The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P3

Super High-school Level Update #68

  1.  Third Island Theme

    Last time, we left off in front of this shady neighborhood.

    At the end of a narrow, alley-like road were a bunch of run-down electronics shops.
    TVs, computers and spare parts lined the windows. It might have looked very modern… once.

    …Wait a second.

    With all these gadgets lying around… maybe there’s something we can use to contact the outside?

     …I’d better check it out.

    The most important thing to check out is in this corner of the area.

    It’s the first Hidden Monobear for this chapter!

    And now we can move on and see if Souda discovered anything.

     You gotta be kidding me…

     You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me!!
     What’s up? I figured you’d be pretty happy to find a whole street of gadget shops…

     Don’t you make fun of me! They call me a “Super High-school Level Mechanic”, ya know!
     I’m ecstatic about it!
     So… maybe you could try looking ecstatic?

     Maybe you should try showin’ some tact!

     D’you have any idea how this feels? Life’s not always that simple, y’know?

    This would be easier if I had the first clue what he was talking about.

     So… this place is causing you to have… complicated feelings?

     See, I’m surrounded by all this machinery, and…

     I just wanna tinker! Take ‘em all apart! See what makes ‘em tick! Who wouldn’t?!

     But… there’s no time for any of that right now. Shit. This sucks big time.
     Um, I don’t think it’s particularly… normal… to just want to take stuff apart all the time.

     It’s just like… You know how when there’s a girl you like, and you can’t wait to take her clothes off?
     I mean, you really wanna check out her bone structure, right? See how her elbow joints are, or the way her bones protrude. That kinda stuff!
     W… What?! That’s definitely not normal! That’s… That’s not even slightly normal!


     I see… Maybe wanting to check out a girl’s bone structure’s a bit fanatical…

    …Just a bit.

    This area is pretty wide. Here’s the other side of it.


    She’s rummaging through piles of old-looking gadgets. There’s a familiar air of deep concentration around her…

     Hey, Nanami, what are you doing? Are you looking for something?


     Yeah. I thought I might find some game consoles here. All kinds of perfectly good hardware gets thrown away in places like these…
     Oh. I see.

     I don’t mind second-hand stuff. Hmm… It looks like they’ve got televisions over there, too.
     Well, if you find one, let me know. I’ll help you carry it back to the hotel.

     Okay… I’ll do that.

    After Koizumi’s murder… I think it’s going to take a while until I can play video games again.

    There are all sorts of hot spots to check in this Electric Town, starting with this microwave right here.


    A microwave… Heh… If Hanamura were around to see this, he’d probably get all indignant…

    “I am a Super High-school Level Chef! I make the “world’s tastiest food”! How dare you bring such a pedestrian device into my sight!?”

    He must have made a lot of people happy with his food… But now…


    Next, we can look at every one of these shops.

    Honestly, I’m a little disappointed in Nanami not commenting on getting to a new town and shopping for better equipment.

    It’s the “Cellphone Corner”.

    Mountains of phones, but without batteries, they’re not gonna be much use to anyone.

    They also have a chainsaw. Maybe it’s a limited edition thing.

    A pile of used electronic devices. Appliances, audio equipment, toys… all sorts of stuff.

    It all looks old and battered… does any of it even work?

    Cathode-ray television sets are on display in this corner.

    They look… ancient. They probably can’t even get a modern digital signal.

    Not that it matters. I don’t think we get any television signals on this island…

     What’s over here?

    I don’t recognize any of this stuff…

     Oh, there’s nothing for you in this corner…
     Hm? What do you mean?

     Heh… the fact you can’t tell just goes to show how much of an amateur you are.
     This stuff… is for wiretapping or sneak photography. Y’know, spy stuff.
     They’ve even got some surveillance cameras. Pretty old, though.
     Spy gadgets?!

     Hey! Don’t get me wrong!
     I only know what they are because I’m a mechanic! I’ve never actually used any of that stuff before!
     Yeah, I know…
     Speaking of surveillance cameras…
     Monobear’s been usin’ ‘em to keep an eye on us for a while now, hasn’t he?
     I’m a little jealous, y'know. I wonder how Sonia-san looks through one of them…!

    So he’s never used this stuff before… but I bet he’d jump at the chance to.

    There’s one more shop, right in the center of the area.

    A pile of desktop and laptop computers. They look pretty old…

    Although… it seems a few of them still have power…

     Maybe they can connect to the internet… If so…!

    I pulled one of laptops out of the pile to test my idea…

    …And turned the power on.

    The first thing I did was test whether it was connected to the net…

    * tap tap tap tap *

     …No good. I can’t get a connection.

