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The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 Chapter 2 Trial #5

Super High-school Level Update #61
  1. Trial 14 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 14 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


     Pekoyama… It’s you, isn’t it?!


     Hey… Why so quiet? You’ve just been accused of murder, y'know!

     Well, then. I suppose we should hear you out. Why do you think I am the culprit?

     I remembered how you appeared when you arrived at the diner for the beach party.

    Souda and Hinata… Why are you two here?
    What’s up with you? You seem out of breath…
    …I went to take a quick swim.

     If the culprit had washed their entire body with bottled water, it would be strange if they were dry…

     There were no towels at the beach house, and it would have taken too much time to dry in the sun.
     You attempted to cover it up by telling us you went for a swim, didn’t you?


     S…Say something! Don’t just stand there with your mouth shut!

     Wait a second, bastards!
     All you said is you saw her at the diner… no one said anything about her coming from the beach house, right?
     She probably did just come back from a swim!

     Yeah, but no one saw her do that either!

     No… I saw her…


     After… I met you at the diner… I passed by her on my way back to the hotel…

     S…So… She didn’t come to the diner from the beach house. I’m certain of it.

     Wait… No, wait… That’s not what you said earlier!

    I was just passing by the area by chance. I paid no attention to the beach house.
    I went straight back to the hotel after meeting you there. I saw no one on the way back.

     You said you didn’t see anyone back then. You can’t just go back on that now.


     I…It’s still not enough…! We still can’t say for sure she’s the culprit!

     We don’t even know how the culprit got out of the beach house, do we?!

     N…Now that he mentions it… that’s right…

     The tunnel-side door was blocked, and there would’ve been footprints if they used the beach-side door…

     So, where did the culprit escape from, and how?!

     Um… why is Fuyuhiko-chan so upset? It’s Peko-chan who’s our current suspect!

     T…That doesn’t matter! Let’s see you solve this mystery!!

     …I think we can. Probably.


     …Are you saying you know the answer to that question? It’s the one thing that has completely stumped us so far.

     But, you see, if we assume you are the culprit, Pekoyama-san… things begin to make a little sense.

     Is that so…

     Fine, let’s hear you make sense of it. How did the culprit leave the beach house?

     Well… first, let’s think about the culprit’s escape route

    The culprit’s escape route… I think I know the answer to that one.

    Or rather… I can only think of one option.

    The window at the shower room / The closet / The beach-side door / The toilet

    THAT’S IT!

     If both the tunnel-side door and the beach-side door were impossible, there’d only be one option left…

     …The window in the shower room.

     Heh. Don’t you know how high that window is? Pekoyama couldn’t possibly reach it…

     B…But… if someone helped her…

     If she stood on someone’s shoulders she could probably reach it, but… whoever it was would’ve been left behind…

     Perhaps she used some kind of tool? A rope, for example…

     And what happened to that tool once she was out? Don’t be stupid and say she just threw it away somewhere.

     Besides, that would clearly be against the rules!

    Rule no. 3
    Throwing garbage and damaging the environment is forbidden. Let’s live in harmony with nature on this beautiful island.

     Throwing away garbage is forbidden… Even if that garbage is evidence.

     See? That window’s no good after all…!

     No… it’s fine if she used a tool.

     Chiaki-chan, you shouldn’t fall asleep in the middle of a discussion! We were just talking about why that’s impossible!

     Were we? I thought we were talking about how it’s it’s impossible to dispose of a tool, not how it was impossible to use one.

     I see! If she kept it with her and hid it somewhere it would be alright!

     Huh? Big-sis Pekoyama was in a swimsuit, y'know! Where would she hide a tool?

     And don’t try to tell me she used her private female parts if you want to stay healthy!

     N…No…! Please, no more violence!!

    Even if the culprit used a tool, they couldn’t just dispose of it…
    The culprit had to keep it with them, hiding it somehow.

    In that case…


    I have to concentrate… and think. What did the culprit use to escape through that window…?!

    Phase 11 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 11 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Fwoosh fwoosh fwoosh!

    S H I N A I

    I GOT IT!

    Trial 15 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 15 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     Pekoyama… You always have that shinai on your back. I’ve never seen you without it.


     It was the same… back then.

     You were in a swimsuit, and yet you had that shinai on you, as always.

     A…Are you saying she used that shinai to escape through the window…?

     It sounds absurd, but… Pekoyama used her shinai as a springboard to reach the window.

     A…A springboard sword?!

     See? I told ‘ya it was a ninja! A ninja could easily climb that wall!

     There’s a famous ninja technique for climbing walls. They lean their sword against the wall and use the guard as a springboard.

     Yes! That’s what Japanese ninja do!

     Sonia-san… there’s no such thing as non-Japanese ninja!

     Pekoyama-san only had a bamboo sword, but… well, she’s a pretty lightweight girl so she could do it with ease… most likely.

