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The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 Stuff

Super High-school Level Update #57
  1. As before, you have a choice of raw or subtitled videos. Please make sure to check the thread as well - there are cultural notes and also a certain map that’s not translated in the video but is in this post’s screenshot.

    Trial 1 Raw (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 1 Subbed (Youtube via Polsy) 

     Before we begin, let me explain the rules of the school trial in simple terms.
     Your task is to reason out the identity of the culprit, and vote on who to accuse!
     Should you correctly identify the culprit, they alone shall be punished! But if you vote for the wrong person…
     Then everyone except the culprit shall be punished, and the culprit shall be given permission to leave the island!

     Ooo… No matter how many times I hear them, these wules are always so mean!

     Well! Why don’t we start with the motive I gave you! Go on, talk about my masterpiece, “Twilight Syndrome Murder Mystery”!

     Whaaat? Who cares about some stupid game?!

     Is this duel’s purpose not to unmask the murderer among us?

     That’s why we can’t just leave it alone. The game was this murder’s motive, remember?

     Hmmm… That’s right. So, let’s start there.

     The people who completed it probably already know, but the game is based on a real incident.

     Some of us - myself included - have not played the game. Perhaps you should explain this in more detail…?

     Twilight Syndrome Murder Mystery is a non-fiction game, you see.

     And that’s not all. The people involved in the incident depicted therein are among us.

     T…There are video game characters among us?!

     So… I think it would be best to start by making clear who those characters are.

    The characters in the game are A-ko, B-ko, C-ko, D-ko, E-ko and F-suke.

    There was also another girl, who was killed at the beginning.

    If we consult the cast list at the end of the game, it’s easy to tell who’s who…

    Let’s start with the player character, A-ko.

    The true identity of A-ko must be…

    Tsumiki / Koizumi / Saionji / Satou

    That’s it!

     A-ko, who appears in the game, must be Tsumiki. Mikan Tsumiki, that is.

     Whaaaat?! M….Meeeee?!

     That timidness and stuttering… it’s exactly like A-ko’s.

     If we have to choose from the names appearing in the credits list, A-ko is the only one who fits.

     W…Why am I in a video game? That’s an invasion of my privacy!

     Ha! An ugly pig trash girl like you has no right to privacy in the first place!

     Ah. I feel as though I heard the phrase “ugly pig trash girl” in the game too.


    She’s right. And the character who said it was…

    B-ko / D-ko / C-ko / The first dead girl

    That’s it!

     In the game, B-ko was short and very rude… She must have based on Saionji.

     Short and rude? That’s taking way too much creative liberty!

     Anyway, let’s move on. It’s C-ko’s turn.

    C-ko… an excessively energetic girl with a peculiar speech pattern…

    Mioda / Monobear / Koizumi / Kuzuryuu

    That’s it!

     That’s easy… it’s Ibuki Mioda. She’s C-ko!

     Hey! Ibuki’s no sicko! That’s defamation! Ibuki will sue!


     So… Next up is D-ko.

    D-ko… Given that she was always carrying that camera around, there’s only one person it can be.

    Koizumi / Kuzuryuu / Tsumiki / Monobear

    That’s it!

     D-ko is Koizumi. Mahiru Koizumi… the victim.

     Yeah, that much is indisputable. Let’s skip E-ko for the time being, and move to F-suke instead.

    F-suke must be…

    Satou / Mioda / Kuzuryuu / Monobear

    That’s it!

     F-suke is… Kuzuryuu, isn’t he?

     Hmph. Are you saying I’m in that game? That’s crap.

     Ah, speaking of… There was another person named Kuzuryuu on that list, wasn’t there?

     …There was?

     It was right there in the credits…
     Tsumiki, Koizumi, Saionji, Mioda, Satou, Kuzuryuu, Kuzuryuu. That was the entire list.

     Hold it right there…! Why are you repeating Kuzuryuu’s name…?!

     I’m not making a mistake. That’s the way it was on the credits list.

     What does it mean…? You finished the game, didn’t you, Hinata-kun? You must know, then.

    I do have one theory about why there are two Kuzuryuus on that list, but…

    He picked me specifically to give the answer. Komaeda… I can’t ever catch a break with him around…

    The reason two Kuzuryuus appear on the credit list is…

    He had a little sister / He had a big sister / He played two roles / It was a typo

    That’s it!

     Both Kuzuryuu and his little sister appear in the game, don’t they?


     …Hm? He has a little sister?

     F-suke said so in the game…

    What did that girl… do to my sister?!

