The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P5

Super High-school Level Update #70

  1. * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…
     Good morning, you bastards! It’s another perfect tropical day!
     Let’s enjoy it for all it’s worth!


    This is the first time in while I’ve had a good night’s sleep. It’s taken some of the weight off my shoulders…

     …Right. Time to head to the restaurant.

     Re: Beautiful Morning

     Good morning, Tsumiki.
     Ah, Hinata-san… Good morning…
     Um… It’s almost time for our daily meeting at the restaurant, isn’t it?
     Yeah, I’m just on my way there.

     Oh, thank god… I was busy taking care of Kuzuryuu-san, so I was worried I’d missed it…
     Must suck, having so much work first thing in the morning.

     I…I don’t mind at all… I mean, this is the only thing I’m good at…
     So, how’s Kuzuryuu’s condition?
     …No, wait. It’s probably better if you make your report at the restaurant, with everyone around.
     Okay! In that case, please excuse me.

    I should get going too.

     ‘Morning, Nidai.


    For heaven’s sake… First thing in the morning?

     G…Good morning!!

     GAHAHAHA! Now that’s more like it! Let your voice carry all the way to the heavens!

     Perhaps… even to Koizumi and Pekoyama’s ears.
     …Yeah… It’d be nice if they could hear us…

     I’m just a coach. Art never made much sense to me.
     But… the first time I saw Koizumi’s photographs…

     They moved even this unrefined heart! That’s how wonderful they were!
     Koizumi may not be with us any more, but I will never forget that she taught me how beautiful art can be!
     Yeah… I won’t forget her either.

     'Morning, Tanaka.

     Hmhmhm… A manservant greets his king with “‘Morning”. Your courageous heart is praiseworthy.

    Since when am I his manservant…?

     Yes… you are most bold… But not so foolish a servant as the one who laid down her life for her master two days ago…
     Huh? Are you talking about Pekoyama?

     Her loyalty to her master, such that she considered herself a mere tool, is commendable. And yet… it would better suit a lower being.
     Consider the Four Dark Gods of Destruction, for instance. They serve me, yes, but my servants they are not… Nor are they my tools.

     They are both my courageous disciples and my companions in this life… Our bond transcends mere “loyalty”…
     From time to time, we clash to test our faith… Lay bare our feelings.
     But in the end this lets us increase our power even further, reaching even greater heights!

     And soon… Soon, the world shall be ours!

     Heh. But of course… you mortals need not concern yourselves with such matters.

     Companions, huh?

    That might have made a pretty moving speech if it wasn’t about four hamsters.

     Hmmmm…. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…
     Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!
     …A…Are you feeling alright?

     Ibuki wanna listen…

     Ibuki wanna listen to her favorite artists!
     There’s no TV or radio on this island! Ibuki’s so starved for music she’s gonna die!
     Um… I think I saw some CDs at the supermarket.

     You did. But they’re all either classical music or banal pop songs…

     Just think of all the new albums released all over the world this very minute!

     Sigh… Maybe someone dropped a good CD somewhere…

    I’ll have to remember to let her know if I find one.

     'Morning, Hinata!
     Good morning.

     Hm? You look better than you usually do.
     In fact, everyone seems to be in a good mood this morning. Did something happen?

    Kuzuryuu’s fine. That must be it.

     But, hey! I guess it didn’t skip me! I feel like today’s breakfast’s gonna be extra-tasty!

     Which means I’m going to have to challenge my limits!
     I’m coming for you, food! You’d better watch out!

    I think Owari’s happy for Kuzuryuu too, even is she isn’t completely aware of it…

     Seems like meeting everyone at the restaurant each morning somehow became the proper thing to do around here.
     But there’s something I really must search for at the supermarket…
     What is it? Do you need any help?

     Not really. I’m looking for a camera. I’m sure I’ll find one in no time.
     But first, breakfast. How annoying…

     Good morning.
     What’s wrong? You aren’t as, um, cheerful as usual.
     Souda-kun is hogging the game cabinet.
     Isn’t it a two player game? Can’t you play together?

