The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P8

Super High-school Level Update #74

  1. Ready for anything, I cautiously opened the door…

     Re: Junk Food for a Dashing Youth

     Nice to have met you!

     Get it? Ibuki used the perfect tense to describe an event that’s already taken place!
     Mioda… What is it this time…?

     Let Ibuki deeply apologise for this surprise visit…

     Ibuki’s vewwy vewwy sowwy!
     Well, I guess I should be thankful you didn’t just break in… again.

     Jeez, you sure can hold a grudge, Hajime-chan! Ibuki’s ears are burning… her joints, too!

    …No, that’s probably just gout.

     …So? What do you want?

     Um… Ibuki has special invitations for everyone! …For some reason!

     Here’s yours!

    Wow… what’s with this handwriting? Looks like someone’s trying a bit too hard…

     Um… “A welcome back party for Kuzuryuu, tonight at 9:00, at the Titty Typhoon”?
     What the hell? Is Monobear up to something again?

     That’s rude! Ibuki’s nothing like Monobear!
     …So you’re up to something?

     W…Well… how should Ibuki put it… S…She’s not really sure…
     Ibuki’s just here… to deliver this invitation. That’s all…

    Yep. It’s all her.

     Well, Ibuki still has lots of preparations to make! See you around!

    Music fades out

    Definitely all her.

    The Titty Typhoon… That’s the music club on the third island, right?

    Wait, 9 o'clock…? That’s in half an hour!

    Still… a welcome back party for Kuzuryuu? Is this… really a good time for that…?
    The guy stabbed himself in the stomach this morning… Will he even be able to attend?

     Hmm… at least her heart’s in the right place. Maybe I should at least show up…

    Party time! (Again)

     Beautiful Ruin

     Komaeda… Did Mioda invite you too?

     Yep. It was a great honor. But, see, since this party is for Kuzuryuu-kun’s return…

     …I think it would be very impudent of me to go in ahead of everyone else.

     So don’t worry about me, Hinata-kun. Go on ahead.

    …I wasn’t planning on worrying.

     Hmhmhm… The constellations are aligned, and the banquet set to begin…

     Fwahahaha! All is in readiness!

     Let this ceremony of darkness begin!

    On second thoughts, I’ll just leave him be.

    There were already several people inside the club when I entered, including…

     K…Kuzuryuu?! You’re here?!

     Why? Do you hate me that much?
     That’s not what I meant… Is it okay for you to move about?

     …Yeah. It was nothing.

     I…It wasn’t nothing! No one should have that many wounds!

     Besides… I was invited to a party. I couldn’t just refuse.

     I understand perfectly how you feel, but… in your situation, you mustn’t overexert yourself!

     It’s not that bad, really…

     Fine. Do as you please.


     Just let him be. After all, the yakuza value endurance.


    It’s funny… Before, he wouldn’t be seen dead at a party, no matter how many people invited him…

    But now… even in his wounded state, he made an effort to come…

    I guess he’s doing his best to change… in his own way.

     Saionji-san isn’t coming, though, right?

     …So it seems.

     Owari-san isn’t here either.

     Mu. What is that shrew up to? I just hope it’s not something reckless…


    Music fades out

    * flash *

     …Oh, my!

    The stage lights flared on, and a figure walked into view…

     Beautiful Days [Piano Arrange]

     Thanks for coming this evening! The name’s Ibuki Mioda!
     You know? Ibuki can make really good nikujaga.
     Ha ha, homelier than you expected, huh? Ibuki gets that a lot.

    Nikujaga is a staple Japanese winter dish of stewed meat and potatoes. It’s one of those dishes you’re more likely to find in homes rather than in a restaurant. It’s easy to make and really good, so go look up a recipe!

     Tonight, Ibuki’s going to sing her heart out to lift everyone’s spirits! Time to get excited, everyone!

    So that’s what this was all about…

    I guess this was inevitable. If you give a Super High-school Level Light Music Club Member an actual music club, there’s only so many possible outcomes.

     Let’s get straight to the first song!
     Here we go – “Let My Feelings Reach You Too!”

    They say her girl band was poised to take the world by storm…

    …This might actually not be bad!

     Let My Feelings Reach You Too

    Observant readers may have noticed the game letting us skip Ibuki’s performance by pushing the triangle button. We are not doing that. No, the proper way to enjoy this LP is to click the music link above and listen to it from start to finish while looking at the screen image before scrolling down and continuing reading. Here – I’ll even provide a handy gap to prevent accidental scrolling.

    I listened twice!

     Thank you, thank you!

     Re: Junk Food for a Dashing Youth


     W…What foul sorcery…! The Four Dark Gods of Destruction can endure no more!

     I…I feel a chill, too…!

     I thought it was going to be a soothing love song! It’s called “Let My Feelings Reach You Too”!
     U…Um… What was the reason Mioda broke up with her band…?

     It was… “creative differences”… wasn’t it?

    That explains so much.