     How about it, Pekoyama? Do you have something to say?

    Tutorial posted:

    It’s once again time for Panic Talk Attack (PTA).
    This time, I’d like to explain about Fever Time and Negative Time.
    Starting with this PTA, you can use the R button to enter Fever Time.
    Once you activate Fever Time, the action will switch up to the fastest tempo!
    In addition, during Fever Time your attacks will always connect, regardless of timing!
    By simply pushing the circle button repeatedly, you can easily destroy your opponent’s defenses.
    But be careful, it only lasts as long as your concentration meter does. Please use it to your advantage…
    Be careful, though! You are not the only one with such an advantage.
    Your opponent also has a useful tool at their disposal, Negative Time.
    Once your opponent activates it…
    …The tempo markers disappear from the screen, making it much harder to time button pushes correctly.
    When that happens, you’ll have to rely on your ears and your natural instincts to correctly time your attacks.
    Oh, by the way… if you chose the Kind action difficulty level, your opponent will never activate Negative Time.
    If you find it too difficult to proceed, choosing “Chapter Select” from the main menu allows you to change the difficulty level.
    (Just wait until they find out that doing that restarts the trial… Heh heh heh.)
    …Ahem. The rest is up to you… Good luck.

    Phase 12 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 12 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     W…Wait just a fucking minute!
     She used a sword to escape?! How the fuck did she get that sword back, then?

     It would’ve been left behind in the shower room, you retard!

     K…Kuzuryuu… Why are you…?

     S…Shut up! Just answer the question! Let’s see you try!
     If she used her sword, it would’ve been left behind!

    What’s wrong with Kuzuryuu…? Why is he…?


    Beat beat beat beat beat beat

    If she used her sword as a springboard, how was it not left behind?!

    (top) to
    (left) bag
    (right) the
    (bottom) tied

    Tied to the bag


    Trial 16 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 16 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     She had a way to retrieve her shinai. She used her sword bag…

     All she’d have had to do is tie the bag’s cord around the sword before using it to scale the wall…
     Then, when she reached the top, she’d just have to pull it up…

     …And it’d be like she was never there!


     I see… she didn’t just use her sword to escape, but also its bag…
     Owari-san said she was just like a ninja, but that’s such a cheap way of describing her technique…

     It was a unique stunt possible only for Pekoyama-san, a Super High-school Level Swordswoman who’s never without her sword!

     But still… It’s such a shame… If she’d only asked for my cooperation, we could probably have come up with a much better plan…

     Gaaaah, keep it to yourself, will you?!


     U…Um… is it true…? Did… Pekoyama-san really kill…?

     W…Wait a second…! You’re just making this all up!

     Y…You don’t have any proof! If there’s no proof, I’ll never accept it!
     Do you get it, bastards?!!



    Enough. To keep resisting would be in bad form.


    Did she just… confess?

    Did she just confess to being the culprit?

    But… she did it so matter-of-factly. Is… Is that it?

    Kuzuryuu just keeps trying to deny it for some reason, but the person accused just gives up so easily…?

     Truly, the cherry blossom among flowers and the samurai among men… At the very least, I’ll not deny her gallantry.

     Very well! This confession brings our proceedings to a close! Let us begin the vote!

     Yes… Let’s get it over with.

     Ah, wait a second. There’s something I want to ask first.

     …Can’t it wait until after the vote?

     But it’s important, and very relevant… I want to know about your motive, Pekoyama-san.


     You don’t have anything to do with Twilight Syndrome Murder Mystery, do you?

     So… why did you kill Koizumi-san?

     Heh. Is that what this is about…? Very well. Here’s what I have to say…

     I have a noble cause… you see.


     N…Noble cause?

     It was all for the sake of… justice.



     I do not dirty my hands over meaningless personal grudges…
     I kill for one purpose, and one purpose only…

     …For justice!

     W…What… are you talking about…?

     Justice is the glorious virtue that sets humanity apart… We all bask in its radiant light.
     Justice is the everlasting sun… the immortal moon… our vigilant Father, our kindly Mother…

     H…Hello…? Peko-chan…? Are you there?

     Should justice disappear from this world…

     All would be plunged into the cold darkness, joy and laughter gone forever…!

     I… must never allow that to happen!

     That’s enough… stop it…!

     The light of justice must endure, to guide us on our way!

     I…I told you to stop!

     That is why I fight! I fight for justice!

     I…Is this…?!

     The time has come to don this mask, imbued with the very essence of justice, and lay bare the ugly entrails of evil…

     Jus ・ tice ・ Com ・ plete!

     Piercing the very night itself with the shining light of justice’s brightest star!

     Call me Kirakira-chan! (`⌒´)

     Let’s conduct some justice, shall we?! (`∀´) 


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