The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 P6

Super High-school Level Update #71
  1. So, here’s the deal with Nagito. For once, he’s actually around and not setting up a murder or getting tied up somewhere. We can even spend time with him. But we won’t get any event. See, in order to see Nagito’s free time arc to completion, you have to spend time with him once during the first chapter, for the first event.

    But all is not lost! By using my Hagakure-level clairvoyance skills, I anticipated we’ll end up in this situation. And so, we’ll use my other set of superpowers that allow me to retcon a free time with Nagito back when it was possible to do so.

    It’s a moral “you fell for it again”.

    And so, before we go on to present-day free time events, let’s turn the clock back to a simpler, more peaceful Jabberwock Island.

     Beautiful Days [Piano Arrange]

     Sure is great that we have Togami-kun here for support. I’d expect nothing less from a Super High-school Level Heir.

     With such a great leader, we’ll be able to overcome any hardship if we just work together!

    Should I spend time with Komaeda?

    Spend time / Go somewhere else

     Let’s do as much as we can, just like our great leader instructed.

    I spent some time with Komaeda, searching the island for clues.

    I think we became a little closer…

    Should I give him a present?

    Give / Do not give

    Let’s keep our presents for when we’re not retconning events into the story.

     Hinata-kun… are you feeling alright?
     Huh? Yeah, I’m just fine.

     That’s great, then. You just seemed a little pale to me.
     Like… something’s worrying you. Well, I guess in this situation it’d be weird not to be worried…

    Komaeda smiled his carefree smile.

    When I see that smile… I can’t help but forget my worries, just a little.

     W…What is it? Is something wrong?
     No, it’s… I was just thinking how much you’ve helped me since the beginning.
     So… Thanks, I guess…

     Oh, I haven’t done anything that warrants such gratitude.
     You might even say that… for someone like me, being of help is a reward all in itself. I really don’t need anything else.
     “Someone like me”…? Why the sudden humility?

     Because… my so called “talent” is just having good luck.
     It’s not something I’ve earned with a lifetime of work, or something I can use to do amazing things…
     My life’s pretty simple. It wouldn’t really matter if I had the talent or not, or even if I was here on this island.
     Ha ha… We can’t say that about the rest of you, can we?

    How can he say that with such a big smile on his face…?

     But, what if it turns out my own talent is even lamer than that?
     I mean, I can’t even remember what it is.

     Don’t say that! I’m sure your talent is amazing, Hinata-kun!
     If it wasn’t, there’s no way Hope’s Peak Academy would have accepted you.

    Somehow… when I hear how firmly Komaeda believes in me… I can’t help but feel the same myself.

    He really is a big help, isn’t he…

     If it’s alright with you, I’d like to try and help you remember.
     Let’s see… What kind of talent fits you, Hinata-kun…

     How about “Super High-school Level Therapist”?
     Therapist? And how exactly do you figure that?
     …And besides, what kind of talent even is that?

     Hmm… I think it’s a great talent. You can bring peace to all around you just by being there…
     Well, if you don’t like that, then how about…

     How about “Super High-school Level Eccentric”?
     Well, I guess that fits right in with me forgetting what my talent is…

     If it’s not that, it must be “Super High-school Level Amnesiac”!
     Don’t even suggest that… Who’d ever want such a lousy talent?

     I’m just joking, of course! Ha… Okay, but seriously though…

     What about “Super High-school Level Spiky Hair”?
     That’s not even a talent!
     I guess you’re right! Ha ha ha!

     It’s alright, though. I’m sure you have a spectacular talent. One that inspires hope…

    Honestly… He’s always joking around.
    But… thanks to him I feel a little better than before.

    Is that… what all the jokes were for?

    If so… I guess he really is a good guy.

    Well, it’s a little early to tell for sure. I’ll have to try and understand him better later.
    It would be great if I could… even if it’s just a little each time.

    Hope Shard Acquired

    And now, back into our time machine to see how two murders and some craziness changed Hinata’s attitude. We find Nagito in the library, of all places.

     So, what kind of motive do you think Monobear’s going to give us this time?

    What should I do? Can I really spend some time with someone like Komaeda…?

    Spend time / Go somewhere else

     I’m honored… I never imagined you’d ask me to hang out, Hinata-kun.

    I spent some time with Komaeda…

    For better or worse… I think we got a little closer.

