The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 Chapter 2 Trial #8

  1. Super High-school Level Update #64

     Ocean Breeze Dead End

     Right! Well… that was a little unusual, but… Anyway! Mahiru Koizumi’s killer iiiiis–
     W…Wait a second…!

     –Okay, I’ll wait! I’m sorry… I’m still not really sure what to do here!

     But there’s nothin’ left to talk about! Whatever way you slice it, Pekoyama’s the killer!

     …And why is that?

     W…Whaddya mean “why”?!

     You just are! That tool business is bullshit, and you know it! You’re not a tool! You’re human!

     I would not expect you of all people to understand. You, who think you know so much about tools

     What right have you even to speak of a world unknown to you? What right has any of you?
     If you think humans cannot be tools, try telling that to all the men and women out there destined to only ever be means to an end…
     …Men and women like me.

     …What is she talking about, Kuzuryuu-kun?

     Me and… Pekoyama… We were raised together, ever since we were kids…

     So… you are what is known as “childhood friends”?

     No. That is something else entirely.
     I was abandoned by my parents not long after I was born… and was picked up by the Kuzuryuu family.

     I was saved for one and only one purpose… to be the property of the young master.


    Music fades out

     In short… the family gave her to me so she could serve as my hitman.

     Re: Desire for Execution

     I was to be the young master’s sword… and his shield. I am bound to take whichever lives he wishes taken… and to protect him with my own.
     That is the sole purpose of my very existence.
     Before I am a human being, I am the young master’s tool.
     And as long as I draw breath, I will fulfil that purpose!

     B…But, that’s not right… You aren’t a tool, Pekoyama-san.
     I mean… if that’s all you are…

     Then… what of all the time we spent together until now?!

     …What of it?


     It was all an act… And all at the young master’s request.

     “Our relationship up ‘til now never happened, got it?” “From now on, you’re just a regular school girl.”
     That was what the young master said to me upon our arrival.

     So, at his bidding, you hid your dark past…?

     No. It wasn’t just since coming to this island…
     The young master has always prefered our relationship to be a secret…
     He has always despised relying on his family’s power…
     And so, he despised me, the tool they provided him…


     Nevertheless… I am a simple tool for killing.
     When the young master is intent on murder… It is my duty to carry it out.
     So… then… you weren’t behind the plan to kill Koizumi after all?
     …It really was Kuzuryuu?

     H…How could I not…?
     As soon as I finished that game… I was handed those photos…

     Shit… I didn’t understand what was going on… Why was my sister in that picture…?

     Why was she all covered in blood?!
     But, I didn’t get it! I couldn’t remember anything!
     How could my sister be dead without me knowing?!

     So… to verify it… you sent the photos to Koizumi-san…

     Yeah… I sent her the photos. I wanted to know…
     But… she didn’t reply or write back… Instead, she started avoiding me…

     She… must have also been confused… I mean, we all are…
     Before we appeared in the game… we didn’t even know about that murder…
     So… I think she couldn’t just accept that she was involved in something like that…

     Um, when Mahiru-chan came visiting Ibuki this morning, you know what she said?

    Ah, sorry! Ibuki already has plans to go to a beach party with everyone today…

    …Wait, huh? Aren’t you coming too, Mahiru-chan?
    If you wanna talk, we can talk there, right?

    Um, it’s not an easy conversation, see… And also, I’d hate to involve the others…

    That sounds… serious.

    Serious, huh…? It’s just that… I’m useless on my own so I thought we could work through this together…

    I mean, if I have to atone then I will, but… I’m not exactly sure how…

    It is serious! Maybe we should just cancel the party!

    N…No, it’s fine. It’s important we get to know each other better, too…
    I’ll… just tell everyone I’m not feeling well…
    Besides… it’s not like we have to talk today.

    There’s always… tomorrow…

     She… wanted to discuss how to atone for what she’d done… But only Saionji-san agreed to come along…

     Ibuki really should’ve gone too…

     But it turned out to be very convenient for Kuzuryuu-kun, didn’t it?
     It was the perfect chance to use their plans against them and lure Koizumi-san to him.

     He just had to get them both to the beach house, and then frame Saionji-san.

     What?! That’s atrocious!!

     Where I come from… when someone kills one of your own… you kill them right back. That’s just… how it worked.
     My sister was killed… and the one responsible was right in front of me…

     I had no choice - I had to kill her for my sister!

     The young master devised a plan for Koizumi’s murder, and began preparing to carry it out.

     I figured the bat should be the murder weapon, since that’s what was used to get revenge on E-ko in the game…
     She would die just like my sister did… A blow to the head.
     It would be messy, and difficult to conceal… but it was worth it for revenge.

     So you copied the game… and killed Koizumi-san with a bat too…

     Still, though… I didn’t think… I was sure that game was just a work of fiction. I was sure
     And then… that girl…!

    Hey, say the game is telling the truth…
    That would mean… it was you who killed E-ko, wasn’t it?

