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Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 Chapter 2 Trial #2

Super High-school Level Update #58
  1. From this point in the game, some of the trial mini-games actually become challenging. My suggestion for any budding detectives is to pause the video or stop scrolling once the first round of discussion complete and try to figure out yourselves which evidence bullet goes with which weak point before moving on to see the correct answer.

    Before moving on, the game has something to tell us:

    Tutorial posted:

    So… what could this mysterious murder weapon be? I hope you have a good theory, because honestly, I’ve got no idea!
    …You’re not buying that, are you.
    Anyway, I still have some things to tell you about background noise in Nonstop Discussion.
    You see, your regular background noise can be destroyed with one shot, but every now and then you’ll see a more… durable variety.
    Every time you shoot your silencer at durable background noise, it will crack, but…
    …Your time limit will not be recovered until you destroy it completely.
    If you’re playing on the “kind” difficulty level, there is no background noise at… Ah, I’m sure you can imagine the rest.
    By the way… It seems our discussions are becoming more difficult. I’ve heard a rumor that might interest you though…
    Perhaps you’ve heard it yourself? There’s some punk on this island called Taro… no, Tara… no… Well, honestly, I forget his name.
    Anyway, apparently he knows a skill that can increase the power of your silencer…
    It’s… Taka… no… Well, it’s Ta-something. I hope you know who I mean, because honestly, I’ve got no idea!
    …You’re not buying that either, are you.
    Anyway… the rest is up to you. Good luck.

    Phase 2 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 2 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence Bullets: Broken Flower Vase Photo / Schoolgirl Crime Scene Photo / Broken Aquarium / The Culprit’s Escape Route / Stolen Swimsuit

    A weapon that was in the music room, huh…

    How about some shards of the broken glass?
    (Straightforward as always…)

    Didn’t she die from a blow to the head?

    So, she had the aquarium smashed on her!
    (That thing must hit hard!)

    That’s far too large to be a weapon…

    Then, perhaps, a piano…

    That’s even larger…

    It played her a tune of a galactic catastrophe…

    That’s a whole different kind of “large”!!

    What about a smash to the head with some gravel?
    (Even if she was hit with gravel…)
    (…isn’t it far too small to do any damage?)

    A weapon that can kill with a strike…

    …Should’ve been drenched with blood.

    Was there any such weapon in the game?

    The culprit must’ve hit her with their fist!
    (It wasn’t Owari or Nidai, you know…)
    (What an idiot…)

    A weapon we wouldn’t expect… Something that appeared in the game…

    As expected, once posed with the question, some on the thread got it right.

    What about a smash to the head with some gravel?
    Evidence Bullet Stolen Swimsuit


    Trial 3 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 3 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     That’s it… The culprit used gravel to kill the girl, didn’t she?

     Oh my… Ibuki wasn’t even being serious, but got it right anyway!

     Ha haaaa! Ibuki’s truly been chosen by god, hasn’t she?!

     No, you haven’t and no, it’s not the gravel! It’s too small! It can’t be a weapon!

     What if the gravel was inside some kind of bag?

     A bag…? What bag?

     Since the weapon was properly introduced in the game… so was the bag.
     The only thing that fits is the school swimsuit!

     When tied up into a bag with the gravel inside, it’s a perfect weapon.

     Gravel in a swimsuit?! A bizarre idea that would astonish Mr. Wright himself!

     But, by using it, the culprit killed two birds with one stone.
     In order to make it look like the culprit was a pervert, she had her swimsuit “stolen”…
     That is, she destroyed it after using it as a murder weapon.

     How about it, Monobear? Satisfied?

     Ah, the joy of seeing someone solve your mystery… A wonderful feeling known only to writers!

     But, we haven’t reached the real important issue yet.
     E-ko-san had an accomplice. And that accomplice… was D-ko-san.

     D-ko… That was Koizumi, wasn’t it?

     Huh? Big sis was an accomplice…? What’s going on? What do you mean?

     D-ko destroyed the one important piece of evidence for the music room incident… the remains of the flower vase.

    It’s okay. I cleaned it all up…

     Besides… the reason E-ko-san killed the girl in the first place seems to have been to protect D-ko-san.
     It appears D-ko-san was receiving all kinds of abuse from the murdered girl…
     E-ko-san found out about that and tried to stop the girl, but they got into an argument…

     I can see where this is going… She ended up killing her, didn’t she?

     But, she clearly had murderous intentions. She strangled the girl and then hit her hard on the head when she lost consciousness, after all.

     S…She must have caused her to lose consciousness without meaning to, and felt there was no going back…

     S…Somehow, I…I think I can understand her.

     You do?! That’s kinda scary!

     Then, of course, E-ko was also killed on the game’s last day, the 4th day.

     Just to make sure we’re on the same page… who do you think killed E-ko?

    The culprit who killed E-ko… Right now, there’s only one person I can think of.

