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The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 Chapter 2 Trial #3

Super High-school Level Update #59
  1. Trial 6 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 6 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     Cease your incoherent blabbering at once, fiend, or I shall dismember you on the spot!

     G…Give her a break! She’s from a different culture… It’s just her culture shock speaking or something!

     Saionji, it’s time to act responsibly and confess! Your unwillingness to accept your defeat is getting ugly!!

     Your face is ugly!

     I’m not the culprit at all! Why doesn’t anyone get it?!


    Saionji is certainly suspicious… But… something’s not right here.

    For some reason, this story is… hard to swallow.

    It’s all… Well… It’s all a bit too tidy, as if someone is manipulating us. There’s got to be more to this…

    Phase 5 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 5 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence Bullets: The Culprit’s Escape Route / Bag of Gummies / Footprints on the Beach / Trash Can / Yellow Gummy

    It is time for us to render our verdict…

    The culprit we seek is Hiyoko Saionji!

    I told you, it’s a trap!
    (You should just admit your guilt.)
    (This trial heralds your downfall…)

    You went to the beach house…

    That much is certain, isn’t it?

    B…But, I…

    It’s also clear that you hid in the closet.

    That’s when you dropped that gummy, after all!
    (But I don’t know anything about gummies!)
    (No one’s buying that, y'know!)

    Then, after you got your chance and killed Koizumi…

    …You ran out of the beach house!

    At that time, the tunnel-side door was…

    …It was blocked by Koizumi-san’s body
    (But, how did Saionji…)
    (…How did she get the body over there…?)

    …So she had no choice but to go through the beach-side door…

    That’s why she left those footprints!
    (There was only one set of footprints…)
    (She can’t talk her way out of this one!)

    Everyone’s suspecting Saionji, but…

    …Is that really what happened?

    There is one thing that doesn’t quite match…

    Evidence Bullet: Bag of Gummies
    That’s when you dropped that gummy, after all!


    Trial 7 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 7 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     That piece of gummy… Was it really Saionji who dropped it?

     Heh. That midget’s the only one here who still eats those things… despite her age.

     Y…You’re a midget too! You must be lying awake every night worrying about your height!

     Saionji certainly likes eating gummies, but… she’s very… particular… about the type of gummies she eats.

     Strawberry, melon, grape and orange… You only eat those four flavors, don’t you?

     Huh? But, what about lemon…?

     I mean… the piece that was at the crime scene was yellow… it looked like it was lemon-flavored…

     Huh? The gummy was yellow?

     It’s not mine! I never eat yellow gummies!


     She’s not lying… She had bags of gummies stockpiled in her cottage, but there wasn’t a single yellow gummy in sight…

     So, we can’t be certain it was Saionji who dropped that piece of gummy, can we?

     S…See?! It’s a trap after all!

     Dammit… who’d set a trap like that for me…?

     I’ll have my revenge! I’ll pinch their forehead so hard their skull will collapse!

     Just a second, shithead!! Do you really think you can escape suspicion just because of a stupid piece of gummy?!
     Don’t fuck with me! You’re not getting out of this so easily!

    Phase 6 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 6 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence Bullets: Bag of Gummies / Tsumiki’s Autopsy Report / Footprints on the Beach / Yellow Gummy / Barred Window

    Saionji isn’t clear of suspicion yet!

    The biggest piece of evidence against her still stands!
    (Oh, that.)

    You mean the footprints in front of the beach house?

    That is most certainly an important piece of evidence…

    …And it’s all thanks to Koizumi that we have it!!
    (We have Mahiru-chan to thank for that…?)

    What do you mean, “thanks to Koizumi”?
    (She sure is slow…)

    Koizumi used the last bit of her strength

    She blocked the tunnel-side door, and so…

    That piece of evidence was born!
    (Oh, so that’s what it’s all about!)
    (Was it really Koizumi-san…? I wonder…)

    Y…You’re wrong…

    I left those footprints during my morning walk!
    (No one’s buying that, y'know!)

    What’s right and what’s wrong…? I have to find out.

    I think you all know what’s right and what’s wrong.