     Those words tell us that F-suke has a little sister.
     That sister actually appeared in the game. That’s why the credits list two Kuzuryuus.

     So… what role did F-suke and Kuzuryuu’s little sister play in the game…? Surely you know that too, Hinata-kun.


    I… hate to be the one to say it, but… if I want this trial to proceed I have no choice…

    The character who must be Kuzuryuu’s little sister is…

    D-ko / B-ko / The first dead girl / C-ko

    That’s it!

     She… has to be the girl who died at the beginning of the game.

    That girl… I think her name’s E-ko…?

    What did that girl… do to my sister?!

     Based on their dialogue, E-ko can’t possibly be F-suke’s sister.

     Which means the only remaining possibility is the girl who died. That makes her Kuzuryuu’s sister.

     Feh! What that fuck’s this all about…? You’re a piece of work, aren’t you…!

     A piece of work? Is that praise?!

     The complete opposite, retard!

     It was mentioned that this game was non-fiction, was it not? Then… The sister in question…

     I do have a little sister, that much is true…

     But, so what?! It’s just a game! We can’t take it seriously!

     It’s not “just a game”… This game has an unquestionable link to reality…
     That what makes it a good motive.

     D…Don’t fuck with me, asshole!

     If she was that easy to kill, I’d have killed her myself a long time ago!
     B…Besides, she came to see me off when I took off for Hope’s Peak. She stood right there, shooting her mouth off like she always does…

     It was just a few days ago…!

     Um, your memory is gone, so that’s only what it feels like to you–

     Shut up! Don’t say another word!

     I see… So you won’t accept this game as reality until the bitter end, Kuzuryuu-kun.

     Okay, I get it! So that’s your strategy for this trial!

     Komaeda… you’ve cast a lot of suspicion on Kuzuryuu, but… do you really believe he’s the culprit?

     It would be sad if this mystery was that simple… Not nearly enough to be a stepping stone for everyone…

     I would be much happier if Kuzuryuu-kun turns out not to be the culprit!

     Bah. Weirdo.

     Anyway… with that, we’ve made it clear who the game’s characters are, haven’t we?

     A-ko is Tsumiki, B-ko is Saionji, C-ko is Mioda, D-ko is Koizumi, F-suke is Kuzuryuu…
     And… the girl who was killed at the beginning is Kuzuryuu’s little sister.

     It’s just a game…!

     In that case, the remaining character, E-ko, is “Satou-san”, but…

     Don’t tell me it’s that Satou-san! The one from the rice?!

    “Satou no Gohan” is a very popular brand of instant rice. I usually don’t like leaving incomprehensible jokey references like this one alone, but if means you get to see this commercial, it’s all worth it.

     I’m not sure what Satou-san you’re talking about, but… I don’t think she has anything to do with us.

     She may be related to Tanaka! They both have cliched Japanese surnames!

    I hope she’s not serious…

     Tanaka may be a common surname, but it is leagues beyond Satou or Suzuki!

    He… seems to be pretty agitated about this.

     Hey, more importantly - how about we finally get to the main mystery of the game?!

     …Huh? Was there a mystery in that game?

     Oh, didn’t you hear, dear? That E-ko character was killed!

     Oh my! Are you sure?

     I tell you… These high-school students today…

     Things aren’t like they used to be…

     So you’re in cahoots after all!

     In short, the game’s mystery is about this E-ko’s murder, is it?

     We can get this over with quickly, then! Let’s handle the reason she was killed first!

    Given the events in the game… the reason E-ko was killed must have been because…

    E-ko was a witness / E-ko was the culprit / E-ko was Kuzuryuu’s little sister / E-ko was a hindrance to the culprit

    That’s it!

     E-ko was killed because she was the one who killed the girl in the beginning.

     In other words, E-ko was killed in revenge for that girl’s death…

     What do you think, Kuzuryuu-kun? We’re saying E-ko was killed in revenge for your little sister.

     You’re persistent, aren’t you… I don’t care about what happened in that game, but…


     I…Is that really true…? Did that E-ko really… kill that girl…?

     In order to make that clear, we have to solve the case of the first girl’s murder.

     The murder in the music room. I thought it might come to this, so I prepared this.

     I drew a map of the first crime scene: the music room and its surroundings.
     …That’s unexpectedly diligent of you.
     Hmf… Mapping is an essential skill for a retro-game fan, you know.
     Old school dungeon-crawling RPGs had a first person camera, so mapping as you went was a fundamental skill to have.
     Argh! Keep this discussion for some other time and concentrate on the case!