    Well, I didn’t think it would be that easy. Then, just as I was about to give up…

    I noticed a strange icon on the computer’s desktop.

     “Usami X File”…? What the hell?

    Music fades out

    I casually clicked on the strange icon, and then…

     It’s a text file… The writing’s formal. Seems like a report to someone.

    I ran my eyes over the text.


    “Re: The Worst, Most Despair Inducing Incident in the History of Mankind

    The incident began with a sudden student revolt within Hope’s Peak Academy.
    The students of Hope’s Peak Preparatory School had become increasingly discontent with what they perceived as highly discriminatory treatment on the part of the main school.
    What started as an ordinary but heated dispute gradually escalated into what can only be described as an all-out armed revolt.
    After the original complaint, the school entered into negotiations with the students. By all accounts, these negotiations were proceeding smoothly, and a peaceful resolution seemed forthcoming. What followed, however, was the exact opposite.
    We theorize this to be the work of a third party - one with considerable influence over the student movement - acting behind the scenes.
    When all was said and done, riots and insurgency began spreading like a contagion, nationally and beyond.
    The insurgents’ behaviour after the outbreak was not at all consistent with that of a group seeking to stage a coup d’état or perform acts of terrorism. We have yet to determine the true purpose of the revolts, and can only speculate as to its nature.
    The only thing we can conclusively state is that they do have a purpose; everything we have observed suggests a plan at work. A de&pai!-ind*c@ng situa(ion indeed.
    As the dis*urb&nces con%inued, Ho£e’s Peak A%^demy wa% fo(£ed to p*^ %n end to %ts long hi@to!y.
    The surviv$ng st%den”s ma&$ int^ "examples of despair” by b*&ng fo^!e! @! k*l* @(ch (th;r.“

    …It’s useless. The rest of the text is garbage I can’t read.

     But… what is this thing?

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

     That was really conventional.
     As conventional as a dog that barks. Your reaction’s so conventional, it’s almost fresh!

     That’s the best you could come up with?! Can’t you tell how important this scene is?!
     Don’t tell me… you wrote this file, didn’t you.

     …Oh? What makes you think that?
     B…Because… who else could it be?!
     "The Worst, Most Despair Inducing Incident in the History of Mankind”? National revolts?
     It even says Hope’s Peak Academy is gone!
     Seems just like something you’d come up with.
     Anything else?
     What the hell is “Hope’s Peak Preparatory School”? I’ve never heard of any such thing!

     …You haven’t?
     That’s odd… I can see how the others wouldn’t have, but you, at least, should know all about it.
     W…What do you mean…?

     I guess you forgot it along with the rest of your school memories. Can’t be helped.
     I shouldn’t even be asking about this stupid thing, but… this file mentions some “surviving students”, right?
     Is that… us? So, what the rest says…

     Hey, wait a second, you two!

     What the hell are you talking about?! You’re making no sense at all!

     A movie lacking picture, a song lacking sound, a book lacking words…
     Those are all things you can say “make no sense”.

     What we’ve been saying isn’t nearly on the same level!
     Who cares? Just tell me who those “surviving students” are!

     How should I know? They never tell me the important things! I’m just here to be cute, that’s all!

     Third Island Theme

     Dammit…! He ran away again!

     H…Hey, Hinata…
     I…I don’t think you should worry. He’s… just messing with us.

    I’m sure he is…!

    And that’s all we can do at the electric town. Next location!

    And also the final one on this island. Let’s see what’s inside.

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

     Welcome, one and all!
     We are currently in the middle of a screening, so please wait five more minutes until the next one begins!
     A screening? What are you talking about?

     Are those eyes of yours just there for decoration? Take a look around! We’re in a movie theater!

     I’m talking about a movie screening! What else could it be?!
     A movie screening…
     No… I don’t even need to ask.
     This is another one of your “motives”, isn’t it? Just like that “Twilight Syndrome” game.
     This time I’m not going to watch it! I don’t care what you say!

     Oh my! And I was just about to give you a complimentary ticket, too!

     But, I can’t allow you not to see it! It’s a movie I made myself, after all!
     If no one sees it, I’ll feel like you’re shutting me out!
    You made that movie? Now I’m sure it’s just like that game.

     That game was shoddy work, I’ll give you that. But this time it’s my true masterpiece!
     Anyway, as long as I don’t permit it, not watching isn’t an option!

     I am Monobear! I make the rules on this island!
     So… what are you going to do to me if I refuse to watch?

     I can’t allow such outrageous behavior! I can’t allow it, but…

     …If you buy a Monobear Sticker from the cinema store over there, I’ll let it slide.

