The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P14

  1. Super High-school Level Update #80

    * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…
     Good morning, you bastards! It’s another perfect tropical day!
     Let’s enjoy it for all it’s worth!

     I’d better get to the hospital, fast… I’m worried about Tsumiki and the others…

     Re: Beautiful Morning

    I was still half asleep as I ran to the hospital.

     Early start today, huh?
     …You were here before me.

     Well, I just got here myself.
     So, what should we do? We’ve still got some time before we have to call the others…
     Maybe we should check on Komaeda?
     Yeah… I’m still worried about his condition.

    To be honest, I’m not sure why I should care what happens to him…


    …But it’s probably still best to check.

    Let’s make our rounds before going to see how Komaeda’s doing.

     Good morning, Sir! It is a great honor to have you visit again!
     Um… Thanks…?

     Ordinarily, I would express my gratitude with a song, but…
     …Unfortunately, we’re in a hospital! It wouldn’t do to make too much noise!

     Therefore, I shall postpone my thank you song until I am discharged, sir!

    Mioda refusing to sing… This sure is messed up.

     Waaaaaah… I couldn’t sleep because the hospital is scary…
     Sob… How much longer do I have to stay here…?
     Well, um…

    Is there even a way to cure this fever? Knowing Monobear, we can’t take that for granted…

    Music fades out

     Re: All All Apologies

     …Tsumiki. How’s Komaeda doing?

     He isn’t recovering… I think… I think he may actually be getting worse…


     His pulse is getting weaker… At this rate, there’s a chance he could go below the critical point…
     Is it really that bad…?

     But as long as I’m his nurse, I will never let Komaeda-san die….

     I get how you’re feeling, but… don’t work yourself too hard, okay?


     Hey, Hinata. It’s almost time for the call. We should get back to the lobby…

    As we left Komaeda’s room, I reflected on my own lack of power.

     Beautiful Ruin

    …The communication light is blinking.

     Seems like they’re already waiting. Let’s get this started.

    I pushed the button under the blinking light, and the screen flickered to life.

    Looks like this thing’s still working..

    And on the other end was–

     Hello?! This thing on? Can you see my beautiful face?
     We see you, Souda.

     Good! ‘Cause we can see your poor faces too!

    I guess we should let them know about Komaeda.

     So… is it just you over there?

     Nope… We’re all here, except for Saionji-san.
     What happened to her?

     Hmhmhm… The petulant one has named us all her foes.

     She has… She shut herself in her room the moment we arrived here.
     She refuses to speak to anyone… She says she won’t come out until the despair disease is dealt with.

    So.. she won’t even meet with the motel group…?

    Sounds like they’ve got some problems of their own…

     So, how are things over there?
     Well, about that…
     It’s Komaeda. Something’s wrong with him…

     No kidding! We all knew that already!
     That’s not what we mean… He… He might actually be about to die.


     But… he will be alright, won’t he? You can save him, can’t you?

     That’s no joke… if we lose Komaeda so soon after Nidai…!
     We… can’t really say anything for sure yet.

     That weally does sound tewwible!
     Monomi?! Why are you with them?!

     Um… I don’t know much about the fever, so I thought it would be dangewous to go to the hospital…
     Oh, just shut the fuck up, will you?!
     You’re a fucking stuffed doll! What do you have to worry about a fever for?!

     Y…You mustn’t discwiminate!

     That despair fever is one scawy disease… If we’re not vewy cautious, the entire island could…!
     So… until we figure out how to deal with it, I’m going to stay wight here and…

    * click *

    Before I could react, Kuzuryuu pushed the button and hung up the call.

     That fucking rabbit! I wanna fucking kill her!!

     Argh!! I’m… gonna head outside for a bit. I need to cool off…

    Kuzuryuu stomped out of the hospital.

    Anyway… I guess there’s nothing to do now but wait.

    Wait for something to change… for something to get better.

    Music fades out

    And so I waited.

    It wasn’t like there was anything else to do.

    There’s nowhere in a hospital you can really relax… only wait.

    I ended up spending the day pacing around the lobby.
    Kuzuryuu just kept on going in and out of the hospital.

    Eventually… finally…

    * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…
     It is now 10pm.
     Please rest peacefully, along with the soothing sound of the waves.
     Well then, pleasant dreams. Goodnight…

     Re: Despair-Syndrome

     Time flies when you’re busy, huh…?
     It’s time for our call…

     And when it’s over we’ll have to go back to the hotel. That’s such a pain, going back and forth.
     Before we go, we should check on Komaeda one more time…
     You go do that, then. I’ll handle the call over here.

     It’s not like we have anything to report… It’ll be done pretty quick.
     Yeah… I guess.

    Technical note: There’s a bug in the game that prevents hiding the dialogue boxes during the next section. I tried to use screenshots from previous updates whenever I could, but sometimes there weren’t any.

     Whoa! Mioda?!
     W…What are you doing in the corridor? You have to rest, you know…
     If I may be honest, sir, I have grown tired of resting all day.
     Furthermore, simply resting makes me nothing but a burden, so I thought I’d come out and see if there was anything I could help with.
     But I suppose that resting is the appropriate thing to do, as you suggest!
     Yeah… you should go rest… we want you back to full health as soon as possible…

    That was… creepy.