    S…Shut up! That’s not what I’m asking you!

    What happened to your sister was tragic, sure… But…

    You didn’t have to kill too!

    J…Just shut up and answer my question! Do you remember this game or not…?!

    You didn’t have the right!
    Judging people’s sins like that… no one has the right to do that!
    Revenge… is just wrong!!

     I guess… I should be honest.
     I was… scared.
     Even after I got her alone in the beach house… I was looking for an excuse to call the whole thing off.

     And then she… blew it all off with her words…!
     I got angry… I went for the bat I had hidden under the bench…
     …And then…

    Music halts

     I was waiting nearby. The young master called me in, and had me kill Koizumi.


     Re: Despair Syndrome

     It is over, young master.

     A…Are you saying… you killed her because Kuzuryuu ordered you to?

     A tool has no will of its own. All it can do is be used.

     I…Ibuki doesn’t get this at all!

     Well, of course you don’t! Different people have different ways of life, after all.
     You were raised in very different environments. Of course it’s impossible for you understand each other.

     Everyone in the world just pretends to understand others… and that others understand them.

     Hey… you’re being too loud. Please shut up.

     Okay! Shutting up!

     After that… we proceeded according to the young master’s plan, and set up the crime scene.
     We also had a plan to use in the event that our scheme was discovered…

     We would use the story about the serial killer to make you err in your judgement.

     You took on the role of Kirakira-chan… just to hurry up the vote?

     And we fell for it…!

     That’s right… In the end, the plan was a success.
     You accused me - a mere tool - of being the culprit, instead of the young master, who was actually behind the crime.

     H…Hold it! We haven’t lost just yet!

     Yes, you have. Isn’t that so, Monobear?

     Well, the whole “Pekoyama-san is but a tool” story has its appeal, true.
     And, taking everything into consideration, the “Kuzuryuu-kun is the true culprit” theory is quite nice…

     W…Wait! Wait!!

     Oh… I get it now! Kuzuryuu-kun himself is your “hope”, Pekoyama-san, isn’t he?
     You took his place and killed Koizumi-san… Even now, you are sacrificing us in order to protect him.

     If you are prepared to go this far, he is undoubtedly your very own “hope”…!

     You are wrong. I have no hope. I am a simple…

     …A simple tool?

     Well, I don’t think I’ll get anything else out of you right now, so…

     Let’s get answers out of somebody else. What do you think, Kuzuryuu-kun?

     W…What the hell do you want…?!

     What is Pekoyama-san to you? Is she really just a tool?
     Did you simply use her to commit murder… sacrificing her and the rest of us in order to survive?

     Ocean Breeze Dead End

     Is that your “hope”?!


     W…Wait…! Why are you asking such questions?!

     Oh? You seem nervous all of a sudden. That’s peculiar… after all, you’re just a simple tool, aren’t you?

     Or maybe… could the truth really be…
     …That this whole time, you’ve been protecting Kuzuryuu-kun out of your own free will?


     Hey, Kuzuryuu-kun… Why don’t you tell us what really happened?
     She killed Koizumi-san in your place… Impersonated a serial killer in order to deceive us…
     Was she really following your orders? Is that the truth?

     I… I…


     I know you don’t exactly get on with us, but…

     Are you listening to this!? We’re all gonna die!



     Go ahead, young master… tell them the truth.
     Tell them… Tell them about your orders. That is all you have to do.


    Music fades out

     Hey, Kuzuryuu…
     I remember… what you told me before.

     All All Apologies [16bit]

    In the situation we’re in, sticking with other people just means shortening your own life span.
    Both Togami and Hanamura are proof of that. They concerned themselves with other people… and look what happened to them.
    Besides, all those dumb feelings would just get in the way when the time comes to kill!
    Y…You’re not still saying that, are you?
    Of course I am. I’m willing to sacrifice as many lives as necessary to save my own.

     You didn’t really mean that after all, did you? That’s not who you are…
     I mean, if it was…
     …You wouldn’t be standing here all lost right now. Would you?


     There is no need for hesitation, young master! Tell them the truth!
     You gave me my orders… I did what I did as your tool, nothing more!


     Kuzuryuu-kun… it is up to you. The ultimate choice, so to speak.
     Whatever you choose, you will lose Pekoyama-san. That is inevitable, but…

     If you declare yourself the true culprit, as she suggests, we will all be sacrificed and you alone will survive.

     Or, perhaps… You will choose not to accept her proposition, and fight despair with the rest of us one more time?
     Which of these is your hope? Go ahead… let us hear your answer.

     I… I…!

