The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P11

  1. Super High-school Level Update #77

    * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…
     Good morning, you bastards! It’s another perfect tropical day!
     Let’s enjoy it for all it’s worth!

     Re: Despair-Syndrome


    Another long, sleepless night…
    I thought I’d gotten used to them but… at least this time I had a good reason.

    I need to talk to someone… I don’t care who.

    I just… I can’t bear this anxiety alone. I have to share it with someone.

     I guess I should go to the restaurant…


     Heh. I guess even in a situation like this, we still gotta eat…

     That idiot, Nidai… His “final fireworks show”? The Yakuza trademarked that phrase.
     He just wanted to protect Owari, at any cost. Just like Pekoyama wanted to protect you.

     Shut up! Don’t say another word!
     Just… go. I’ll eat later.


     Good morning, Hinata-kun.
     Yeah… ‘Morning.


     Being depressed won’t help anyone. We just have to believe in Nidai-kun… and wait.
     So, cheer up.



    I suddenly stopped before climbing the stairs to the restaurant.

     Sob… sob…

    It sounds like a girl’s voice…

     Is someone… crying up there?
     Tsumiki…? Or maybe Saionji…?

    I quietly climbed the stairs, and peeked inside.

     Sob… sob…
     Sob… Sniffle, sniffle…
     O…Owari?! Are you… crying…?
     I…I’m… scared…
     What’s going to happen to us…?
     Waaaaaaaah! I’m so scared!

    W…What’s going on? Is she in shock because of Nidai?

    But… she certainly didn’t act that way yesterday…

     Re: Despair Syndrome

    Maybe the other people in the restaurant know.

     You know… I think tying Komaeda up was a pretty good idea.
     Or at least… it was a start.

     We should do more, though! We should peel the skin off his face so no one can even tell who he is.
     Y…You seem a little agitated… Did something happen?

     He… just lied and said he saw big sis Koizumi alive at the movie theatre…
     W…What…? Why would he say that? What’s the point?

     I have no idea. And I hate being deceived…

     We should twist every joint in his body backwards! A…And break all his bones too!

    I’ve long given up on trying to find sense in anything that guy does, but…

    …This is pushing it, even for him. Why would he lie like that?

     Hey, what’s wrong with Owari? She’s acting strange.

     Watch out, Hinata-kun! Kuzuryuu-kun is most likely a fake!
     I know. The real Kuzuryuu-kun died.
     Which means that this one is probably… Yeah, it means he must be a clone!
     What the hell are you saying?

     That’s not all. I just heard from Monobear. He couldn’t save Nidai-kun.
     It’s unfortunate… But there’ll be a new exchange student coming to take his place soon.

     We should all go give him a warm welcome!
     Komaeda, what… just… what the hell are you playing at this time?

     I’m not playing at anything! I’m only telling the truth, as always!

     Here, let me prove it. I have some secret information to share…

     Listen carefully, Hinata-kun! I discovered the identity of the traitor!

     You know, the one from the World Destroyers! The traitor hiding among our ranks…

     …It’s Togami-kun!
     Yes! Togami-kun is still alive!

    …I can’t remember why I thought talking to him was a good idea. He makes even less sense than usual.

     Sniffle… sniffle…
     W…What’s wrong, Owari? It’s not like you to cry… Calm down.
     I…I don’t know what to do anymore…
     I got Nidai killed, didn’t I…?
     D…Don’t be absurd. Nidai’s still alive, isn’t he?
     Sob…! I’m so scared…!
     Waaaaaaaah! I wanna go home!

    Having Nidai cover for her like that must have been a real shock…

    But… this is really out of character for her. Is it really just a case of shock? Or is there something else…?

    Music stops

     May I have your attention, please?!

     Re: Junk Food for a Dashing Youth

     With your permission, I would like to give this morning’s greeting!
     Good morning! Let today be yet another productive day!!
     Sir, yessir! My name is Ibuki Mioda!
     W…Why are you also acting strange…?

     Watch out, Mioda-san!
     Hinata-kun is dangerous! He’s scheming to kill and eat you!
     W…What the hell…?!

     Sir! My flesh is not particularly tasty! I would appreciate it very much if you would not eat me!!
     But he was obviously lying!
     Oh, I see, sir! It was a lie!

     I wasn’t lying. I never tell lies!

     I see, sir! It wasn’t a lie! Pleading will be required after all!
     …What the hell’s going on?
     Owari, Komaeda, even Mioda… they’re all acting strange! What the hell happened?!

     Maybe they finally lost their minds? It wouldn’t be too strange in this place.
     T…That’s not it at all!

     M…Mioda-san… she has a strong fever. T…That must be the reason…

     Who are you, again? I wish you’d tell us before you start talking.

     W…Why did you forget me?! My name’s Mikan Tsumiki!

     A…Anyway, try touching her forehead. That should answer your question!

    Touch her forehead…?

     …Mioda, can you come here for a second?
     Sir, yessir! I very much hope you’ll spare my life in exchange for my cooperation!

    …Sure, whatever. Okay, here goes…

     S…She’s burning up…?!
     What the hell?! That’s far too hot to be normal!

     Exactly! She has a terrible fever!

    Then… are the others also…?

     Owari, let me check your temperature!
     Sniffle… I’m sorry for being so weak…

    Owari was still crying when I touched her forehead…

    …Just as I thought! No human body should ever give off that much heat!

