The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 Chapter 2 Trial #4

  1.  Well then! We’re finally getting to the good part!
     …But I think I’ll just reveal the answer here and now!
     Huh? Are you spoiling the culpwit?
     Upupu… Shocking, isn’t it! To give it all away, just like that…
     Everyone’s going to fall into despair, aren’t they…?
     N…No! You can’t! I’ll never forgive you!
     But it’s such an original idea! Putting spoilers right in the middle… it’s inspired!
     The boss and I both think “original” is the way to go!
     The boss?! Who’s that?!
     Let’s get on with it! The answer is…
     Kyaaaaaa! You can’t! Everyone, please close your eyes and cover your ears!
     That’s right! When you’re surprised in German, you go “Nanoo?!”! It’s true!
     I…I’m not sure what’s that an answer to, but for some reason I think it’s not quite wight!

    Trial 10 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 10 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     I’m Monomi! And right now, my heart is beating vewy fast!

     To think… The one who killed that wonderful Mahiru Koizumi-chan is wight here among us…

     It can’t be! It can’t! I wefuse to believe it!

     Uu… It’s vexing that I can’t do anything, but… at the vewy least I can watch over everyone and believe in them…

     Good luck, everyone! I believe in you! And remember, save early, save often!!

     Um, so… even if we choose to believe Hiyoko-chan’s story… what do we do now?

     If the culprit’s goal was to set a trap for Saionji-san, the trap itself might be a clue.

     Are you talking about the letters?

     …Nope. I’m talking about the gummy.

     Huh? Since when is a piece of candy a clue?

     Saionji-san, when you woke up inside the closet, was the gummy already there?

     Ah! Now that you mention it… I don’t think it was.

     …Just as I thought.

     …What’s on your mind?

     If the culprit set up the false evidence while Saionji-san was asleep, they would risk her finding it and throwing it away.

     In other words, the gummy was placed in the closet after Saionji escaped the beach house?

     Did they come back after I left?

     They need not have taken that chance… They would need only to hide themselves away… and wait.

     That’s not possible! There’s nowhere to hide in there!

     I even took a peek in the shower room before I ran out, and there was no one there!

     So… maybe they did come back?

     Hmmm… Which is it…?

     I have a feeling that question is important to discovering the truth…

    Tutorial posted:

    I know what you’re thinking. You want to play a new type of game, don’t you?
    Well, you’re in luck! I have something special just for you.
    Prepare to “dive” into the deep reaches of your own brain, and to “logically” solve this mystery by answering multiple questions…
    We call this game, “Logical Dive”.
    In Logical Dive, you get to control an image of the brain…
    …and try to find your way to the goal at the end of the Synapse Course.
    You can move left and right using the analog pad, and accelerate using the circle button or the R button.
    Use the cross button to break, and the triangle button (or L button) to jump.
    As you proceed through the course, you’ll find several obstacles in your way…
    Please use the skills at your disposal to overcome them on your way to the goal.
    If you happen to fall into a hole or bump into a wall on your way, you will receive some damage.
    Furthermore, from time to time, a multiple choice question will appear on the course.
    The road will split into as many directions as there are answers to the question. Please follow the course indicated by the correct answer.
    More than one question will appear on your way, so please pay close attention.
    Finally, if I may be so bold… Here is some advice: Make good use of the brake function.
    The rest is up to you… Good luck.

    Phase 8 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 8 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

    As always with new Minigames, I recommend you watch the video to see how they work.

    Yeah, that is an important question.
    If the culprit tampered with the crime scene after Saionji escaped the beach house…

    Then when did the culprit enter the beach house, and when did they leave?


    I have to think…

    If I just concentrate and think this over, I’m sure the answer will come to me.

    Right, let’s do this!


    Question 1: Did the culprit arrive at the beach house before or after Saionji?

    Before Saionji / After Saionji

    Saionji was drugged as soon as she got to the beach house, so it stands to reason the culprit arrived there…

    Before Saionji

    Question 2: Did the culprit leave the beach house before or after Saionji?

    Before Saionji / After Saionji

    We just established that evidence was planted after Saionji already left, which means the culprit left…

    After Saionji

    Question 3: Where did the culprit hide while Saionji was sleeping?

    Beach house / Beach

    Given the answers to 1 and 2, it follows that the culprit hid in the…

    Beach House


    Trial 11 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 11 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     The culprit… was hiding, right?

     How sad… All that time just standing there thinking, and that’s the best you can come up with?

     I just told you there was nowhere to hide in there, didn’t I? Do I need to explain this again in a different language?

     The second she’s out of suspicion, she’s back to her regular abuse!

