The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P1

  1. Super High-school Level Update #66

     Re: Despair Syndrome

     There’s… no one here, right?

     Hee hee hee…!
     Ah, I can’t wait… The look of shock on their big dumb faces…

     Hee hee hee…
     But… I’m sure they’ll love it.
     They’ll love it very very veeeeery much…

     Hee hee hee…!

    Music fades out

    * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…
     Good morning, you bastards! It’s another perfect tropical day!
     Let’s enjoy it for all it’s worth!


    …Morning again.

    I was so worried about Kuzuryuu, I couldn’t sleep at all.

     Re: All All Apologies

    He tried to interfere with Pekoyama’s execution… and suffered severe injuries…
    …Is he really going to be alright?

    Can we really trust Monobear with him?

    Anxiety was seeping further and further into my heart…

    My body felt so heavy…

     …But, what’s done is done.
     I can’t just stay here in bed…

    Slowly, achingly, I pulled myself to my feet.

    Music fades out

     I guess… I should go to the restaurant.

    As long as I’m doing something…

    Alright… I’ll get some breakfast, talk to the others… And we can all confront Monobear together.
    He has to tell us… We have to know if Kuzuryuu’s going to be okay!

     Re: Beautiful Morning

    Off we go to the restaurant!

     Good morning, Sonia.


     The impertinence! Do you forget with whom you speak?!

     Ah, I’m sorry! It’s… just old instincts…! Please, go on as usual.

    That was dangerous. I was just about to kneel down in front of her…

     I’m sorry… I was so worried about Kuzuryuu-san, I couldn’t sleep…
     That is why I look so disheveled right now. Oh… how embarrassing… I cannot be seen like this!
     I shall go wash my face one more time! See you later!

    I thought she looked the same as always…

    But… I guess her mood’s just like mine.

     Kuzuryuu… Is he okay…?

     Good morning, Nanami.

     …Yeah. Good morning. You’re earlier than usual today.
     I just couldn’t bear staying in my room.

     …I see.

    Same as ever… Or is she? She looks like she’s concentrating even more than usual…
    It’s as if immersing herself in games is her way of coping…

    …Or am I just imagining it?


     Wah! Big-bro Hinata?! Why are you here so early?!
     Oh, Saionji… Wait… why the big panic?

     I…I’m not in any panic… I just woke up early… so I decided to come here.
     I…I see…

    Something’s… strange about her. Is she up to no good again?

    Well, no one else seems to be coming… Wait, what’s this thing over there?

    Music fades out

     …W…What the hell is this?!

     Re: Despair-Syndrome

    Several photos were pasted on a board in front of some… some… creepy thing.
    Whatever it is, it’s… terrifying. Spine chilling would be a good way to describe it.

    Wait… Aren’t those… Koizumi’s photos?

    What the hell is this supposed to be?!

     Re: Beautiful Morning

     Wow! What’s this?! Look at this cute display!

     I don’t know who made it, but it sure looks like it took lots and lots and lots of hard work!

     Kyahaha! I’m sure big sis Koizumi’s really happy!
     Yeah! I don’t know who made it, but we should all be veeeery grateful to whoever it is!
     Um, Saionji… Did you…

     G…Good morning. Oh… This isn’t a pair we see very often…
     Heh heh heh… What are you two looking a–

     KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! What is this… dreadful thing?!

    Oh no…


     I heard screams!! Is it a fight?!

     The hell’s goin’ on up here? ‘S too early for this kinda stuff…

     Sniff… It’s terrible…! L…Look, over there!

     Huh? What’s over there…?

     Waah!! What the hell?!

     Re: Despair-Syndrome

     T…The hell’s this sinister thing? Someone’ tryin’ to put a curse on us or something?
     Mu… A disgraceful defilement of Koizumi’s memory…!
     I don’t know who made this, but I think something’s wrong with ‘em.
     Sniff… It’s too much… Who could do such cruel things to Koizumi-san’s photos..?!

     Re: Beautiful Morning


     Hey, um… It’s not like I don’t get how you guys feel, but, see–

     Good morning, everyone!

     Good mor-phogenesis!


     KYAAAAAAAAAA! What’s this thing, and what horror movie did it burst out from?! It sure doesn’t take any liberties with its sinister aura!

     T…That’s just too much! Who’d be so heartless as to make such a mockery…?!
     Um, see… it’s…

     …It really is the worst, isn’t it? Who would ever do such a terrible thing?

     Yeah… There’s no way big sis Koizumi’d like that

     Wouldn’t like it? She’d be out for blood!

     So who the hell made this thing?!

     Ku… We’ll search for the culprit later…

     …Right after we appease Koizumi’s spirit by BURNING THIS MONSTROSITY DOOOOOOOWN!
     B…But… I’m trying to tell you…

     …We can’t.
     Someone made this display to commemorate Koizumi’s memory. We can’t burn it.

     …Fweh? Commemorate her memory?

