The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 Chapter 2 Trial# 9 END

  1. Super High-school Level Update #65

     Re: Living to the Fullest


     No way! Kuzuryuu-san too?!

     That’s it… Ibuki’s at her limit…
     P…People shouldn’t just die so easily… toppling over like dominos…

     Y…You fiend… what is the meaning of this?!

     I…I can’t believe it…
     It’s not real… is it…?

     This… This is… such a waste
     It shouldn’t have had to end this way… I mean… if they’d only come to consult with me first…

     To have such a magnificent clash of hopes just end like that… it’s unconscionable!

     Are you still going on about that?

     What the hell is wrong with you? Aren’t you angry that two of our friends are dead?!

     Of course I am. I’m angry… I’m bitter… and I’m wracked with despair-inducing sadness.
     But, you see…

    Music stops

     Everything’s going to be fine! This isn’t nearly enough despair to distract us from what’s truly important!

     Re: Despair-Syndrome

     I mean… this despair is nothing but a stepping stone towards an even brighter hope!
     The larger the stepping stone, the brighter you all can shine! That much should be obvious to anyone!

     You’ve got some nerve, calling me a “stone”.

     Upupu… You kinda remind me of him, you know? On and on and on about your twisted sense of “hope”…

     I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, but…

     Allow me to make a declaration, here and now! We will strike you down! We will destroy you!

     Ha ha… We have the combined hopes of the Super High-school Level students on our side… And you don’t have a hope against us!
     You’d better prepare yourself! Because when we’re done, there won’t be a strand of fur on your body we haven’tannihilated!
     H…How much longer are you planning to keep this… nonsense going?!
     Are you in denial?! He even killed Kuzuryuu!

     Not yet…
     He’s… still alive!

    Music stops


     Re: Weekly Shonen Despair Magazine

     Everyone! Kuzuwyuu-kun is still alive!



    We all ran to Kuzuryuu’s side as if our lives depended on it.

     Gah… Fwah…!
     H…He’s still breathing!
     C…Can you save him?!
     D…Do something! You can help him, right?!
     I…I’ll try!
     But all this bleeding… I can’t stop it! His pulse… It’s getting weaker…!
     Y…You gotta do something!

     Well, it’s not like he didn’t have it coming, is it?

     What did he think was gonna happen? That he’d actually save her? You can’t do something that stupid and get away with it!

     D…Don’t just stand there, acting all… all supewior! Come here and save him, now!

     What?! Are you trying to order me around?!

     And why, exactly, should I burn my precious calories to save a useless gangster like him?!

     Because you have a duty to save him!

     …A duty?

     It’s wight there in our School Trip Wules!

    Rule no. 6
    During the school trial, students will attempt to identify the culprit. If the culprit is successfully identified, they alone shall be executed for their crime.

     “If the culpwit is successfully identified, they alone shall be executed”! They alone! You had no wight to kill Kuzuwyuu-kun…!

     I…If I could save him myself, I would do so wight now, but…
     My Magical Stick is gone… and I am close to powerless…

     But, you should be able to do it!


     Oh, for heaven’s sake! I guess I have no choice…!

     Well, it would be hypocritical of me to violate the rules, wouldn’t it…

     Fine, fine! Have it your way! I’ll save him!
     Y…You will?!

     To tell you the truth… That was always my plan! I even made special preparations!

     Hoeh? Preparations?

    Music fades out

    From somewhere in the distance came a faint sound… a siren.
    It grew louder and louder, until…

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Extracurricular Lesson

     Howawa?! An ambulance?!
     Leave the rest to me! I’m also known by my second name, Dr. Murder, you know!
     Doesn’t that make you a doctor who kills…? Th…That’s not very encouwaging!
     Emergency! Emergency! Dispatching this patient to Monobear’s 24 hour Emergency Center!
     See you bastards later!

    With that, Monobear took Kuzuryuu into the ambulance, and drove away.

     Re: All All Apologies

     U…Um… Is it really going to be alright…? Can we really trust Monobear with him…?

     Not like we have a choice… There’s nothing else we can do!

     It’s going to be fine. I’m sure he’ll be back with us, as healthy as ever.

     Y…Yeah… He’ll be back before we know it… hurling abuse and profanities like nothing ever happened…!

     All we can do… is wait…

     Why do you all care about him so much…?
     It’s all because of him… Big sis Koizumi is dead because of him, isn’t she…?

     A…And yet… we must let that go, now that Pekoyama-san is dead…
     If we don’t… what hope have we of ever recovering from this…?

     What has been done cannot be undone…
     Only one path will lead us from this darkness… The only way we can proceed; forward. Like an arrow of light, ever forward.


     Y’know… In spite of everything…
     We need him. We need someone horrible like him around, if only to give the rest of us some motivation!

    Before I knew it, I also began to wish for it…

    From the bottom of my heart, I wished he’d return to us soon.


    I didn’t want there to be any more victims.

     Re: Despair-Syndrome

    …Another school trial had ended.

    But the end… the true end… was still far beyond our sight…

    When will it come?
    When it does, what will become of us…?

    Wherever I looked, whatever outcome I considered…
    …I couldn’t see even a glimpse of our future.

    We were like a forlorn ship, lost in the big black ocean…
    …left behind, isolated.

    If I had to summarize our situation in a single word, it would have to be…


    Nothing else seems to fit.

    15 More Days


     You can see evewything… can’t you? This countdown… Can you see it too?
     We’ve lost four people alweady…
     I worked so hard on my Hope Shards, and what good were they in the end…?
     To be honest… I don’t know what to do…
     Should we get them off the island…? Should we keep them here…?
     I wonder… which option leads to hope for these childwen, and which leads to despair?
     But… We don’t have any time for hesitation. I’m sure… that when this countdown weaches zero…
     …Even the final steps of our plan will be completely in his hands.
     And after that happens… that infuwiating “Super High-school Level Despair” will be weborn…
     And The Worst, Most Despair-inducing Incident in the Histowy of Mankind… will continue.
     W…We can’t allow that to happen! Whatever it takes, we can’t allow it to happen!
     Even… even if it means some sacwifices must be made… We have to stop it!
     It’s all for the sake of a future bwimming with hope…!

    Chapter 2: Crime and Coconuts, Punishment and PiƱa Coladas

    Remaining students: 12

     Chapter 2 Cleared

    You got the present: Kokuryuu Maru

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