    Evidence Bullet: Tsumiki’s Autopsy Report
    Koizumi used the last bit of her strength


    Trial 8 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 8 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     No, it can’t have been Koizumi who blocked the door. I mean… didn’t she die instantly?

     S…She did?

     According to my examination… yes, it was undoubtedly an instant death.

     I…If I find out you’ve done a half-assed job, you’ll have an instant death!

     Hyaaa! I…I’m sorry!

     Kuzuryuu-san, that’s no good. Threatening women is a cowardly act.

     It’s probably true that her death was instantaneous, though. It was caused by just a single blow.
     Which means it wasn’t her who blocked the tunnel-side door. Someone else used her body to block it.

     S…Someone else…? Who…?

     …The culprit, of course. The culprit blocked the door with Koizumi’s corpse.

     The body being dragged was probably what left all that blood on the floor.

     But, why would the culprit block the door?

     If we really want to know, we can just ask the culprit! I mean, it was clearly Saionji!

     I…I told you, I’m not…!

     If Saionji is the culprit… that would also make her the one who pulled the body up to the door, right?

     With all the blood that was left at the scene… I think whoever moved the body would end up with blood all over them.

     Huh? But, when I saw her, there…

     …There wasn’t a spot on her!

     See?! I’m not the culprit!

     Yaaaaay! That proves I’m not guilty once and for all!


     T…This proves nothing!

     Kuzuryuu… why do you keep insisting Saionji is the culprit?

     S…Shut up! I’m telling you, she’s the culprit! She must be!

    Phase 7 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 7 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence Blades: Barred Window / Tsumiki’s Autopsy Report / Footprints on the Beach / Metal Bat / Shower Room

    If it wasn’t Koizumi who blocked the door…

    …That means Saionji did it!

    Saionji killed Koizumi…

    …and moved her body to block the door.

    Who else can it even be but her?!


     If Saionji moved the body…

     …She should have had blood all over her!

    Why are you so sure of that, retard?!

    There’s a shower in that beach house…

    All she’d have had to do about the blood…

    Was wash it off in the shower!

    And we know Saionji was in the beach house…

    …Because of the footprints on the beach!

    Get it, asshole?!

    It seems Kuzuryuu wasn’t paying much attention to the beach house…

    Which means, I’m going to have to show him what he missed!

     Shower Room
    Was to wash it away in the shower!


    Trial 9 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 9 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     No, she can’t have used the shower. After all… the shower is still under repairs!

     I…It is?

     I’m sowwy… I couldn’t fix it in time…

     So… maybe she took her clothes off before she moved the body? And then, after she was done, she put them back on…

     W…Why would I ever do such a perverted thing?!

    Did Saionji take off her clothes before moving the body…? No, that’s also impossible.

    She can’t put on her clothes alone / Her clothes are glued to her body / She wasn’t wearing any clothes / She can’t take her clothes off alone

    THAT’S IT!

     Listen, Kuzuryuu… Remember what Saionji told us before?

    I…I can’t help it… I can’t tie my kimono’s obi by myself…

     In other words… If Saionji had taken her clothes off, she wouldn’t have been able to put them on again.

     W…What the…!

     Now I remember! She couldn’t tie her obi by herself! She even skipped showers and got all stinky!

     I…I wasn’t stinky… I just smelled a little…

     Ah. Isn’t it also forbidden to change in the beach house in the first place?

     Yep! If someone bwoke the wules, I don’t think Monobear would let them get away with it…

     Of course! Even the handlers at the safari park knew not to break any rules around me!

     So if we lose the clothes changing trick, how did Hiyoko-chan get rid of all the blood on her?!

     I didn’t have any on me in the first place! I never touched big sis’ body!

     Hey, if we follow this line of thought… isn’t the one who did have blood all over her suspicious?

     When she came to meet us before the beach party… Owari was drenched with blood, wasn’t she?

     That was from my big fight with ol’ man Nidai!

     I can vouch for that. She wouldn’t give up until she was hurt that bad!

     Hah… Cheeky, Souda, cheeky…

     Right! When we’re done here, I’m gonna make sure you can’t lift your cheeks off the ground!

     This is gonna be so cool!

     What?! No it won’t!

     Hey, forget that… I’m cleared, right?
     Do we all agree I’m not the culprit now?

