The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P19

  1. Super High-school Level Update #85


    Time to talk to the people we didn’t talk to last time.

     Hinata-kun… I know it’s impudent of me to even ask, but…
     …Can I have a moment of your time?

     You’ve been a witness to this incident from the very beginning, haven’t you?

     Can you give me an outline of what you saw?
     If I am to devote myself to even greater hope… I must find the truth behind these murders!
     Sorry, no can do.

     …No matter what?
     Don’t make me repeat myself!

    He’s just trying to lead us down the wrong track again… and I’m not going to help him do it!

     …I see. That’s a shame.

     Hey, are you okay? Are you still feeling sick?

     Oh? Hmmm… I’m not sure…
     Whenever I think about Nidai… my knees just start… shaking… for some reason…

     It’s strange… I’m not that weak, right?
     I mean… I’m not afraid of being beaten. That’s just part of fighting someone that strong. It’s… when I think of him being gone–
     He’ll be back. Nidai will definitely be back.
     Yeah… He has to…

     Fuwahaha! Have you come to finally swear fealty to the Four Dark Gods of Destruction?!

     In spite of all we said… it has happened again, hasn’t it?
     I can’t believe it… Two dear friends, gone…

     Mioda-san, who sang for Kuzuryuu-san on this very stage…
     And Saionji-san, who enjoyed her song so very much…

     Gone, both of them… Who could have done such a thing…?!
     …I know how you feel, but try to keep it together.
     Two of our friends have been killed… and that’s exactly why we can’t just let it pass.

     …We have no choice, do we? For the sake of our departed friends…

     Sniff… If I… If I’d only noticed earlier that she was gone, we may have been able to save Mioda-san…
     When did you notice she was gone?
     Um… After we parted I went to the rest ward… And when I got there…
     I realized I should probably check on the patients one more time before going to sleep.
     Sniff… So I went back down to the first floor, and that’s when I noticed Mioda-san wasn’t in her room…
     When I did, I panicked and ran out of the hospital…
     So that’s what happened…

     Then, I ran into Kuzuryuu-san in front of the hospital, and asked him to help me find Mioda-san…

     Huh? Now that I think about it, where were you at that time, Hinata-san? You were supposed to be resting in the lobby…
     That’s… quite a long story.

     Awawa! I’m sorry! I…It’s not like I suspect you or anything!

     H…How could I suspect you? W…We were together since early in the morning…
     Yeah, we were… I was with you until you went upstairs to rest…

     Y…Yeah… Even before Monobear’s morning announcement…
     S…So, I don’t think you did it, Hinata-san. I really really don’t…!

     Um… do you need anything else…? I should really get back to checking the bodies…
     Come to me later, and I’ll tell you if I found anything…

     S…So… Please spare my life!

    Didn’t she just say she didn’t suspect me?

    Evidence Bullet Get posted:

    Tsumiki’s Testimony

    Tsumiki has been with Hinata since before Monobear’s morning announcement.
    After that, when she went to check on the patients, she noticed Mioda was gone.
    Then, when she left the hospital to look for her, she met Kuzuryuu.

    There’s nothing else to investigate here in the club, so let’s proceed.

    The door says “staff only”… That’s the storage room.

    I guess I should look in there.

    Hm. Doesn’t look like there’s anyone important to talk to in here, so let’s go look at the scenery.

    There are all sorts of musical instruments here…

    I’ve seen guitars and drums before, of course, but most of this other stuff is new to me…

     I don’t think any of them were used in the murder, though.

    There are carpets and wallpaper sheets and cans of paint here… All essential for setting up the stage.


    There’s a roll of thick black paper on the lower shelf. It looks like wallpaper, but…

    A large number of Titty Typhoon stickers are pasted all over it… for some reason.

    Besides, what’s up with the sheet’s corner…?

    There’s a small piece torn away from it… How did that happen?

    There’s a pile of stickers here. The club’s logo is printed on them.

    Looks like they printed way too many… There’s something melancholic about it.

     Huh? Weren’t there more of these here before? Maybe I’m just imagining it…

    A standing mirror large enough to reflect my entire body. Artists probably use it to check their wardrobe.

    Yeah, a mirror this big would make dressing up much easier.

    Okay, I guess we have to talk to him after all.

     Komaeda… Did you come to investigate the storage room too?

     Oh, I’m just here to see what you think, Hinata-kun.

    …What is he, my bodyguard?

     So? Did you find any clues?
     It’s very likely that both the stepladder lying on the stage and the packing tape holding Saionji-san to the pillar…
     …Are originally from this room.
     I also think the culprit may have used other things from here as well…
     Are you trying to help the culprit by pretending to give me hints again?

     Oh, don’t say that! Why would I want to help the culprit?
     All I want is to help people driven by hope. That’s all.

     And that’s why… this time it’s different.

     …Well, I can’t be confident of anything yet.

    What the hell is he talking about? As always, he makes absolutely no sense…

     By the way, Hinata-kun…
     I’m still not certain exactly what happened before I arrived here.

     So, let me ask you again. If you tell me everything, I’m sure I’ll be able to give you even more useful information.
     …Oh, please. You’re just going to try and trick us again.
     You don’t want to solve the mystery. You don’t want the mystery to be solved. You just want to get in our way!