     You’ve got it all wrong. This is obviously meant to be demeaning!

     …Is it? It’s just a little clumsy, that’s all.

     Try looking beyond the surface. Look closer at what’s in it.

     Re: Welcome Despair Academy

     Even if is is a little clumsy, someone put a lot of work into it…
     If you look at it closely… can’t you tell what that person wanted to say?
     Koizumi-san isn’t alone… she will be forever with us…
     That’s the sentiment… I’m sure of it.

     So, really… It’s a fine display, isn’t it?

     Now that you mention it… it kinda is!

     You two sure you know what you’re talkin’ about?

     Sniff… sniff…

     Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I don’t want you to burn it!


     U…Um… Could it be that perhaps, you…

     Big sis Koizumi… She was really really nice to me…
     She even… taught me how to tie my obi…

     Koizumi-san… was a very caring person, wasn’t she…

     Big sis Koizumi… she must be so lonely right now, all by herself…
     So I wanted to send her a message, tell her she’s not all alone up there in heaven…

     Guwaaaaaa…! Saionji…! Y…You…!

     I…I really wanted to make something better, but…
     But… I’m not very good at anything other than dancing… so…

     Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! I’m sorry!

     I…I apologize… I never considered your feelings, Saionji-san… That was most unbecoming of me!

     My bad, Saionji.

     I…I’m sorry…!

     U…Um… Guess we got this all wrong, huh.

     Actually, now I take a good look at it, this thing’s pretty well put together!

     I guess it wouldn’t hurt to keep it here until we get off this island.

     …No, we should keep it even after that.
     We can’t let such wonderful photos go to waste, can we?

     Sniff… sniff…
     …So… you won’t burn it?

     Of course not! How could we?!

     It was you who suggested it, y'know.


    Music stops

     In that case, I forgive everyone! Everyone except Tsumiki!

     Re: Beautiful Morning

     W…Why are you always singling me out?!

     Well, that’s kinda out of character…!

     I never imagined Hiyoko-chan could work so hard on anything!

     I…It was nothing…

     …You truly have a gentle heart, Saionji-san.

     N…No, I don’t…

     Aaaaaah, stop bullying me!

     Ha ha, she’s being shy!

     Stop it! Don’t make fun of me!

     Heh heh… Saionji-san is cute when she’s embarrassed.

     Shut up, you filthy ugly pig!

     Hiiii! Why is it always me?!

    A…Anyhow, I guess this business is settled, right?

     Somehow… It’s nice when everyone just acts like themselves.
     …Hm? Is it?
     It feels to me like we just barely avoided another disaster.
     …That’s exactly what I mean.

     We always manage to learn more about each other, even if it’s just a little bit… Little by little, we learn to appreciate each other.
     That’s why even in the situation we’re in we can keep looking forward and keep the despair away.

     …Yeah. Everyone here is amazing.

    Amazing, huh?

    Music fades out

     Forgive me for being late. I offer my sincere apolo…

     Re: Junk Food for a Dashing Youth

     …What in the hundred hells…?! Who is responsible for this wicked monstrosity?!

     What madman would taunt a departed soul so!? Would you invite peril upon us all?!

     What do we have here? Yet another attempt to make us despair?
     This thing isn’t fit for this hope-filled environment. I am disgusted.

     Come on. Let’s destroy it. I can’t stand seeing it even a second longer.

     Stand aside! This spell drains the life essence of the caster… but it is a price I shall gladly pay to be rid of this abomination!



     Is that… included in your definition of “amazing”?

     Hmmm… We may need some more time.
     …I’ll say.

    Music fades out

    It was an eventful breakfast, to say the least…

    And yet… for some reason… It calmed me down a bit.

     Re: Despair Syndrome

    What we didn’t know back then was that this was just the eye of the storm.
    We were at peace, sure… but it was a fragile alliance, and already cracks were beginning to form…

    Cracks from which a whole new ghastly tragedy would soon emerge…

    …And I was completely unaware of it. We all were.

    And so, we ate, and talked, and laughed…

    Ocean Breeze Dead End
    (Ab)normal days

     Re: Beautiful Morning

     Ah, that was good! I don’t think I can eat any more!

     Man, you can eat… You just eat and eat and eat like you don’t have a care in the world…

     That’s because I don’t!

     You don’t?! What about that thing with Fuyuhiko-chan?!

     Kuzuryuu-san… Is he really going to be okay?
     I was so worried… I couldn’t sleep at all last night.

     Besides, we’ve entrusted his fate to Monobear! That’s even more worrying!

     Uuuuu… I should’ve done more for him… I work in medicine, after all…

     …Well, we really shouldn’t worry so much about that.

     Typical… You got food, so everything’s okay… is that it?

     Yep! Now that my belly’s full, I can get to work!
     That is…

     You can leave the rest to me now! I’ll teach that Monobear a lesson and avenge Kuzuryuu!

     Hey, he’s not dead just yet!!