    …I think we should check whether she’s really back in her room.

     Do not worry, sir! I shall rest properly, as instructed!

    While we’re at it, let’s check on Owari as well.

     Sob… sob… It’s night again…
     I’m scared of the dark… A monster’s going to come and eat me…

    If she was her normal self, she’d just hit any monster that tried to eat her…

    Or at least, that’s what she’d say she’d do.


    Tsumiki was concentrating on Komaeda, and didn’t even notice me entering the room…

    …Has she been here tending to him all this time?

     Hey, Tsumiki…

    She didn’t even respond…

    She just kept tending to Komaeda, her back turned to me.
    I moved forward, trying to peek at her face.

     Hey, Tsumiki… Are you alright?

     …I see you finally noticed me.

     Fuyuu! Please don’t scare me like that! I almost got myself wet!


     Um… are you here to visit Komaeda-san?
     I just came here to see how he was doing, but… are you sure you’re not too tired?
     Maybe you should take a rest too.

     Um… Are you, perhaps… Well, it’d be embarrassing if I got it wrong, but…
     A…Are you… worried about me?
     Yeah, sure, I guess…

     Fuyuu… Thank you very much! I will never forget this moment! I’ll remember it as long as I live!

     Heh heh heh… I’m all better now, so please let me get back to Komaeda-san.

    Did she even listen to what I was trying to say?

    Well… I guess she’s really giving this her all.

    Maybe I should just get out of her way.

     …So, how’s Komaeda?
     Actually, I’m more worried about Tsumiki. I don’t think she got any rest at all…

     She must think Komaeda’s condition requires constant attention…
     So, how did things go over here? Is the call finished already?
     Yeah. No one had anything to report, so we got it done in no time.
     It seems they’re looking for ways to cure the fever, but there are no new developments on that front yet.
     So, no one got anything done today… Great.

     …Not much we can do about it. Let’s hope something happens tomorrow.

    We walked back to the hotel, the mood even darker than yesterday’s.


    With everything that’s going on… one sigh just doesn’t seem to cover it all.

    The more I think about the situation, the deeper my worries get…

     Anyway… I should get to bed. Maybe I just need to sleep…
     Besides… I have to go straight to the hospital first thing tomorrow morning.

    Having so reassured myself, I sighed deeply once more, and then…

    …slowly closed my eyelids.



    A certain scene floated dimly into my mind, unbidden.

    It came slowly, from somewhere deep within my subconsciousness…
    …Like a watercolor painting, slowly filling in…

    Slowly… and dimly…

     Re: Welcome Despair Academy

    It’s… a classroom.

    I remember this classroom.

    But… I’m not sure where it is.

    I can hear voices.

    Someone is talking…

    “Did you hear? He’s actually going to Hope’s Peak Academy! Can you believe it?”
    “Is he really that much of a genius, though?”

    …But it’s just noise… Unimportant.

    I don’t listen.

    I just stare vacantly out the window.

    I don’t want to hear them.

    But they keep talking.

    “What? You didn’t know?”
    “Um… Know what?”
    “Hope’s Peak Academy aren’t just looking for geniuses…”
    “But… isn’t it supposed to be, like, a super-exclusive school for special kids?”

    I want to block my ears.

    I want to run away.

    I want to go to a place where I belong.

    That place isn’t here.

    It’s a place… where I, too, could stand proud.

    “Really? You can do that? So, then, is he…”
    “What else could it be?”
    “I mean, it’s not like he has the kind of talent Hope’s Peak are looking for…
    …Just a normal guy, like everyone else.”
    “Well, he’s free to revere whatever he wants, but it must be hard for his parents. It’s their money, after all.”


    Leave me alone…

    I just…

    I just want to be able to stand proud.



    What is this? Who’s speaking?

    Why can’t I remember?

    …Who am I?

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

    Monobear Theater

     Did you know it’s easy to lower a new acquaintance’s guard if you start your conversation with a story about one of your failures?
     …So, let me introduce myself with one of my own.
     In the wilderness I live in, being popular is a symbol of strength.
     And so, in order to boost my own popularity, I sent myself a fake love letter.
     I took it to a friend so I could show off, but unfortunately all I had faked was the envelope.
     When he asked me to show the letter inside, I grew desperate…
     …And explained the situation thus:
     I said the letter had been written using very special ink that only those chosen by god can see!
     Upupu… When I did, he immediately exclaimed, “That sure is one passionate love letter!”
     But… that’s where things started going wrong.
     Because he’d shown he could read the sacred text, the people around him started bathing him with admiration and applause.
     From then on, he hogged everyone’s respect, acting as a messenger of god…
     Soon, he was worshipped all over the world!
     Even now, he works his believers and sells those mystical vases. He’s making a killing on them.
     My slip-up made him filthy rich! It’s vexing! An incredible failure!
     That has been my failure story. How was it? Did it put you at ease?
     If it did… how about buying one of my Appreciation Vases?
     I have a quota to fill, so I’ll give you a good price!

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