The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P13

  1. Super High-school Level Update #79

     Re: Despair-Syndrome


    …I woke up.

    …Was I asleep?

    Let’s see… We all split up, and then… I discussed the situation with Kuzuryuu, and we decided to take turns resting…
    …Oh, right. This is a disused ward on the hospital’s second floor. I came here to take my break.

    I must’ve just closed my eyes for a minute… It’s been so long since I had a good night’s sleep…

    Well, that’s all well and good, but…
    …Why does my body feel so heavy?

    Heavy, and…

    There’s something… soft… Almost like…

     Re: Junk Food for a Dashing Youth

     …I…I can’t breathe?!!
     Hmmmmm… Zzzzzzzz…
     Gack…! Tsumiki?!
     Afuu… It tickles…!
     Gahh… G…Get off me… I…I can’t breathe…!
     Funyuu… Y…You can’t…! Don’t tickle me like that, please…!
     …Um, huh?
     Hawawawa! H…Hinata-san?!

     Something’s wrong, Hinata-san! You’ve got a terrible case of cyanosis! Your face is completely blue!
     Hinata-san! Can you hear me?! Stay with me!!

    Music fades out

    Tsumiki finally got away from me, and started shaking me with both her hands…

    Somehow, my consciousness managed to find its way back from wherever it was disappearing to.


     Beautiful Ruin

     Hinata-san! Are you awake?!

     Oh thank god! I thought you had died…!
     I…I thought the same… I really felt I was slipping away…!

     I…I’m sorry… I wanted to take a rest but you were already on the bed…
     And your solution was to get on top of me?!

     Um… how about next time I’ll be on the bottom?
     …That’s not the problem!

     What the hell are you two doing…?
     This isn’t what it looks like…

     Don’t tell me… you two were sleeping together?!

     Y…You dirty bastard! You two are just high school kids!!
     I told you, this isn’t what it looks like!

     Never mind. There’s no time for that! Something’s wrong with Komaeda!
     Something’s wrong…? What?
     I peeked into his room just now… It doesn’t look like he’s breathing…!


     Re: Weekly Shonen Despair Magazine

     T…That’s bad! I can’t be taking a rest at a time like this!!

    Tsumiki jumped off the bed in panic, and ran out of the room, flapping about.

     What the hell are you doing, bent over like that?! We have to go too!
     I…I’m not bent over!

    Kuzuryuu and I ran after Tsumiki to Komaeda’s room.

     K…Komaeda-san! Stay with us!

    Tsumiki’s pleading had no effect – Komaeda wasn’t responding at all.

     He can’t be dead, can he? I mean, we haven’t heard a body discovery announcement…

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

     Oooh… oooh…! Is it time yet?!

     Re: Weekly Shonen Despair Magazine

     Dammit… just can’t wait, can he…

     But this really does look bad…

     Tsumiki… Is he alright?

     Well… he’s breathing again, at least…

     But… that’s just a small comfort… in his current state, I can’t predict whether he’ll survive or not.

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

     How small a comfort is it? Would you say… tub of ice cream at midnight comfort?

     ‘Cause that’s quite a big comfort, if you ask me!

     Beautiful Ruin

     Please don’t interfere right now!

     Hey… did Komaeda’s mouth just move?
     You’re right… Maybe he’s trying to say something?

     What is it, Komaeda-san?!

    Still yelling, Tsumiki moved her ear right next to Komaeda’s mouth.

     …What did he say?

     He says he’s feeling extremely healthy… fit and ready to go.
     Um… Monobear said he has the “lying fever”, didn’t he…?
     That means… he must be feeling pretty bad.

     What’s going to happen if he really does die? There wouldn’t be a school trial… would there…?

     Please don’t say that! It’s bad luck!

     Komaeda-san will definitely not die! I’m going to save him, whatever it takes!

     Yeah, I get it. His life is in your hands, so get to it.


    Tsumiki quickly returned to Komaeda’s bedside, looking more determined than I’d ever seen her.

     Let’s not stay here… we’d just get in her way.

     Follow me, then.
     There was a delivery while you were… resting. I have to show it to you.

    A “delivery”? I can’t help but find that ominous…

     Let’s go. It’s in the lobby.

    But before we go there, let’s check on our other patients. They’re in the other rooms on the hospital’s ground floor.

     Did you come all the way here just to visit me? I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sir!
     S…Should you be up? You should get back in bed and rest.

     I appreciate your concern, Sir! I shall do as you suggest, and get some proper rest!

    Mioda doesn’t seem as sick as Komaeda… Maybe everyone’s fever has different levels of severity as well as different symptoms?

     Sob… I’m scared… I don’t wanna be in the hospital…
     Waaaaaaah… I wanna go hoooome…!
     I…It’s going to be okay. Kuzuryuu and I are here, so don’t cry.
     Sniff… sniff…

    Seeing Owari crying like that… it’s… it’s wrong.

    Now, on to the lobby.

     So… where’s this “delivery”?
     Take a look at the reception counter.

    The counter…?

    Is… is that it? It looks like a camera and monitor set.