     You don’t get it at all… Everything I do is for you guys…
     Well, I don’t really mind.
     All I want is to strengthen everyone’s hope. And if that means becoming your enemy, or even dying…

     That’s why… I can’t just turn away from these murders…
     What the hell are you talking about?

     Well, whatever I say, you still won’t tell me what I want to know.
     I guess I’m just going to have to follow my hunch.

     You should go there, too, Hinata-kun. I’ll be waiting.
     Go where? Can you please stop talking in riddles?

     …The movie theatre, of course.

    Saying nothing more, Komaeda left the room.

     …The movie theatre?

    Why the hell would I go there?

     Um… I don’t think there’s anything else to investigate here.

    I should get back to the club.

    And so we do.

    Okay… I think I’m done investigating this place for now…

    Oh, I still have to talk to Tsumiki again. Maybe she found something when checking the bodies.

     Hey, Tsumiki… Did you find anything yet?

     Urururu…! I…I couldn’t get any satisfactory results!

     But, it’s not my fault! It’s because of the heat!
     I…It’s so hot in here, I can’t even estimate the times of death!
     It’s just temperature… is it really that important?

     When dead bodies get warm or cold, it makes it very difficult to tell when they died…

    Hmm… Is that why the heating is set so high?

    Did the culprit turn the heat up to hide the times of death?

    But… wait. That’s…

     B…But, even if it was the culprit’s doing, was it really necessary to hide the times of death?
     Yeah… I’ve seen everything, so, it’s obvious…
     Mioda died first, then Saionji.

     Besides, this is a copycat murder, so the order is pretty obvious anyway!
     …Wait, what? A copycat?

     Huh? You don’t know what that is, Hinata-kun? I thought everybody did.

     It’s when someone takes ritualistic elements from some other source, and enacts them as part of a murder.
     It’s a very common trope in mystery novels and games.
     Sure, but what does that have to do with the current situation…?

     You know… the order and the way they were killed is clearly copied from the movie…

    The… movie?

     …As was the fact that there were two victims at all.

     But… even if copying the movie was part of the murder plan… Why would the culprit do that?

     Um… May I raise an important question? If all of this truly is the work of a copycat inspired by the movie…
     …Would there not be another murder yet to come?

     It certainly is possible… If the culprit truly intends to imitate the original…
     W…Wait just one second!
     What the hell are you all talking about? A copycat murder? More victims?

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

     Are you worried about additional victims? You shouldn’t be.
     If too many people die all at once… That’s not exciting! That’s just messy!
     And so, without missing a beat, I’m going to take measures to prevent that!

     Um, in this Field Trip of Mutual Killing, a single culprit can only kill two people!

     …Is this a new rule?

     Well, if mass murder was allowed, that’d just make things easy for any prospective culprit, wouldn’t it?

     Therefore, I made a new rule to deal with that! Try not to forget it!

     So, since two people are already dead… there will be no others?

     Since we’re already discussing rules, may I ask one more question?
     I… just want to confirm something.

     I expected no less from the gamer.

     I hate to even consider the possibility… I hate to think that someone here would do such a thing, but…
     What if there are two simultaneous murders? What if there are two culprits?


     I mean… what if the culprit who killed Mioda-san and the culprit who killed Saionji-san are two different people?
     That would mean there are two culprits, but we can only vote for one.

     …And that would mean the one we don’t vote for automatically wins…

     Huh. You’re right.

     So, how are you going to deal with that?
     And what if there aren’t just two culprits, but three? What if there are four?

     Oh, just shut up already!!

     It won’t happen! I’m keeping a close eye on all of you to make sure it won’t!

     So, you’re saying two different culprits are impossible? Was that the case today as well?


     Fine… Yes. There is only one true culprit.
     Even if there are accomplices, you only have to vote for the ringleader, so to speak.

     Sigh… You tricked me into giving you bastards a huge hint…
     You gamers are a scary lot. I’m going back to my cave.


    So, it’s impossible for two culprits to exist…

    That makes things… a little less complicated, I guess.

     …Yeah. This mystery just got a little easier.

     Besides… if a culprit can take no more than two lives…

     A third victim is impossible! The culprit’s dark copycat ritual is foiled!
     You all keep talking about this “copycat”… Could someone please tell me what this is about?

     A…Are you saying… that you haven’t seen it, Hinata-san?
     Haven’t seen what?!!

     The movie, of course.

     Did Monobear-san not give you a complimentary ticket when you first explored this island?
     So then… this supposed “copycat”…

     …Indeed. They copy that movie.

     In fact, the murders fit the movie perfectly.

    They… do?

    So, is that what Komaeda was talking about before?

    I guess I’m just going to have to follow my hunch.
    You should go there too, Hinata-san. I’ll be waiting.
    Go where? Can you please stop talking in riddles?
    …The movie theatre, of course.

     I see… You haven’t seen it, Hinata-kun. But, it’s not too late… I think.
     You should probably go see it too before the school trial begins, don’t you think?
     Yeah… I guess so.

     So… I’m heading out too. There are still places I want to investigate.

     Where will you be going, Nanami-san?

     The hospital…
     That’s where Mioda-san was supposed to be… so we should investigate what happened there…

     We couldn’t go there before because of the despair fever…

    I should probably check out the hospital myself, too…

    It probably won’t help with Saionji’s murder, but I might find clues there for Mioda’s.

    For Saionji’s murder… I should probably check out the motel.

    So many things to do before the school trial… I should get to them quickly!

    Next time, we’re off to the movies!

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