     No, there was a place to hide. Somewhere you never looked, Saionji.

     A…And when would that be? If you’re just guessing, I’ll have Owari pinch you so hard your forehead will shine forever!

    Let’s… not do that. I have to give her an answer…

    A place the culprit could hide… A place Saionji didn’t search…


    IT’S HERE!

     The culprit must have hidden inside the closet.

     The closet…?! But, that’s where I was!

     When you woke up, you panicked and left it immediately, didn’t you?
     You probably never gave it a second look.

     But, could two people really fit in such a cramped space? And, in such a way that Saionji wouldn’t even notice that someone else is there?

     That’s exactly why the culprit chose that area. There, they could create their own hiding place…

    A hiding place the culprit made, huh?

    I can only think of one place. Yeah, when the culprit hid inside the closet, they were in…


    IT’S HERE!

     There was a place they could hide in there, wasn’t there? Inside one of those surfboard cases piled on the shelves.

     What? Inside a surfboard case?

     Those shelves… were really in a mess, weren’t they?

     There were shelves that had two cases on them, and surfboards left out of their cases.
     The culprit did that on purpose, I think. To give themselves somewhere to hide.
     After all, we all just came to this island. The place shouldn’t have been that messy.

     So… the culprit was there right beside me?

     Yeah… They were right there next to you, holding their breath and hiding.
     You know what they say! “In for a penny, in for a pound”.
     “The darkest place is under the candlestick”… so to speak.
     Ha ha! You shouldn’t follow something you don’t even understand with “so to speak”!
     A…Anyway… That’s where the culprit lay hidden. Then, once they were certain Saionji had left…
     That’s when they finally came out of the surfboard case.

     I completely support this conclusion!

     …No one asked you.

     The culprit wouldn’t have wanted to leave their fake evidence while Saionji was still in the beach house…

     After all, if she found the evidence and got rid of it, all their work would have been for nothing.

     It’s pretty obvious that the culprit hid somewhere in the beach house and watched over Saionji-san’s actions!

     I said no one asked you!

     Right! Time for you to shut your mouth and prepare for a good beating!


     Good, you shut your mouth. Now clench your jaw and get ready.

     Sorry, Owari-san. That’s not it…

     Hey, Monobear. There’s something that’s troubling me. May I ask a question?

     I think Prince Shotoku really did come from the future. All major events in human history have future people behind them, after all.

     Let’s keep the time travel discussion for another time…

     The condition for the “body discovery announcement” was that three or more people discover the body, right?
     Those “three or more people”… does that include the culprit?

     Ahh, um, you see… Well, basically, you’d think so, huh…

     You’re stammering.


     Oh, for heaven’s sake! You’re an annoying one, pushing this silly little point like this!

     Um, sorry for starting with an excuse, but the body discovery announcement was never intended to be part of the mystery!
     It’s there so we can all have a fair trial… So everyone can know that a body has been discovered.

     So, you find it regrettable that I bring it up now? Well, I can see your point…

     But, depending on the body discovery situation, that “3 or more people” rule may become critical.

     That’s why as long as I haven’t said anything definitive, I’d like you to treat it flexibly.

     Treat it flexibly, huh?

     Well, how about today’s murder? Do the 3 people include the murderer or not?

     Fine, fine, I get it. I should just come out and say it, right? This time, it doesn’t include the culprit. Happy? Now leave me alone.

     In other words, three people other than the culprit discovered Koizumi’s body.

     Does that… matter?

     Nope, it just worried me a little so I had to ask. Let’s return to our previous discussion.

     You really like your little digressions, don’t you…?!

     U…Um… We were just talking about how the culprit hid inside a surfboard case, weren’t we?

     And then, after Hiyoko-chan ran away, the culprit was free to proceed with their crime scene tampering spree.

     But, before we can proceed… one obstacle yet remains in our way.
     Before the petulant one took her leave, the culprit moved the corpse to block the door. Their clothes would be stained with blood… And yet…

     That’s right… No one had any incriminating bloodstains on them…

     Oh, don’t worry… You’ve gotten this far, I’m sure you’ll find the answer in no time.

     Let the discussion begin!

    Tutorial posted:

    It’s time to introduce the final element of Nonstop Discussion.
    From this discussion forward, you will be able to “memorize” an Evidence Bullet.
    When you push and hold the triangle button, the shape of your cursor will change.
    Should you keep the cursor over a weak point in that form, you will memorize the weak point’s words.
    Memorized words can be used as an Evidence Bullet, for one shot only.
    Memorized Evidence Bullets disappear from the cylinder once they’re shot or once you switch to another Evidence Bullet, but…
    You may memorize weak points as many times as you like.
    When you can’t find an Evidence Bullet to use against a lie or a misunderstanding in your cylinder…
    …You should use a memorized Evidence Bullet to destroy your opponent’s statements.
    When should you use one? That is up to you to discover.
    Memorized evidence bullets cannot be used to agree with blue weak points.
    They are only effective against the yellow ones.
    The rest is up to you… Good luck.