     Yeah, so it seems.

     Didn’t I say so from the very beginning…? I’d never kill big sis Koizumi…

     She showed me how to tie my obi… She was so nice to me…

     Why would I ever kill her?! Why did it take you so long to get it?!
     You’re all stupid! Stupid stupid stupid stupid!

     Saionji-san… please don’t cry. Everything’s alright now, right?

     Shut up, ugly pig! I hope you die of deep-set nail complications!

     Hiii! I’m sorry for being an ugly pig!


    Nevertheless… Kuzuryuu’s certainly been acting strange…

    He got so excited, insisting Saionji is suspicious…

    Perhaps… he had some other purpose in doing that…?

     Hey, Saionji-san… Now that no one is suspecting you anymore, how about telling us the truth?


     You may not be the culprit… but you did go to the beach house, didn’t you?

     I…I told you… it was a trap…!

     Yeah, yeah, we know… So how about you tell us what the trap was, exactly?

     I want to know as well… Perhaps it can give us some sort of hint…!

     O…Okay… All I have to do is tell you, right?

     You see… This morning big sis Koizumi came to see me.
     She wanted us to meet with some other people later…

     Huh? But didn’t you tell a completely different story earlier?

    Kyahahaha! She didn’t! She never did!
    Well, this sure is shocking! I never thought you’d ask such a simple question!

     Was that all a big lie, you little brat?!

     I…I thought you’d all suspect me if I told the truth… That’s why I kept quiet…

     And so… how did you respond to Koizumi’s invitation?

     I told her I’d be there. Not like I had any reason to refuse.

     Big sis Koizumi wasn’t like the rest of you… I wasn’t embarrassed when I was with her…

     Doesn’t know when to stop, does she…?

     When we first talked, we agreed to meet at 2 in the afternoon, but…
     Around noon, I found a letter in my mailbox.

     …A letter?

     Yeah. Here it is…

    “I wanted to tell you directly, but I couldn’t find you so I’m putting this in your mailbox.
    Regarding what we talked about earlier, I think I want to change the location…
    I want you to come to the beach house on the second island. We can keep the original time, 2 o'clock.
    I think there are people who want to interfere with our meeting.
    So, let’s keep this a secret, and try to avoid each other before we get there.
    It would be bad if we’re found out.

    - Mahiru Koizumi”

    Evidence Bullet Get posted:

    Letter Carried by Saionji

    A letter Saionji found in her mailbox.

    “I wanted to tell you directly, but I couldn’t find you so I’m putting this in your mailbox.
    Regarding what we talked about earlier, how about we change the location?
    I want you to come to the beach house on the second island. We can keep the original time, 2 o'clock.
    I think there are people who want to interfere with our meeting.
    So, let’s keep this a secret, and try to avoid each other before we get there.
    It would be bad if we’re found out.

    - Mahiru Koizumi”

     After reading this letter… I went to the beach house at 2 o’clock, like we agreed…

    Wait… Doesn’t this letter contradict another piece of evidence?

    Letter Carried by Koizumi

    THAT’S IT!

     Doesn’t this letter contradict the one Koizumi had?

    “Regarding what we talked about earlier, how about we change the time and the location?
    Let’s make it 2:30 at the beach house on the second island.”

     In Koizumi’s letter, the meeting time was 2:30. But, in the one Saionji got…

    “Regarding what we talked about earlier, I think I want to change the location…
    I want you to come to the beach house on the second island. We can keep the original time, 2 o'clock.”

     Wha! The meeting times don’t match at all!

     Besides, it’s strange that both letters talk about wanting to change the meeting location.
     If just one of them said it, it would be one thing, but for both of them to say the same thing…

     H…Hiyoko-chan! You wrote Mahiru-chan’s letter! What do you think?!

     I told you, I never wrote any letter! How many times do I have to repeat it?!

    The letter must be fake, planted by the culprit. It has to be, but…

    But… which is the fake one?

    Saionji’s letter / Koizumi’s letter / Both of them / Neither of them

    THAT’S IT!

     Both letters… must be fakes, sent by the culprit…

     The culprit tried to control both Koizumi and Saionji’s actions… Yeah, that sounds about right.