     It is over, young master…
     W…What the hell did you do?!
     D…Don’t you get it…? Don’t you realize what happens once you kill on this island?!
     That is exactly why I did it. I cannot let you go through it.
     Peko… don’t you remember what I told you when we got to this island…?
     I said… that our relationship until now never happened… I said we should act like regular high school classmates…
     Run away! We’ll make it look like it was my fault, just run away!!
     Young master… that is impossible.
     S…Shut up! I’m telling you not to worry about me!
     That is something… I cannot do.
     I am your tool, young master. A tool charged with keeping you safe…
     A tool without an owner… has no meaning.
     D…Didn’t you listen to me? That’s already over and done! Just do as I say!
     Even if I do, I will not get far… They are bound to see through what we did.
     S…So… why did you…?!
     I have a plan…
     …A plan?
     Don’t worry. I will keep you alive and get you off the island, young master…
     W…What do you intend to do…?
     …I am simply fulfilling my role as a tool.
     Now, run away, quickly! Saionji might wake up at any moment!
     After you leave, I will use the body to block the tunnel-side door.
     So, quickly now!
     Listen to me! Run away when you’re done! Forget about me! Forget about the Kuzuryuu family!
     …Just run away!

     How about it, Kuzuryuu? How about you tell us the truth…?
     I’m sorry, Peko… I can’t do it.

     Y…Young master!

     I mean… this… this isn’t how I want to survive… It’s pitiful…
     I’d hate myself even more, not being able to live without depending on something…

     Besides… if I just accept what you’re saying… it would mean you really are nothing but a tool.
     How many times did I tell you…? I don’t need anything from the Kuzuryuu family…

     Young master…!

     Re: Despair Syndrome

     Oh, look at that! So that’s how this ends!

     Just when I thought this would be a nice brutal murder story… How disappointing!
     When all is said and done, the whole thing was that meddlesome Pekoyama-san’s fault!

     Such a busybody can only be a real person. No way they’re a tool of any kind!


     Hey, Monobear… You knew all along, didn’t you.
     You knew exactly what happened between Pekoyama-san and Kuzuryuu-kun at the beach house…

     Of course you did… You have cameras all over the place. So, this was all just for your amusement, was it?

     Oh, no! It’s just… Well, it may just have been her last ditch effort, but Pekoyama-san’s arguments were surprisingly fun!

     Upupu… You’re the first culprit to ever try that defense, you know.

     Unfortunately, though, you actually are the culprit!
     Yes, this is our culprit! The tool with the heart of a human being, Pekoyama-san!


     Peko… I’m sorry I couldn’t go through with it…
     …Even after all the trouble you went to for me…
     But, I…

    Music stops

     …Somehow, I knew it would end up this way.


     Re: Welcome Despair Academy

     Young master… You always were far too kind a person to be a gangster…
     That’s why you always questioned your own position… That’s why you were always troubled…
     Could you really sacrifice others, and live to escape all on your own…?
     I never thought you could do it as easily as you claimed you could.

     We’ve been together since we were kids, haven’t we? After such a long time, even a tool would know as much.

     S…So… Why…?

     Why? Because I wanted you to escape.
     I wanted to protect you…


     I apologize, young master. I can’t stay by your side until the end…


     I have… caused you all a lot of trouble.
     It might sound like a selfish request, but… please forgive the young master.

     Please… do not allow any more murders…!
     O…Of course we won’t.

     Sniff… Pekoyama-san…!

     It is time, Monobear… Let’s get this over with.
     I will not fall into despair. I am but a tool. I am prepared for death.

     Upupu, you’re so cool! But can you really keep it up until your very last moment?
     The bigger they talk, the heavier their tears of despair in the end!

     Well, then! Let’s start the show!

     Young master Fuyuhiko… Would you hear one last selfish thing from me?

     I told you a million times… stop calling me “young master”…

     I want you to remember…
     I want you to remember Peko Pekoyama, the tool who was always at your side.

     …That is enough for me.

     How many times do I have to repeat it? I don’t need a tool…

     Yes… I know…

     Let’s begin! It’s time for our despair-inducing punishment!

     Honestly… Why couldn’t you ever understand…?

     This time, I’ve prepared a special punishment…

     You’ve always been there next to me, and yet you never understood…

     …for Super High-school Level Swordswoman, Peko Pekoyama!

     I… don’t need a sword, or a shield…

     I don’t need… a tool…

     You… you never had to be one…

     Let’s give it all we got!

     Why… couldn’t you have just been you

     I…I never needed a tool! All I ever needed was you!

    …Young master?

     Why?! Why couldn’t you ever see it?! We’ve been together ever since we were kids!

     Here we go! It’s punishment time!

    Music stops

     S…So, Peko! Don’t go yet…!

     Re: Desire for Execution

     I need you! Don’t leave me here alone!!

     Y…Young master?

     …Young master!!

    Abarenbo Shojo (Youtube via Polsy) 

    I’m sorry to disturb you during such an emotional time, but the title of this video, and some of the visuals within, are a reference to the very popular long running period piece, “Abarenbo Shogun” (lit. The Bold Shogun). There’s a fairly long article about it on English wikipedia, so go educate yourselves there! 


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