     We had a match a little earlier. At first he said I shouldn’t hold back, so I didn’t.
     I annihilated him in ten seconds, and he got mad. He called me immature and said I should have gone easy on him because he’s a beginner.

    I think Souda’s a little confused about who’s immature here…

     Yo, Hinata! 'Morning!
     Playing a game, huh? Don’t think I’ve ever seen you do that before.

     Nanami’s always standin’ here in a trance, playin’ it. I got curious.
     …So I got her permission to try it out just a little bit.

     You don’t need my permission. It’s not like it’s my game, is it?

     You say that, but…
     You give out this vibe, y’know? Like… like you own this machine.

     …I do?

     This girl’s got no self awareness at all!

     W…Well, you beat me this one time, but I’ll pay you back the next time we play!

     You really don’t have to.

     What…?! You sayin’ I should stay a loser?!

     You’ll change your mind after you hear this! I got somethin’ I think you’ll find reeeeeally interesting!
     Got you curious now, right? Right?
     Get on with it.

     So… what is this about?

     Heh heh heh. Hear and be amazed. Remember that electric district on the third island?
     I found a handheld game console in that pile of used gadgets over there!

     You did?! Really?!

     See? Told 'ya you’d be interested!

     …S’broken, though. Doesn’t work at all.

     Oh. So I can’t use it…

     Wait wait wait! Who d’you think you’re talkin’ to here?! I can fix it! It’s nothing! It’ll be like brand new!

     And when I do, I’m gonna give it to you!

     Yeah… I’ll keep my expectations in check… I think.

     You “think”?! Don’t say that! You make me feel useless!
     I’ll show you! It’s gonna be perfect! There’s gonna be tears streamin’ from your eyes when you thank me for it!

    That’s… one strange goal he has there.

    As expected, everyone’s faces are a little brighter this morning.

    They’re all probably happy that Kuzuryuu’s okay…

     Um… We left things hanging yesterday, so let us share information about the new island now.

     No one found any way off the island, right?
     There’s never anything we can use…

     But there’s a music club!

     We all know that, but how is that of any help?
     Did anyone at least find any information about this island, or about our situation?

     There was some. In a file on a computer at the electric district.
     So… you read it too?

     I did as well… Komaeda-san told me about it, so I went to check it out.

     As did I. It spun a dark tale… of the annihilation of Hope’s Peak Academy.

     Huh?! Did you just say “annihilation”?!

     It has to be one of Monobear’s pranks. There’s no way Hope’s Peak Academy is gone.
     But, prank or not, that was something he shouldn’t have done.

     Hope’s Peak Academy, destroyed? That’s not something one jokes about…!

     But, hey! If you’re interested, go check out the file for yourselves!

     I…Ibuki will. If she remembers to.

     It seems, this time, the new island was full of empty promise… No means of escape… and no reliable information.

     Although “this time” is not quite right, is it…? It would be more accurate to say “every time”… Hmhmhm…

     You didn’t have to remind us!

     But it’s not all doom and gloom! We have Kuzuryuu back with us!

     The guy may get on our nerves a bit, but it’s great to have him back!

     His recovery is going better than expected, too. I think… he’ll be able to leave the hospital in a week or so.
     It’s just…

     He probably… won’t be able to use his right eye anymore.

     Got what he deserved, if you ask me.

     H…Hey… Even if you don’t like him, that’s goin’ a bit far, don’tcha think?

     Ahhh, I ate so much I feel I’m going to burst!

     As always, you just eat and eat without listening to what people are saying.

     …Whatever. Guess I’ll go do some training now that I’m full.

     Training? That’s strange. You usually take any excuse to pass up training.

     I don’t have any choice. I can’t get stronger without training.
     …See ya!

     She’s in high spirits, huh?

     Ku! I just pray she isn’t planning something that will get her killed!

    After we finished breakfast, we went back to our cottages.

     So… what should I do today?

    Free Time Start!

    You know what to do. Once again, for variety’s sake, I restricted the poll to characters we haven’t free timed before. Vote for as many as you like!

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