    A-ko / F-suke / Monobear / D-ko

    That’s it!

     It was probably… F-suke.

    What did that girl… do to my sister?!


     A well worn tale… Consumed by the burning desire to avenge his sister, F-suke killed E-ko!

     B…But… Haven’t we said F-suke was…

     …Aa? I told you, it’s just a game.

     You would say that. If this game is true, it would be a big problem for you, Kuzuryuu-kun.

     Oy! Can someone explain it clearly? Does no one who was in the game remember anything?

     I…I offer my sincere apologies, but…

     You don’t remember! Of course you don’t! Your precious school memories were stolen from you, after all!

     It doesn’t matter if we remember of not! He’s clearly the culprit!

     Who else but criminal scum like Kuzuryuu could kill big-sis Koizumi, who was so nice and kind?!

     He killed both E-ko and big-sis Koizumi!

     Feh… Of course I get blamed for everything. Well, it’s not like I’m not used to it.

     But, is Koizumi’s murder really connected to the game? Isn’t it possible it has nothing to do with it?

    No, it’s likely the game and Koizumi’s murder are connected…

    There is one thing connecting E-ko’s and Koizumi’s murders, after all…

    Metal Bat

    That’s it!

     I can’t imagine they aren’t connected. At the very least, the culprit must have played the game.

     There’s proof. Koizumi, who was killed at the beach house…

     …and E-ko, who was killed in the game, were both killed with a blow to the head by a metal bat.
     We can’t ignore this similarity, can we?

     He’s obsessed with taking his revenge by killing his victims the same way - a smash to the head.

     How about you confess already? You killed big-sis Koizumi, didn’t you?

     D…Don’t fuck with me…! There’s no way a stupid game would become anyone’s motive!

     You’re so stupid you believed that game, and then went away to take your revenge!

     If we jump to conclusions like this, we’re just going to talk in circles…

     Besides… Kuzuryuu may indeed be suspicious, but don’t you think it’s all a little too obvious?

     W…What is..?

     It’s possible that this is a trap set by the real culprit.

     A…A trap…? What trap…?

     The real culprit must have played the game, and discovered the truths hidden within.
     Then, they used that knowledge to set up Kuzuryuu to take the fall.

     Are you saying a completely separate culprit killed Koizumi-san and used the game-provided motive as a cover?

     Isn’t that right, Saionji?


     I think I made myself very clear! I am claiming that you are the real culprit!

     Oh? Is that your idea of a joke…?

     A creepy ugly poop-head like you should keep her mouth shut!

    Phase 3 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 3 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence Bullets: Shower Room, Barred Window, Footprints on the Beach, Metal Bat, Trash Can

    What the heck are you saying, you stupid four-eyes!

    Me, killing big sis Koizumi…?

    Waaaaaaaah! How cruel!
    (Now she’s crying…)
    (It’s obvious she’s just faking it…)

    How come Hiyoko-chan’s a suspect now?

    Do you know what Saionji did today?
    (How would we know…?)

    She went to the murder scene, the beach house!
    (Oh…? In that case, that settles it…)

    didn’t go to the beach house…!
    (She says she didn’t!)
    (You shouldn’t fall for that!)

    I’ve been squishing anties all day today!
    (Those poor ants!)

    Wait… Doesn’t what she’s saying contradict the information I have?

    Sure does.

    didn’t go to the beach house…!
    Evidence Bullet: Footprints on the Beach


    Trial 4 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 4 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     Wait just a second. You did go to that beach house, Saionji.

     I…I just said that I didn’t, didn’t I?!

     But… the footprints left in front of the beach house are yours, aren’t they?

     M…My footprints aren’t that ugly! You should ask Tsumiki about them, not me!

     Please don’t say they’re mine just because they’re ugly!

     Oh? So these footprints aren’t yours, Saionji? That’s strange…

     The footprints I found in your room match them perfectly, after all.

     I…In my room…? What the heck have you been doing, you creepy pedo?!

     There’s more. The footprints next to the beach house are leading out of it.

     That is, when the person who left them entered the beach house, they used a different entrance.

     A different entrance…? Are you talking about the tunnel-side door? The one that Koizumi-san was blocking?

     In that case, when that person entered, the body wasn’t there yet?!

     A door they could use when entering, but not when exiting…

     Which means, something happened while they were inside. Isn’t that so, Saionji?!

     Oh, now I remember! I did go to the beach house, now that I think about it!

     At last, a confession…

     You all probably already know this, but I go on morning walks every day!

     That’s the first Ibuki’s heard of this!!

     That’s when I went to the beach house today! During my morning walk!

     I see! In that case, it has nothing to do with the murder.

     Don’t believe her so easily, you idiot! She’s obviously lying!

     Huh?! She is?!

     People who call others liars are often the ones actually telling the lies, you know?