    Music stops

     Yaaaaay! That was amazing! I’ve never heard such a great song in my life!

     Beautiful Ruin

     Ah, you came after all?

     I…Is that so strange…? I was invited, wasn’t I…?

     But… this is Kuzuryuu-san’s welcome back party… So, if you’re here…
     Does that mean you’ve…?


     D…Don’t be stupid… It’s not like I can forgive him that easily…

     He’s yakuza, isn’t he? Deceiving and exploiting people’s just what his lot does.
     It’s so obvious his regrets are fake. He’s just trying to deceive us!

     …That can’t be true.

     But it’s natural she’d think that way…

     Yep, it’s natural. So remember, we don’t trust you.
     Do you get it? This is not a reconciliation. I’m just going to work with you while we’re stuck on this island.


     Just keep in mind… when worst comes to worst, you’re the first one we’re throwing to the wolves.


     I can accept that…

     Uyuu… Thank god… Oh, thank god…

     Don’t you dare cry! Pigs like you have no right to! It’s gross!

    Looks like it’s not just Kuzuryuu who’s trying to change…

    She is too.

    Just a short while ago, she would never have forgiven Kuzuryuu, even in the strange way she did just now.

     Hey, what are you looking at?

    Somehow… I feel I can see hints of a brighter future. Even if only faintly…
    But… that just makes our biggest problem even more worrying.


    When he sees us like this… what will he do? Somehow, I don’t think he’d just leave us alone…

     So, how long are we going to keep being gloomy?! We’re here to party, aren’t we?!

     C'mon, big sis Mioda! I want another song!

     Roger! Let’s move straight on to the second song!
     …What? There’s more?
     Since this turned into a real welcome back party, Ibuki has a special ballad for this special occasion…
     Here we go, our next song: “I Had Fun Giving Birth But I Don’t Know Who the Father Is”!

     E - N - O - U - G - H!!

     Miss Monomi’s Practice Lesson

     W…Wait! What are you doing, everyone?!
     Whoa! Monomi!

     Hey, don’t interfere! We were having such a nice party until you showed up!

     A party…? But no one invited me…

     Kyahahaha! Of course not! Why would we just ruin the party like that?

     Sniff… I’ve been wejected…

     …Wait! Now’s not the time for that!
     This is not the time for partying!
     D…Did something happen?

     I…It’s Owari-san… Owari-san just…

     Owari-san just challenged Monobear to a duel!

    Special addendum: Let’s sing along with Ibuki!

    “Let My Feelings Reach You Too!” Words/Music/Vocals: Ibuki Mioda
    “Kimi ni mo Todoke!”

    Anata ni okutta kyouhakujou                 I sent you a threatening letter
    Aburimoji de I LOVE YOU                     And added "I LOVE YOU" in invisible ink
    Dakedo anata ni wa todokanai                But it doesn't reach you.
    Ushi no kokumairi no waraningyou            The straw doll I prepared in the hour of the Ox
    Watashi wo mite waratteru                   Is looking at me, laughing
    Kerakerakerakera waratteru                  Cackling, cackling, cackling and laughing.
    Omune ni sashita gosunkugi                  I thrust a spike into its chest
    Kanazuchi nigitte konkonkon                 A hammer in my hand, and bang bang bang
    Zamaa miro to konkonkon                     Serves you right! Bang bang bang
    Kon kon kon                                 Bang. Bang. Bang.
    Chimoji de kaita kon'intodoke               I signed our marriage registration with letters of blood
    Konya posuto ni iremashita                  And put it in your mailbox tonight.
    Ano yo de kyoshiki wo okonaimashou          Let's have the ceremony in that other world
    Okonaimashou okonaimashou                   Let's have it. Let's have it.
    Todoke todoke kono omoi                     Let my feelings reach.
    Kimi ni mo todoke kono omoi                 Let my feelings reach you too.
    For some context on those deep lyrics, read this article. In fact, read it anyway. It’s fascinating stuff.

    Your tireless amateur localization editor has gone above and beyond the call of duty and attempted to, er, localize the song so it maintains something that kinda resembles a rhyming scheme and meter and everything.

    Disclaimer: I am so, totally, utterly out of my depth here.

    Second Disclaimer: This version replaces most of Ibuki’s 1/16ths with 1/12ths.

    The letter I sent you expressing my rage,
    confessing my love on the back of the page,
    has disappeared, never to reach your hands.
    In the hour of the Ox, at a shinboku tree,
    a doll with your face looks up at me,
    and laughs, and laughs, and laughs.

    I hold a spike firmly in the middle of the chest,
    I draw back the hammer and bang bang bang,
    You bought this on yourself. Bang bang bang.
    Bang! Bang! Bang!

    Our marriage is sealed, the vows have been planned,
    they’re written in blood and delivered by hand,
    the ceremony to be held in that other world.
    In that other world. In that other world.
    Let my feelings reach,
    Let my feelings reach you too.


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