

     Woohoo! Perfect! Fantastic reaction!
     Mioda?! How the hell did you get in here?!

    Honestly, Hajime-chan. You don’t care much for your personal safety, do you?
     I’m… pretty sure I locked my door last night.

     You sure did! And Ibuki broke the lock!
     Why the hell would you do that?!

     Well, enough about that. There’s something much more important to talk about!

     Heh. Heh. Heh. Four hehs.
     …No, there were only three.

     Well, if you have time for pedantry, why don’t you use it to come to the restaurant?!

     You’ll hear the rest over there! And with that… Ibuki bids you adieu!

    She’s like a tornado, that girl.

    Still… What could be so important she’d break into my cottage to tell me?

    …I hope it isn’t anything bad.

     …I have a bad feeling about this.

     Re: Beautiful Morning

     Ah, good morning, Hinata-kun.

     You may ignore me, but I’m happy that you allowed our eyes to meet. You really are a kind person.

     By the way, Hinata-kun… After what happened to Kuzuryuu-kun, you understand what I’m saying a little better, don’t you?
     What… do you mean?

     I thought he’d died trying to protect Pekoyama-san… At the time, I said it was unconscionable…
     But… Kuzuryuu-kun lived, and then he returned to us.

     He used Pekoyama-san’s death as a stepping stone, and now his hope is stronger! It shines brighter!

     Huh? You don’t see it?

     Well, regardless, that’s the proper way for hope to manifest itself. And that’s why you can all move forward.

     But enough with the small talk. We have to hurry to the restaurant.
     See you there.

    How long is he going to keep this nonsense going?!

     Mu. It’s you, Hinata. Did Mioda get to you too?
     She did…
     Did she go around waking everybody up? Did she break your lock too, Nidai?

     Ku, of course not!
     She banged on my door in a steady 3-3-7 beat and woke me up!

    That must have been irritating… Wait, did she only break my lock?

     But, what the hell happened that she’d go around doing that?
     I have an incredibly bad feeling! Let’s go, right now!

    Yeah… I should hurry too.

     Good morning. The weather’s great again, thankfully.
     “Again”, huh?

    Now that I think about it, it hasn’t rained once since we came to this island.

    How come? No… it’s best not to think about it too much.

    Music fades out

    As soon as I entered the restaurant, I was greeted with a peculiar sight…

    Everyone’s backs were turned to me, and they were gathered around… something.

     …Hey, what’s going on?

    Then, when I peeked over to see what they were looking at…

     My humble greetings to you all!

     Re: Junk Food for a Dashing Youth

     …Kuzuryuu?! Is it okay for you to walk about?!
     It’s not… It’s really not, but he…!
     I wish to speak, if you’ll see fit to hear me!
     Before you stands Fuyuhiko, of the family Kuzuryuu!
     A novice, still untrained in the family business!
     I beg to intrude upon your notice!!

     Re: Beautiful Morning

     What… was that?

     I…It was nothing. Just a simple greeting…

    That… was no “simple” greeting.

    Besides… Kuzuryuu greeting us?
    I think that’s the first time that ever happened.

     Never mind that… That eyepatch you have there…

     It’s not a big deal.

     It is a big deal. I mean… your eye…

     It’s gone, isn’t it…?

     Heh. I still got another. Besides… this is gonna do wonders for my reputation.


    Music halts

     What are you acting so cool for?! Do you even understand your position?!


     Re: Despair Syndrome

     Did you think if you put on some air we’d just forgive you? Just like that?

     Don’t you get it? It’s your fault big sis Koizumi is dead!
     …No. Not just big sis Koizumi. It’s your fault Pekoyama died, too.

     It’s all your fault!


     U…Um… Saionji-san… We’re all finally back together, so…

     Huh? Back together? You’re not gonna say we’re comrades or something, are you?

     This murderer will never be anyone’s comrade!


     Yes. You’re right. It’s all my fault.
     I understand that now… It’s my fault they’re dead…

     Are you trying to be defiant?

     No… not at all…

    Music halts

    With every word he spoke, his voice got more and more strained, until…

     Re: All All Apologies

     Huh? What now?
     Who do you think you’re kidding?! You think if you bow down and cry a little we’re just going to forgive you?!
     You think such a lazy apology can even start to cover what you’ve done?!
     No… I don’t think so at all…

     Re: Living to the Fullest

    W…What the…?

     Hyaaaaaaaaaaa! It’s blood! It’s blood, isn’t it?!

     Hiiiiiiiiiii! Kuzuryuu-san…! He stabbed himself in the stomach!
     He what?!

     AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Did he just go all harakiri on us?!

     W…What… are you doing…?

     I know such a lazy apology won’t gain me any forgiveness…
     It’s just… I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t do at least this much…!

     You fool! Who slices their own stomach for something like that?!

     N…Never mind that! We have to get him to the hospital…!

     O…Of course! Souda, lend me a hand!

     S…Sure. Got it.

     No… I can walk on my own…!

     No, you can’t!

     Fuyuu… And I just finished stitching up all your wounds… Now I have to do them again!

     Feh… How pitiful of me… Even like this, I’m just an annoyance…

     Forget it! Let’s just go…!

    Tsumiki, Nidai and Souda gingerly carried Kuzuryuu from the restaurant…

    Leaving me with…

     Re: Welcome Despair Academy


    What… what the hell do you even say to that?


     Hey, Saionji-san. I’ve been thinking for a while now…

     What would Koizumi-san say at a time like this? You were close to her - what do you think?

     What would… big-sis Koizumi say…?

     What would she say…?
     She’d get mad… Really, really mad…
     But then, after she calmed down…


    I guess it’s not really fair to expect us to be completely rational right now…

    Before coming to this island, none of us really had to confront death…
    We weren’t prepared… And now that we have to deal with it, we don’t know how. How could we?

    We’re not strong enough…

     Nevertheless, there is something strange going on.
     Komaeda… not now. Please. Just… don’t.
     No, I’m serious!
     Where do you think Owari-san has gone to at a terrible time like this?

     Hey, yeah! It’s not like her to miss breakfast, is it? That is strange!

     Hmmm… Whatever it is… I have a bad feeling about this.
     You do…?
     I mean, don’t you think she’s been acting strange lately?

     That one is always acting strange.

     Hmmm… But… I’m still worried.

    Somehow, though, I don’t think Owari’s the person we ought to be worrying about…


    Music fades out

    After finishing a peculiar, moody breakfast, we returned to our cottages.

    That was quite a breakfast… It’s not even noon, and already I’m exhausted…

     I’d better do something to cheer up. We can’t afford any wasted days.

    Free Time Start

    Since I’m not in a position to take votes right now, next time is a special edition Free Time where I get to pick who we hang out with. Let me warn you in advance: whoever I choose has nothing to do with the survival chances of the characters in question, so no silly meta speculation. I’m picking them because I like their arcs.

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