     Yes, that certainly seems to be the case. In fact, if we compare the two letters…

     Yes! The handwriting is exactly the same! The content is also a very close match!

     “I wanted to tell you directly, but I couldn’t find you so I’m putting this in your mailbox”…
     “I think there are people who want to interfere with our meeting”…
     “So, let’s keep this a secret, and try to avoid each other before we get there”… and so on.

     S…So both letters were faked by the culprit…

     And so, the two girls were set dancing to the whims of our unseen puppetmaster…

     H…How could I let myself be tricked so easily… by the culprit who killed big sis Koizumi…

     Waaaaaaaaaaaah! It’s not faaair! Gimme back my big sis!!

     She’s right… This is so very unfair…
     I kept asking you to, but the culprit didn’t even come to consult with me…

     It’s me who’s at fault here, of course! My pitiful unreliability was the problem!

     The moment we lower our guards he’s back to that!

     …Hey! Can I punch him this time?!

     …Anyway, Saionji went to the beach house at 2 o'clock, as directed by the letter, didn’t she?

     What’s important is what followed. What did happen in that beach house?

     Tee-hee… I fell asleep!

     How come you fell asleep?!

     It’s not like I wanted to… I think someone drugged me or something…

     Postal! Drugged?!

     I…It must have been one of the anesthetics from the pharmacy…

     I knew it was dangerous to have drugs like that out in plain sight! I thought so the moment I saw them there…

     If you thought so, why didn’t you do something?!

     Hyaaa! I…I’m sorry!

     When I woke up, I found myself stuffed in that small closet…
     And when I went out… B…Big sis Koizumi’s body was right there…

     And then, you ran out of the beach house in distress, didn’t you!

     I…I was scared… So scared… I couldn’t help myself…


     The culprit must have been trying to frame Saionji all along.
     They called her to the beach house before the victim got there, drugged her, and put her in the closet…

     They even blocked the side-door with a corpse… All to force their mark to leave through the beach.

     I…It was all to push the blame on to Saionji-san…

     It’s so unfair… I didn’t do anything bad, and yet… the culprit who took big sis Koizumi away from me…


     S…Saionji-san, please don’t cry. We all believe in you…!

     Hrmph. Are you morons actually buying this? Some fake tears are all it takes to convince you people…!

     If we keep doubting her this ordeal will never end!

     Isn’t that what the school trial is for?
     Doubt is the only defense we have down here… The only way to survive is to doubt everyone and everything…

     So, why the fuck are you suddenly all trusting each other?! Are you actually that dumb?!

     You’ve got that wrong, Kuzuryuu-kun… This isn’t a place for doubt. It’s a place for cooperation.

     The school trial is a place where everyone can cooperate to reach a common goal.

     The culprit and the rest of the students… Two conflicting hopes, fighting for the right to be realized…

     The clash of the two hopes is a wonder to behold! That is the true beauty of the school trial!

     Look, do you want us to find the culprit or not?

     I will ally with any absolute hope… Any hope strong enough to crush any despair.

     That absolute hope that lies on the other side of this clash between hopes!

     He is neither black nor white, but a creature of grey… He cares not for victory nor even his own life… so long as there is abattle.

     …Frankly, he’d be more trustworthy if he just admitted he was working for the culprit…

     Enough of this… We shouldn’t waste our time listening to him again…

     Yes… our problem is figuring out who killed Koizumi!

     There must be some new clue in Saionji’s story…

     Let’s take what she’s told us to be the truth, and discuss the mystery one more time!

     Yep, yep! A debate based on twust is the way to go!

     That’s wight! That is the wight way to do things! The wonderful power of unity!

     Take that, Monobear! We won’t just let you do as you pwease!

     Zzzzzz… Zzzzzz…

     Howawa?! He’s asleep!

     Idiots… You don’t get it, do you… Don’t you realize what happens if you act this way?

     All that’s waiting at the end is a cold, cruel reality…

    He’s not wrong… Reality is cruel sometimes, but…

    …All the same, we can’t just give up like this!

    It doesn’t matter what harsh truth awaits us at the end… we have to move forward.

    Because… if we don’t expose the culprit who killed Koizumi…

    We are all… done for.


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