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The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 Chapter 2 Trial # 6

  1. Super High-school Level Update #62

    Trial 17 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 17 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 



     P…Pekoyama… What are you doing?!

     I am Kirakira-chan…

     The rightful wielder of the shining light of justice! ( ̄ー+ ̄)

     W…What the heck…? This is getting a little creepy!

     Abuabuabuabuabu… Peko-chan went totally bonkers…

     W…Watch out, everyone!
     Kirakira-chan is a serial killer and a self-proclaimed warrior of justice!

     A serial killer who wears hero masks from the world over, and kills criminals one after another, and…

     Wait… Huh?

     A warrior of justice… so that’s why she wears a mask!

     Its purpose is to make a distinction.
     The sun is precious because we cannot reach it… This is true of any form of idol worship.

     And thus, justice should be the same! (*`Д´*)ノ"彡☆

     I…I don’t really follow, but… that’s one hell of a thing…!

    He’s got that right…

    What the hell is going on…?

    Pekoyama… a serial killer?! How the hell does that make any sense…?

     That’s one shocking development!

     Zzzzz… Zzzzzz…

     H…Hey! Now’s not the time to be sleeping!
     There’s a sewial kiwwer here!

     Zzzzz… Zzzzz…
     What, again…?

     Is he speaking in his sleep?!

     So, how about answering my question? Why did you kill Koizumi-san?

     The light of justice must reach every corner of this world. We mustn’t allow even a single shadow.

     Let’s ・ Wipe ・ Evil ・ Out! ヽ(`д´)ノ

     The circumstances matter not. We must never avert our eyes from evil! (`⌒´)

     Evil…? Are you talking about big-sis Koizumi…?

     Oh, I see… You played the game, didn’t you?

     The game revealed to me an accomplice to a murder, who managed to hide from justice like a dirty rat.

     S…So… the reason you killed Koizumi was…

     For justice, of course! (○`п´○)
     For justice… I become a merciless sword!
     And with that sword, justice was done at last! (`・ω・´)

     Oh no! It’s like the most cliched of psychopaths just appeared in front of us!

     Waaaaaaaaaah! This is too creepy!

     Pekoyama… Is that who you really are?

     Who I really am…?
     Heh. I have long ago forgotten who I am…

     Such is my resolve! If one is to protect a single thing of utmost importance, one must be ready to discard everything else!

     If I can make justice sparkle over this world, I shall become anything at all! (*`Д´*)ノ"彡☆

     HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ヾ(@×▽×@)ノ

     Ku… That’s more than I can take! Let’s end this charade right now!

    End it…?

    H…He’s right… It’s time to put the lid on this trial…!

    Pekoyama’s our culprit… there’s no question about that. And so, at last…

     L…Let’s look back on today’s events… and end this trial!

    Phase 13 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 13 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

    And after much dragging and dropping…


    Today’s events started this morning, when Koizumi came to visit Saionji.

    Koizumi must have played Twilight Syndrome Murder Mystery, our supposed “motive”…
    …and wanted to discuss what she’d seen with the other cast members from the game.
    Saionji agreed to talk to her, and they decided to meet later in the day.

    But… there was someone eavesdropping. Our culprit.

    Having heard their conversation, they schemed to use the girls’ plans as a cover to commit murder.
    First, by making certain preparations, they manipulated the girls’ actions.

    They wrote two fake letters, and sent one each to Koizumi and Saionji.

    The letter sent to Koizumi told her to come to the beach house at 2:30 PM…

    But the one sent to Saionji said to come to the house at exactly two o'clock.
    And so, the culprit separated the two by inviting them to the beach house at different times.

    Saionji, who was completely deceived by the letter, arrived at the beach house at 2 o'clock as instructed.

    Once there, she was drugged by the culprit, who had been laying in wait.

    After drugging her, the culprit quickly hid Saionji inside the closet…
    They were planning to make it look like she was the culprit.

    Then, at 2:30, Koizumi arrived at the beach house.
    She had no idea she was the target of a murder plot.

    She was vulnerable, and the culprit closed in on her from behind, wielding a certain weapon…
    …the metal bat that was left at the crime scene.

    The bat hit Koizumi on the head, and she collapsed…
    Tsumiki’s examination would later tell us she died an instant death. She probably never even saw who it was that killed her.

    Then, after completing their goal of killing Koizumi, the culprit started preparing the crime scene.

    First, they moved Koizumi’s dead body and left her blocking the tunnel-side door…

    Then, they also purposefully left behind the mask we found in the room.
    I’m not sure why they did that… it was probably something like a calling card.