     Vengence is just her excuse… all she really wants is to see if she can beat him.


     Ha ha… At least she’s honest about it…

     Miss Monomi’s Practice Lesson

     Hey, everyone! Might I have a fwagment of your time?

     Monomi… What is it?

     Sigh… The mood was getting much nicer and now it’s over.

     Hoeh? I’m a mood wuiner?!

     Stop being so cwuel to me! I worked so hard for you today!

     We don’t even know who the hell you are! We’re having an important conversation here, so just go away.

     Oh, I’m sowwy… I’ll go…

     Wait, that’s not it! If there’s one thing I can’t bear, it’s being tweated like an outsider!
     So, what do you want? What do you mean, you “worked hard”?

     Ah! You finally noticed!

     I destwoyed another Monobeast! That counts as working hard, doesn’t it?!

    I apologize for not working in a timely manner, but Monomi’s takedown of the second Monobeast will soon be immortialized in video and included with an upcoming update. Look forward to it!

     So, another Monobeast is gone…

     Thaaat’s wight! You can all visit a new island now!

     …And that means, this time you can all live peacefully here on these islands.
     Without letting Monobear confuse you… Without thinking of leaving…

     Just… keep on living peacefully with your fwiends!

    A new island, huh?

    Perhaps we’ll finally find some way to escape…

    No… I have to be confident that we will! This is our only hope!

     Huh? Are you still twying to leave the island?!

     Forget that, Monomi-san! Can you tell us what happened to Kuzuryuu-san?!


     Um… About that… I don’t weally know, you see…

     Sonia-san, it’s useless asking that rabbit questions! She’s clearly in cahoots with Monobear!

     There’s no use in denying it… You are one of the World Destroyers, are you not?!

     That was the organization that brought us to this island, right?
     So, since it was Monomi who brought us here, she must be one of them!

     Hey! I don’t care if you’re a rabbit or a pig! What are you after?!

     Now’s our chance…! We can make her tell us everything!

     Uu… This sure is a violent fix I’m in… But I’m afwaid I can’t tell you any more…

     You don’t know what it’s like, being in middle management!

     Beautiful Ruin

     She ran away again! Just like every time things start getting bad for her!

     Well, we should just forget about her. What’s important is…

     …What are we going to do about the new island?

     Is this really the time for exploration…? Kuzuryuu-san might be dying…

     Whatever despair stands in our way, we must keep moving forward!
     That’s what hope is all about!
     You’re one to talk…! All you ever do is try to trick us!

     Honestly… I don’t know who’s more annoying - Monobear or you.

     He’s right, though. Should we really do nothing just because we’re worried about Kuzuryuu-kun?
     Shouldn’t we at least try to do whatever we can?
     Whatever we can, huh…
     She’s right. Let’s find a way off this island before Kuzuryuu gets back.


     I guess… if we just stay here moping it won’t make Kuzuryuu-san any better.

     If that’s what Sonia-san says, I’m all for it!

     It’s settled, then! Let’s go and find some new hope!

     In that case, why don’t we just go destroy the rest of the Monobeasts? We can get access to all of the islands right now!

     If that tiny rabbit could do it, it should be super-easy for me!

     …Oi… Don’t do anything rash…

     Anyway, let’s start! We can cut open the way to a hope-filled future with our very own hands!

    …Why is it we always end up doing what Komaeda says?

    Well, I guess exploring the new island isn’t a bad idea.

    Let’s get going!

    Oh, but there’s someone in the way, on the central island.

     Hey, aren’t you going to the new island, Nidai?

     Owari seemed… very intent on trying to fight the Monobeasts herself.
     So I thought I’d watch over the bridges in case she tries something reckless. I trust that you will explore the new island well in my place.
     Oh… Okay.

    Nidai seems to really care about her… or maybe it’s just in his nature as a coach?

    She wasn’t lying! This gate’s Monobeast is gone!

     I guess… there’s a new island on the other side of this bridge…

    For just a second, I thought of Kuzuryuu, and hesitated…

    …But then I decided to put my fears and anxiety behind me. I stepped onto the bridge with a sliver of hope deep in my heart.

     Third Island Theme

     So this is the third island. It seems… different than the others.

    Private residences and wrecked lots are lined up one after another… It doesn’t look like a vacation resort at all.
    Still… just like everywhere else, the whole place looks abandoned.

    Something feels… dangerous. I should proceed with care.

    A reverse Japanese cultural note, actually. I feel I have to write this because I’ve seen people elsewhere on the Internet excited about the oh-so-anime-look-at-those-crazy-Japanese-and-their-Engrish aspect of a certain name in this screenshot. What they don’t seem to realize is that this is a very direct reference to a 17 year old American film – not just the name in question references it, but also the design of the building it’s on. It’s a pretty apt reference, too, given the general design of this island. I can only imagine some of those people from elsewhere on the Internet weren’t even born yet when that movie was released, though, so you can’t really blame them, can you?

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