     Komaeda! You too…!
     I don’t have a fever. I’m in top shape today, as always.

    I touched Komaeda’s forehead. It was the same as the others.

     What the heck? Three people with a fever?
     So, the reason they’re all shouting nonsense…

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

     Oh my! This sure is terrible!
     Wait… if you’re here… then that means–

     Um, can we hold the explanation just a little longer? The rest should be here soon.

    Just as he said, I could already hear them coming up the stairs…

    One by one they entered the restaurant, and looked around in confusion.

     W…What is it this time?!

     I just heard from Monobear… Did… something strange happen again?

     What is it?

     Now that everyone’s here, let me begin my explanation…

     Miss Monomi’s Practice Lesson

     W…Wait a minute!
     You’re causing twouble again, aren’t you!
     And what happened to Nidai-kun?! At least give him back to us, you dirty bear!

     Nidai…? Is he the dude who turns into a girl when splashed with water?

     Turns into what?! That’s not Nidai-kun’s chawacter gimmick at all!

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Extracurricular Lesson

     Quiet, you!
     I’m not really sure what just happened, but I feel a bizarre power working over meeeeeeeeeeee!!

     Now that we got rid of the disturbance, let’s get straight to the point.
     That said…

     …It seems you bastards have already got the gist of it! Aren’t you a clever bunch!
     Just as I thought… This fever means…

     Yes! It’s a brand new motive from me to you!

     And it’s called, “Despair Fever”!

     …Despair fever?!

     You see, there are tiny little insects, invisible to the naked eye, living on this island.

     …This is not a retcon. I simply never told you about them before.

     Anyway, these native bugs can infect people with “despair fever”!

     D…Despair fever? I’ve never heard of a disease with that name…!

     Don’t worry, I’ll tell you all about it! Despair fever, just like its name suggests…
     …Is a veeeery bothersome disease, that causes a variety of despair-inducing symptoms in concurrence with a high fever.
     The symptoms vary from person to person…
     For example, Komaeda-kun got the “lying fever”. Owari-san got the “crybaby fever”.
     Mioda-san’s seems to be something like the “humorless fever”, doesn’t it?

     Komaeda aside… the other two’s symptoms completely reverses their personalities…

     Right now, the disease hasn’t yet spread to the rest of you, but…
     Be careful! Despair fever can be transmitted from person to person by air!

     Y…You mean it’s contagious?!

     Don’t go thinking you’re safe just ‘cause you’re fine now! Who knows what might happen if you all come down with it!

     Let’s run, Sonia-san! We can’t have a princess catching such a low-class disease!

     He’s right! We should get out of here! I don’t want to get a stupid strange fever!

     But… how is this a motive?
     Are you just going to wait for peoples’ symptoms to drive them to murder?

     That’s a fresh concept, isn’t it?

     Mutual killing where everyone’s personality is different! I can’t wait to see the murder tricks that come out of this one!
     …I…Is there a cure?

     A cure? What would you need a cure for?
     I mean, despair fever exists solely to make you bastards suffer.

     You might even say it is a cure! A cure to your softness! A cure for your inhibitions regarding mutual killing!
     You’ll finally be able to come to grips with murder!!

     You bastard! That’s a load of bullshit!

     Sob… I’m so weak… Always causing everyone trouble…

     I decided! To make amends, I’m going to commit suicide! Does anyone have a charcoal-burning briquette?!

     Um… I think there’s one in the supermarket…
     S…Stop it! Owari, Komaeda, Mioda… Get a hold of yourselves!

     You’ve got that wrong, Hinata-kun! My name isn’t Komaeda at all…
     I have a confession to make. Nagito Komaeda is a made up name. I apologize for not telling you until now.

     I see, sir! That makes perfect sense!

     Did she really get that gullible?!

     This sure feels incredible! This despair fever is one hell of a thing!

     Despair! Despair! Despair! Despair! Despair! Despair!
     It’s amazing! C'mon, everyone, you should get it too! The sooner the better!
     We’re done for! There’s no more hope anywhere! This fever’s gonna make us all…

    Music fades out


    * thump *

     Ocean Breeze Dead End

     Whoa! He finally collapsed!


     Upupu. Well, I delivered my motive. What’s going to happen next, I wonder…
     How many of you are going to get it before the mutual killing starts? How long’s it going to take?

     I can’t wait! I’m going to get all naked in anticipation!

     Well, I’m always naked.


    Damn it… We just had to deal with Nidai’s situation, and now this happens…

    Yesterday started out so peacefully… Was it all for nothing?

     W…We have to do something! Komaeda-san is foaming at the mouth!

     Wow, I’ve never seen foam this color before!

     A rare, hazy color! It calls to mind the sea in the Demon realm…!

     B…Before worrying about the color, we should get him to the hospital! Quickly!
     …Right! I’ll help carry him!

     Um… What about Owari-san and Mioda-san?!

     They’re coming with us, of course… We can’t just leave them here.
     Hey, can you two walk?

     Confirming now, sir! Pushing my left and right legs forward alternately should be enough, I assume!

     Waaaaaah… Wait for me… I’ll walk, so don’t leave me here all alone…!
     Let’s go, then…!

    Music fades out

    With Mioda and Owari in tow, we carried Komaeda to the hospital…

    Just like that… another “motive”.

    “Despair fever”, huh?
    And it sounds like it’s contagious… What the hell?!

    Damn it… what can we even do?!


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