The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P15 -Victim found-

  1. Super High-school Level Update #81


    Morning already…

    But… something’s wrong…

    My body feels heavy.
    No, not just heavy… There’s something soft and… warm…

    Almost like…!!

     Re: Junk Food for a Dashing Youth

     I…I can’t breathe!!
     I…I told you to stop it… It tickles…!
     Gack… Tsumiki again…?!
     G…Get off me…
     I…I…I can’t breathe……!
     Zzz… Finally, you’re behaving… Zzz… Now I can sleep… peace… ful… ly…

     HYAAAAAAA! Hinata-san, your cyanosis is back!!

     Hawawa! You’re going all limp! S…Stay with me!

    Music fades out

     Cough… cough…

     Ah! Are you back, Hinata-san?!

     Re: Beautiful Morning

     Oh, thank god… I thought you died of suffocation…
     T…Tsumiki… What are you doing in my room…?
     And… what time is it? We haven’t even had the morning announcement yet…

     Oh…? Now that you mention it…

     Hawawa! I came to wake you up, Hinata-san, but… I accidentally fell asleep!

    How the hell do you accidentally fall asleep…?!

     But I have good news… Um, you see… Komaeda-san’s condition finally improved. He’s out of risk.
     So I came here to call you two, but Kuzuryuu-san’s door was locked…
     Oh, right… Mine’s busted. I have Mioda to thank for that…

     A…Anyway, you have to come with me to the hospital! We can help Komaeda-san now!
     Yeah… Got it.

    I got myself ready as quickly as I could, and returned to the hospital with Tsumiki.

    I still wasn’t sure why Komaeda was even worth the trouble, though…

    …Well, whatever.

     Komaeda-san is in his room. We should go see him now.

    Let’s make the rounds first, as has become customary.

     Monobear hasn’t made his announcement yet, so I think Mioda-san is still asleep…

     Oh, I’m sorry for speaking out of turn! And, well… I can’t actually be sure that she is, but…

     B…But… We shouldn’t wake up the patients… So let’s go check Komaeda-san’s condition first.

    I guess she has a point.

    Komaeda was out of bed, and standing in the middle of the room when we entered.

     Komaeda-san! Can you hear me? Hinata-san came to visit you!

     The Mioda twins are singing a canon…
     I see… I understand now… There are two of them…

     …T…They’re the… The Olsen Twins!
     …Are you sure he’s better?

     I…It’s not like he’s completely cured. He’s just no longer in danger of dying…

     How could I have missed it…? Every time we saw her, it was a different one…
     And that means… there’s a 17th student! It was them all along!

     The Olsen Twins…! That’s the answer!

    I liked him better when he couldn’t speak.

    [Localization note not included in this update]

     Thank god… I’m so relieved now that Komaeda-san is back with us.

     Waaaaah! This is such a relief…!

     Oh, my. I’ve gotten all dizzy. I’m not sure why, but… my head’s spinning.
     You’d better get some sleep… I don’t think you’ve rested at all the last couple of days. You must be dead tired.

     Well, if you insist… I think I’ll go sleep for a while in the rest ward upstairs…
     You must be a nervous wreck yourself, Hinata-san. Perhaps you should relax in the lobby?
     Yeah… I think I will.
     So… good night! …No… wait, it’s still morning… um…

    Tsumiki tottered unsteadily out of the room.

    She really does seem tired…

    I guess that’s why she fell asleep in the middle of coming to call me…

     I’m all alone with Hinata-kun… Spending time with you is just… sheer torture.
     Don’t worry, I’m going. Just get back in bed and try to shake that fever off.
     Yeah, go away. I don’t want to see your face anymore.

    I get the message.

    It’s almost time for Monobear’s morning announcement. I think I’ll just go wait in the lobby until it comes on…


    The light on the monitor is blinking…

    But, that’s strange… It’s not time for our chat yet…

    Well, if the light is blinking, it means someone’s waiting on the other side, doesn’t it?

     Why would anyone be calling this early…?

    What if it’s some kind of emergency…?

    If it is, I can’t just wait until Kuzuryuu gets here…

     Okay. I guess I’ll take this call alone.

    I reached my hand and pushed the communication button.

     Re: Despair-Syndrome


    W…What the hell…

    A wavering light illuminated a pitch black curtain.
    The scene had the atmosphere of a dark ceremony.

     Is that… candlelight?

    But, the most unsettling thing was the rope hanging down from the ceiling.

    The end of the rope was tied in a noose… And under it stood a stepladder.

    It almost seemed like… a gallows.

     W…What the hell…?

    What the hell’s going on over there?

    Music stops

    Then, suddenly…

     Re: Despair Syndrome


    A human figure slowly entered the scene. The moment it appeared…

    …A terrible chill ran down my spine.

    The figure wore a hospital gown, and its head was covered by a bag…


    The gowned figure moved slowly onto the stage…

    …And started climbing the stepladder.

    Slowly… ponderously… one step at a time… until it reached the top.

    Then, it took the rope in its hand…

     You’ve got to be kidding…!!

    Then, the next instant…

    Music halts

     What the…?!

    The scene suddenly turned completely dark. Perhaps the candle blew off?


    No matter how much I shouted, there was no response from the other side.

     Ocean Breeze Dead End

     What the hell?! What’s going on?!

    W…What did I just see…?

    No! There’s no time! I have to do something!

     I have to get to the music club, now! If I can get there in time…!

    I rushed out of the lobby, and started running toward the music club.

    * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…
     Good morning, you bastards! It’s another perfect tropical day!
     Let’s enjoy it for all it’s worth!

    That was the morning announcement just now…!

    Which means… Kuzuryuu should be at the hospital soon…

    …But I don’t have time to wait for him!

     …I have to go!

     …Please! Don’t let me be too late!

    I let out a small prayer, and ran into the club.

    Music fades out

    Of course… I’d forgotten.

    Prayers mean nothing here.

    ????? (Youtube via Polsy) 


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