     So… let me first explain what happened in that first incident.
     A-ko, B-ko, C-ko and D-ko heard the sound of broken glass from the entrance hall.
     They quickly headed to the second floor, where the sound came from, and when they reached it…
     They found E-ko waiting next to the second floor music room. She reported she had heard the sound from inside the room.
     But, the door to the music room was locked.
     D-ko went to retrieve a key from the staff room, and the 5 girls were able to enter the music room.

     Inside… they found the dead body of a girl who’d been hit on the head.

     The girls thought the culprit had escaped through the broken window they found in the room.
     They concluded the sound of broken glass they heard from the hall was this window.
     In addition, E-ko’s school swimsuit was stolen, so they decided the culprit who escaped through the window was a pervert.
     …That’s about it.

     Yeah, you’ve made it perfectly easy to understand! Your skill as a Super High-school Level Gamer is showing!

     But it wasn’t really a pervert, was it? The real culprit was E-ko, right?

     So… after E-ko killed the girl in the music room, she must’ve stepped into the corridor and waited for the other girls.

     Was the music room locked from the outside? In that case, she needed the staff room key!

     In other words… she had the key on her the entire time. She used it to lock the music room’s door as soon as she left it!

     But… D-ko-san went to fetch that same key from the staff room just a short while later, didn’t she?

     By the way, let’s not even bother assuming there was a spare key. The game would’ve referenced it if there was.

     In that case… was the music room locked from the inside? And then E-ko broke the window and escaped…

     And then, she ran like the wind and reached the music room before the others did!

     But, in order to get back to the music room, she’d have to pass through the entrance hall the others were in, wouldn’t she?

     In that case… I got nothing!

     Sulkin’ ain’t gonna make you any cuter, y’know..

     Is the culprit even really E-ko? It doesn’t make any sense at all!

    But, judging by the rest of the game, E-ko had to have been the culprit.

    So… What did she do after she killed that girl in the music room?

    I have to find that out first.

    Phase 1 Raw (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 1 Subbed (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence bullets: Schoolgirl Crime Scene Photo / E-ko Crime Scene Photo / Stolen Swimsuit / Entrance Hall Photo / Broken Flower Vase Photo

    After killing the girl in the music room…

    …What did E-ko do?

    She simply broke the nearest window…

    …And took her leave.

    So how did she get from there…

    …to back outside the music room?

    In order to get back there…

    She had to pass through the entrance hall, didn’t she?

    But, about that entrance hall…

    …The other four girls were there, I think.

    Yes. And that’s where…

    …They heard the sound of the window breaking.

    So how’d she get past the girls without being spotted…

    …and then beat them to the music room?

    There must have been a secret passage!

    The secret passage in Twilight is the best secret passage ever!

    What did E-ko do after committing a murder in the music room? I have to find some sort of clue.

    As you can see, the second trial picks up the difficulty by starting to mix yellow and blue Weak Points. This one’s still fairly easy, though.

    …They heard the sound of the window breaking.
    Evidence bullet: Broken Flower Vase Photo


    Trial 2 Raw (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 2 Subbed (Youtube via Polsy) 

     The sound the girls heard wasn’t the sound of the window breaking.

     If it wasn’t the window, then… what broke?

     A flower vase.


     After the incident, a broken vase was found in a classroom next to the music room.

     The sound of broken glass the four girls heard wasn’t the music room’s window…
     It was the sound of that vase breaking… probably.

     In fact, the incident was already almost over at the time the girls met up in the entrance hall…
     After E-ko killed the girl, she broke the music room’s window and went to retrieve the key from the staff room…
     Then, she locked the music room from outside, and went back to return the key.
     After that, she went back to the corridor in front of the music room.
     Then, she estimated the time the others would meet in the entrance hall, and all she had left to do was break the vase in the neighboring classroom.

     She made it look like the murder had just happened, and the culprit ran away…

     Then, she just faked having also arrived to the scene at that moment.

     I…I see! We solved the mystery!

     But there’s still more! For one, we don’t even know what the murder weapon was!

    …The murder weapon?

     Who cares about that?! We know who the culprit is!

     I care! I prepared a death match for you bastards and you’re going to do it properly!

     Don’t be such a bother!

     Very well… let’s make it clear what the murder weapon was. If we don’t, it will be like a piece of shit that’s just about to drop down…


     You’re the one who’s disgusting.

     Upupu. The murder weapon is not something you’d expect, but it was very definitely shown in the game!

     Can you bastards guess what it is?!

    Something we wouldn’t expect, but that appeared in the game…

    It seems he’s just going to stall us until we figure it out…

    …Fine, then. Let’s do this. 


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