     So… what does it do?

     We’re right on time. See? The blue light’s flashing.
     Does… something happen when it does?
     Go see for yourself. Try pushing the button under the light.
     …This button right here?

    I pushed the switch as instructed, and then…

     Yo! That you, Hinata?!

     Heh heh. I read you loud and clear! Seems the connection’s working perfectly!
     Souda…? So, is this…?

     Yeah, it is.
     This is the communication method we were talking about.

     S’about time for this Super High-school Level Mechanic to get some respect around here!
     Pretty cool, right? I got it done all by myself, y'know!

     The whole thing’s built from stuff I found in those creepy old electronics shops.
     These started out as home security stuff… cameras, monitors, and all that… I just tinkered with ‘em a bit and…

     Well, the gist of it is, we got ourselves video chat! Well, sort of.
     Video chat, huh?
     With this, we can talk to the others without worrying about the fever spreading.

     Anyway, it’s not perfect, but at least we can talk to each other now!
     Well, this time’s just a test… I guess that’s enough for now.

     See ya later!

     He brought it over here while you were… resting.

     He said the set he used includes a security camera and a monitor.
     Whatever the camera shoots gets displayed wirelessly on the monitor.
     So, he found two of those sets and just switched the cameras between them.
     Oh, I get it. By switching the cameras, we can see them on our monitor.
     He also had to modify them a bit… They were for home use, so they didn’t have very strong signals… So he had to boost it a little.

     Still… there’s a limit. He couldn’t get the signal all the way from the hospital to the motel.
     Wait… doesn’t that mean we can’t speak directly to the motel?

     Didn’t you notice? Souda wasn’t at the motel just now. The call came from the music club, right next to it.
     Seems like that distance works just fine.
     But, aren’t they all staying at the motel? What do we do if we need to communicate?

     Yeah, that’s what I thought too. So we came up with a plan…
     Every morning and evening, 30 minutes after Monobear’s announcement, we’ll use the monitors to talk to the other group.

     We’re going to start tomorrow morning, so don’t oversleep.

    Heh… From yakuza heir to quarantine chief… I guess when you’ve had an upbringing like his, you learn to take command in any situation…

     Hm? Why are you looking at me like that?
     It’s nothing…

    * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…
     It is now 10pm.
     Please rest peacefully, along with the soothing sound of the waves.
     Well then, pleasant dreams. Goodnight…

     It’s getting late. We have to decide where we’re going to sleep…

     Well, you’ve already decided, haven’t you? Gonna spend the night in a certain ward with a certain someone, right?
     I thought I told you… it’s a misunderstanding…

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

     Hey, hey, hey… I don’t think you’ve thought this through!

     A hospital is a place for sick people. It’s not an inn or a boutique hotel!
     W…What the hell?

     Sigh… kids today… do you even bother checking bulletin boards anymore?

     See the one right over there?! There’s a notice pasted on it, isn’t there?!

    A notice…?

    Is that what he’s talking about?

    “Hospital Rules:

    Eating and drinking are not permitted within the hospital.
    Staying overnight is not permitted, except for patients and necessary care staff.”

     Perfectly standard procedures for a hospital! You can’t stay here!

     Can’t we be considered “necessary care staff”, though?

     Oh, because Komaeda-kun’s so close to death?

     Fine, I’ll allow one person to stay here! Everyone else has to leave, right now!

     Beautiful Ruin

     What the hell…? He should’ve mentioned these rules from the start!
     If only one of us can stay here… I guess it’ll have to be Tsumiki, won’t it? She’s the only one who can really care for them…

     Well, it can’t be helped. I guess the two of us are going back to the hotel for the night.
     Yeah. I doubt we could really help much even if we stayed…

    After explaining the situation to Tsumiki, Kuzuryuu and I went back to the hotel.

    This is such a large hotel… and only the two of us are in it right now.

    That’s… unsettling.

    Well, I guess our friends getting sick and being quarantined is pretty unsettling too.

    …Ugh. No point dwelling on it, I guess…

     Right. Tomorrow I’ll head back to the hospital as soon as I wake up. It’s bad enough that we had to leave Tsumiki alone in there…
     But right now, it’s time for bed.

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

    Monobear Theater

     Good evening. It’s time for Monobear’s Cooking Classroom.
     Today we’re going to make Taiyaki. First, here’s the necessary equipment:
     One time machine.
     Travel to the Meiji era, and go meet a certain man called Seijiro Kanbe.
     He is trying to sell Imagawayaki molded in the shape of a turtle, but unfortunately they don’t do very well.
     Pay attention here - this is easy to mess up. Go up to him and console him in his moment of deep despondency.
     Then, with a serious look in your eyes, suggest he mold them in the shape of a bream fish, known for its high price those days.
     Once you do, he should return to high spirits and start baking fish-shaped Imagawayaki.
     Your last step should be naming those confections “Taiyaki”…
     …And with that, you’re done! Enjoy your delicious Taiyaki!
     This has been Monobear’s Cooking Classroom.

    This has been a perfectly accurate description of the genesis of Taiyaki.

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