    Phase 9 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 9 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence Bullets: Shower Room

    What did the culprit do with the bloodstains on their body?

    Couldn’t they simply wash them off?

    They couldn’t use the shower, remember?

    It was impossible to wash them off.
    (That’s why it’s a mystery, isn’t it?)
    (I give up. I’ll leave the thinking to you.)

    It’s not like they had to use the shower…

    Ah! How about the wetsuits in the closet?

    They could drag the body while wearing one!
    (I think I’ve seen one somewhere…)

    …They could have used something other than the shower

    What would they do with the dirty wetsuit?

    Straight into the toilet!

    As someone who disposes of a lot of shit every morning, I can say with certainty…
    (Why is he always…)

    (…talking about the toilet?)

    Maybe we should approach this another way…?

    Maybe someone other than the culprit moved the body?
    (That happens from time to time…)
    (Are you saying some cult is involved…?)

    …to wash away the blood, couldn’t they?

    If I use that idea… I could probably destroy this contradiction…!

    Well, we know we have to memorize a weak point, since we just had a tutorial about that. So let’s do it.

    …They could have used something other than the shower

    It was impossible to wash anything away.
    Evidence bullet: something other than the shower


    Trial 12 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 12 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     If all they had to do was wash away some bloodstains, they didn’t really have to use the shower.

     They could have easily used something else!

     Something else…? Like what?

    Something other than the shower that can be used to wash the blood away. There’s only one thing I can think of…

    Drinks from the fridge / Sand / The ocean / A squall

    I SEE!

     The drinks from the fridge. Those could be used to wash some blood off someone’s body, right?


     You may say that… but it is still impossible.

     Try to remember what was in that refrigerator. You should soon realize your error.

     You will realize it is impossible for someone to have used those drinks!

    Phase 10 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Phase 10 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 


    Evidence Blades: Shower Room, Barred Window, Footprints in the Sand, Metal Bat, Trashcan

    The refrigerator at the beach house…

    …had a lot of drinks in it, I agree.

    But, try to think it over.

    A single bottle of drink does not amount to much.

    It is insufficient for washing blood off.


     What makes you think they only used a single bottle…?

     If they used multiple bottles, they could easily wash the blood off!

    Heh… I said it was impossible, did I not?

    There were no water bottles inside that fridge.

    They were all colorful, sugary, smelly drinks.

    If someone tried to wash themselves with that…

    Their body would become sticky, and stay dirty.

    They would also have to contend with the smell.

    That’s even a bigger problem if they used many bottles.

    It would be as if they’re trying to draw suspicion to themselves on purpose!

    Was her first argument just a preface to this…?

    But, I think I have evidence that disproves her!

    We do have such evidence!

    There were no water bottles inside that fridge.
    Evidence Blade: Trashcan


    Trial 13 (Raw) (Youtube via Polsy) 
    Trial 13 (Sub) (Youtube via Polsy) 

     No, there were water bottles in that fridge.

     D…Don’t make me repeat it again. I’m sure there were no water bottles in there…

     But that was after the incident, wasn’t it? That wasn’t the case before… I’m sure there were water bottles in there.
     Then, the culprit used all of them to wash the blood off their body!

     Are you saying… the water was gone because the culprit used it all? That’s a little far-fetched…!

     It’s not far-fetched at all… There was plenty of evidence left inside the trashcan.

     A large amount of identical plastic bottles… they must have been it.

     Oh, those bottles sure do look like water bottles, don’t they?

     Y'know… now I think about it…

     When I was at the beach house a couple of days ago, I’m pretty sure I drank some water out of one of those bottles…

     Fuweh?! You should’ve noticed that faster!

     So… was bottled water really used in lieu of the shower?

     Washing your body with a large amount of bottled water… That’s truly a simple, acceptable solution!


    Wait… a second…

    Now that I think about it, if someone washed their entire body with bottled water…

    That means… that…!

     It seems you’ve finally noticed it too, Hinata-kun. Who the culprit is, I mean…


     It was bound to happen.

     W…Wait… You know who… the culprit is…?

     I…Is that true?!

     Then let us hear your accusation!

    The culprit… used bottled water to wash bloodstains off their body…

    And so, the culprit… the culprit who killed Koizumi is…

    It’s… It has to be…!


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