     If you think I’m lying, how about proving it?! Can you prove I’m lying?! Can you?!

     Kyahahahaha! Someone as incompetent as you will never be able to do it!

    Phase 4 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 4 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence Bullets: Barred Window, Letter Carried by Koizumi, Footprints on the Beach, Metal Bat, Shower Room

    I did go to the beach house…

    But it was just during my morning walk!
    (A morning walk? That’s what I call a healthy lifestyle!)
    (I hate waking up early…)

    That’s the only time I was there today!

    So, when you went to the beach house…

    You didn’t meet Koizumi-san, did you?
    (That’s what it seems like…)

    Kyahaha! Of course I didn’t!

    didn’t even see her, so of course I didn’t meet her…
    (She didn’t even see her, huh…)
    (Did anyone see her?)

    What is this place, the Village of Idiots?
    (She just called you an idiot, Souda)
    (She obviously meant you!)

    Saionji says she never met Koizumi. Is that true?

    Well, we have something that suggests she did see her…

    But it was just during my morning walk!
    Evidence Bullet: Letter Carried by Koizumi


    Trial 5 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 5 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     You’ve only been there during your morning walk? Can you still make that claim after I show you this letter?

    “I wanted to tell you directly, but I couldn’t find you so I’m putting this in your mailbox.
    Regarding what we talked about earlier, how about we change the time and the location?
    Let’s make it 2:30 at the beach house on the second island.
    I think there are people who want to interfere with our meeting.
    So, let’s keep this a secret, and try to avoid each other before we get there.
    It would be bad if we’re found out.

    - Hiyoko Saionji”

     T…This is… the letter I found on Koizumi-san, isn’t it?

     I see. Judging by the content of this letter, Saionji set an appointment with Koizumi at the beach house.

     W…Where the heck did this letter come from…? I’ve never seen it, honestly!

     Hey! I just remembered! You were there! I saw you!


     When me and Hinata were waiting for the beach party, we arrived at the diner around 3 o'clock.
     I saw you passing by about 30 minutes later. That makes it about 3:30.

     Hmm. If we assume she had met Koizumi at 2:30, then killed her and ran away…
     The fact that Souda saw her at 3:30 matches that theory well.

     I…It doesn’t… You’re all wrong…!

     Speaking of, you passed in front of the diner as well, Kuzuryuu. Did you happen to spot her as well?

     No, I didn’t…
     I was just passing by the area by chance. I paid no attention to the beach house.

     I went straight back to the hotel after meeting you there. I saw no one on the way back.

     No one?! That’s even more suspicious!

     It’s the truth. What can I say?

     Let’s leave him alone for now. I see no reason to pursue this any farther.

     Anyway, the letter and Souda’s testimony tell the entire story. Saionji met Koizumi at the beach house.

     I said I’ve never seen it! I never wrote any letter!

     I…I’m telling the truth… I really don’t know anything…


     A…Are those real tears? Are they fake tears?

     Of course they’re fake.

     She most likely planned on killing Koizumi all along, and set up a meeting at the beach house.

     That’s why the letter explicitly asks not to talk to anyone else about it.

     Then, she arrived at the beach house early, hid somewhere, and waited for Koizumi to arrive.
     There’s proof of that, too!

    Um… A place Saionji could have hidden… It must be there, right?


    Right where that cursor is pointing.

    It’s here!

     The place Saionji hid… it was the closet, wasn’t it.

     Yes, it was. The proof is the piece of gummy that we found on the floor there.
     Saionji… You like eating those things, don’t you?

     G…Gummies…? I…I’ve never eaten anything like that in my life…!

     Heh heh heh… At long last, we have grasped the true form of this mystery!

     After luring Koizumi to the beach house, Saionji concealed herself in the closet, much like a common familiar…
     She assaulted Koizumi as soon as she got the chance, and was soon gone like the wind itself.

     The fact that Koizumi’s dead body was blocking the door at that point was a simple miscalculation on Saionji’s part.
     She had no choice but to escape through the beach-side door, and ended up leaving her footprints there.

     Fuwahaha! That’s proof enough! And without any help from the Four Dark Gods of Destruction to boot!

     I…It’s a trap! Someone set a trap for me!

     Who’s that “someone”?! If you’re making an accusation, tell us who it is!

     M…Maybe it’s, um, that guy…? Y'know, the one with the mask…?

     The one with the mask…?

     There was a suspicious mask on the beach house’s floor, wasn’t there? The person who wore that mask is the real culprit…

     It was probably you who had that mask on when you killed Koizumi.

     There’s no way I’d never wear such a childish mask! Is your brain melting or something?!

     Yes. It was not Saionji-san! This mask belongs to Kirakira-chan!

     …Eh? Who-chan?

     This mask reveals all! Kirakira-chan is hiding on this island!
     That is, the famous serial killer Kirakira-chan is the true culprit who killed Koizumi-san!

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