    That was the reason we found the crime scene in the state it was.

    But… having just moved a dead body, the culprit’s own body was now dirty with blood.
    The shower room was under repairs and had no running water, so they couldn’t wash their body that way.
    But they were prepared for that.
    So instead they used an alternate water source…

    …Bottled water from the beach house fridge.

    They probably had them all stashed in the shower room ahead of time for exactly that purpose.
    The culprit used the bottled water instead of the shower to wash the blood off themselves.
    However, they had no choice but to throw the empty bottles in the beach house trashcan.
    Disposing of them outside was against the rules, and there was no time to take them somewhere else.

    Afterwards, the newly clean culprit hid themselves in the closet where Saionji was sleeping.

    They hid inside an empty surfboard case they prepared ahead of time.

    After a short time passed, the effect of Saionji’s drug grew weak and she woke up.

    When she walked out of the closet, she must have been quite shocked.
    Koizumi, who she was supposed to meet, lay dead in front of her eyes…

    Saionji acted hastily, both because of the shock and because she must have been afraid of being accused.
    She ran out of the beach house in a panic.

    When she did, she left behind footprints in the sand. It was all part of the culprit’s plan to set her up.

    After Saionji was gone, the culprit got up from their surfboard case…

    In order to further incriminate Saionji, they placed a piece of gummy on the floor, where they knew it would be found…
    Of course, they hadn’t taken Saionji’s very particular tastes into account.

    Then, finally, the culprit prepared to exit the beach house.
    Exiting through the front door would leave footprints, so that wasn’t an option. Instead…
    The culprit left through the small window in the shower room.
    However, the window was too far off the ground to easily reach without help, so the culprit was forced to use some unusual means…

    That being… a certain bamboo sword they were never without.
    The culprit tied the sword’s carrying bag to the sword’s hilt…

    Then, while still holding the bag, they used the sword as a springboard to reach the window.

    Once they were outside, all they had to do was pull on the bag to retrieve the sword.

    Then, after leaving the beach house, the culprit appeared before the rest of us with a nonchalant look on their face.
    But, they didn’t have time to dry out their swimsuit and hair. There weren’t any towels in the beach house.
    So the culprit explained their appearance by telling us they had been out for a swim.

    How about it? That’s the full truth behind the murder you committed! Isn’t that so, Peko Pekoyama?!

    Trial 18 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 18 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     How. Very. Clever. Of. You.

     Well, so what of it?! (‐Д‐+)

     She doesn’t even care?!

     I have not the slightest guilt over what I’ve done! (`⌒´)

     What the heck? You’ve a filthy murderer who killed big-sis Koizumi…!

     YOU’RE WRONG! I simply punished an evildoer in the name of justice! ( ̄∀ ̄)=3

     I am in the right! You cannot judge me! (○`п´○)

     I…I’ve had enough! Let’s get to voting, right now! Let’s just kill this super weirdo psycho girl!

     I think not.

     Justice is undying (`ヘ´). I am certain you know as much yourselves!

     What nonsense is this…?!

     Remember? In order to protect something of utmost importance… one must be ready to discard everything else.

     Do you get what I’m saying?! (*`Д´*)ノ"彡☆

     I…I don’t! I don’t get anything at all!

     Let me get straight to the point, then. You are about to conduct some justice!

     In order to make my justice live on, you will all give up your own lives! (`・ω・´)


     A…Are you serious…?!

     I’m always serious about justice! (`曲´)
     If I die here, now, who will be left to keep control over the world’s justice?! (`⌒´)

     Follow the call of justice inside your hearts… Then, save me in the name of justice.

     Go on! Conduct some justice at once! (゚言゚)

     S…Stop fucking with us! You think we’re gonna die to save you?!

     I…If we let Peko-chan go, Ibuki and her pals will all get slaughtered!

     Sometimes, in the magnificent pursuit of justice, some victims are inevitable. (`⌒´)

     V..Victims… No…!

     Rest assured, your sacrifices will not be in vain. I shall not waste the justice you entrust me! (ノ_・、)

     I can’t take any more of this! Let’s vote and get her executed, right now!

     Um… but… b…before we do that…

     Monobear, it’s voting time! GET ON WITH IT!

     Yawn… yawn yawn yawn!

     He’s finally up!

     I hear your pleas and obey. Well, I didn’t actually listen at all, but who cares.

     Well, then. Please use the switches in front of you to vote.

     Who will you vote as the culprit?! Will you be right or wrong?!

     Upupupu! I can’t wait!


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