    A Monobear Sticker?

    Before we go looking for the Monobear Sticker, there’s one important thing to do.

    …Now we can go looking for the sticker.

    On top of the counter, I found some strange pieces of merchandise.

    This looks like a tote bag made of hemp fabric with Monomi’s face printed on it…

     Oh? Did that catch your eye? It’s a universal tote-bag with a multitude of functions!

     It’s also a limited edition. I only have one to sell!
     By the way, tote bags were originally made for carrying ice around.

     …So, how about it? Are you buying?

     Yeah, I thought you’d say that. To be honest, I had to cut some corners when making it.

    That’s a little too honest…

     So, about that sticker… Did you mean these things?

     It says “Sorry for being born an idiot”…

    It’s not even funny, and I don’t think it has any deep meaning… This one’s cutting corners too!

     Actually, I got those stickers from an all-powerful monk after I made a prayer!

     I’ll give you a special price! Just 1.5 million yen!
     Y…You want 1.5 million yen…? For a sticker?
     That’s ridiculous! I don’t even have any money!

     You can pay me after you leave this island. You can always watch the movie instead, of course…
     …Fine. I’ll pay.

     That’s a shock!!
     If you don’t mind waiting until I leave the island, then sure - I’ll pay 1.5 million.

     Y…You’re the first person I’ve ever seen agree to pay so much for one of these stickers…

     I guess that means you really don’t want to see my movie, though. That’s… depressing.

     But for this much profit, who cares?! I’m a money-counting mascot, y'know!

    That’s the worst kind…!

     Here, take it, you thief! You should paste it on your forehead, you thief!
     I hope all your prayers will be answered, you thief!

    The sticker I got was even more flimsy and cheap-looking than I imagined…
    This is like something you find inside a pack of bubblegum. Who would ever pay so much money for something like this…?

    …I hope I didn’t make a big mistake.

     Oh! While we were messing around, it seems the screening has ended!
     I have to go collect my questionnaire!

    Humming a tune, Monobear turned towards the door to the theater, and then…

    Music halts.

    * BANG *

    The door was thrown open violently, and a single man appeared.

     Third Island Theme


     Ah, Komaeda-kun! May I have my questionnaire back?

     Questionnaire? Are you serious…?
     That was so boring I felt I was being tortured. The last few minutes felt like weeks.


     Well… That’s what art is like, y'know. Work that doesn’t challenge common sense has no right to be called art.

     I was so sure it was going to be the next motive, but it wasn’t anything like that. I’m disappointed on so many levels…
     If I could’ve paid money to avoid this experience, I would’ve gladly done so…

    I…If even Komaeda got so depressed, that must be one terrible movie.

     I guess I made the right choice.

    Let’s see if he has anything else to say about his experience.

     Sigh… It was so boring I’m exhausted.
     If I could’ve paid money to avoid this experience, I would’ve gladly done so…
     Just for reference… if you had to pay 1.5 million yen in order not to see it…

     I’d do it in a second.

    That was… a very quick answer.

    There are some other things we can look at.

    It’s the food corner.

    There’s popcorn, sandwiches, and all sorts of soft drinks.

    It’s a poster for Time Travelers. Huh, seems interesting.

    I’ll be buying that for sure.


    The Level 5 check is in the mail. And with that business done, we’re done with the cinema, and also with this island’s exploration.

     Hinata-san! Hold it right there!!
     Sonia… What’s up?

     I have just been to the hospital, you see…
     And it seems Tsumiki-san has made a great big discovery!
     A great big discovery… at the hospital?

    Please, God, let it not be an excessively large syringe.

     It seems you and I think alike, Hinata-san.

     I guess “Furikaereba Yatsu ga Iru” also fits, but what really comes to mind is “Kaze no Naka no Aitsu”!

    “Furikaereba Yatsu ga Iru” (Fuji Television, 1993) and “Kaze no Naka no Aitsu” (Nippon Television, 1984) are two old medical TV dramas. But I don’t think I even should explain this because –

     Um… What are you talking about?

     What are you saying, Hinata-san?! It’s a legendary Japanese medical drama!
     “Kaze no Naka no Aitsu” was broadcast in 1984 and had a huge influence on trendy TV series the following years!

     It’s a love story between a rookie idealistic doctor and an elite doctor he works with…
     And the best thing is, the lead male and female actors later got married in real life!
     Wait a second. Why do you know so much about ancient TV shows?
     Anyway, we have to hurry. Come to the room at the far end of the corridor in the hospital’s first floor.

     The far end of the corridor…?

    I’m not sure what’s going on, but I guess I should go and see.

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