    Should I give him a present?

    Give / Do not give

    Hope’s Peak Ring: A ring carved with Hope’s Peak Academy’s emblem. A memento of friendship between schoolmates who grew up together.

     Amazing…! Who would think you could come across such an amazing thing in a place like this…!
     I see… The reason we came to this island was so we could get hold of this…!
     …Or at least, that’s how happy you’ve just made me!

    …To tell you the truth, I’m not sure why I even tried to talk to this guy.

    But… the more he’s left alone, the less I can sleep well at night. At least this way I can keep an eye on him.

     What’s with the scary face? You don’t have to keep your guard up - I won’t bite.

    It’s true - when he says that with that carefree smile on his face, I just can’t imagine him doing anything wrong.

    So why is he…

    …No. By now I should know better than trying to make sense of him.

     Oh. Perhaps it’s you who’s planning to do something to me?
     It’s alright. I’m all for it. It’s you, after all - do with me as you please.
     Oh, just shut the fuck up!
     I’m… not falling for it. I’ll never do what you want.

     That’s a little troubling.
     It was never my goal to make you doubt and oppose me, losing sight of what’s really important…

     All I want… is to see you guys fulfill your roles as hope incarnate!
     That again…?
     What the hell do you even mean when you use that word, “hope”…?
     What are you trying to make us do?

     Sigh… Why can’t I get anyone to understand?
     I just… believe in hope, you know?

     Try thinking about it seriously once in a while, Hinata-kun. What do you think “hope” is?

    It’s true that I never really gave it much thought…

    I think what Komaeda means by “hope” is…

    The opposite of despair / Absolute good / Something gone from this island

     Is it, like… the opposite of despair?

     Of course not! Despair isn’t on the same level at all!
     Despair is a trivial, foolish thing compared to hope! Just like me, when compared to the rest of you!

    If that’s not what he means, then…

    The opposite of despair / Absolute good / Something gone from this island

     It’s something that’s missing from this place, isn’t it?

     Why can’t you believe what’s in front of you? There’s hope on this island. Of course there is.

    Yeah… that’s what he’s been saying all along…

    The opposite of despair / Absolute good / Something gone from this island

     Is hope… absolute good?

     Yes! Exactly!
     And you guys have what it takes to embody it…
     Do you get it? Hope is born from two things; an optimistic outlook and talent.
     When you have both, it is an absolutely good thing!

     That’s why, when I see the seeds of hope, I will gladly kill for them… and I will gladly die for them.
     And the fact that I can do that right now, here in this place - that is hope for me!

    It’s useless. I still have no idea what he’s talking about.
    There’s one thing I can say, though.

    It doesn’t look like he’s trying to deceive us just out of self-interest.

    He really believes he’s doing the right thing. And that’s exactly what makes it so worrying.

     Oh? Is this conversation over, Hinata-kun?
     How unfortunate… But, we can do it again sometime, can’t we?

     We’re two comrades together on our search for hope, after all!

    Hope Shard Acquired

    Still hearing Komaeda’s voice behind my back, I ran out of the room as quickly as possible.

    It’s still light outside… I can’t stay cooped up in my room all day.

    I have time… and it’s important to try and talk to everyone.

    Ibuki isn’t hard to find. She’s right where you expect her to be.

     Ibuki’s so depressed… She can’t come up with good lyrics at all.

    What should I do? Should I spend time with Mioda?

    Spend time / Go somewhere else

     Recite Ibuki a poem for inspiration!!

     Pleeeeeeeease! Hajime-chan! Hajime-dono! Hajime-samaaaaa!

    Somehow, I managed to compose a poem on the spot and recite it to Mioda.

    I think we became a little closer…

    Should I give her a present?

    Give / Do not give

    Jabber Natural Salt: Natural salt found on Jabberwock Island. In addition to its use as a condiment, it is said to be used in the mysterious rituals of the island’s natives.

     Oooooh! That’s quite a thing you have there!

     Oh no! This present’s giving Ibuki a hard case of the feels!

     Ah! Me, me, me!

    What is it now…?

     C'mon! Pick me! Pick me!
     Uh… what is it?

     Um, do you do any club activities, Hajime-chan?
     Club activities… Let’s see…
     I’m not really sure thanks to that pesky amnesia problem, but… I don’t think so.

     Woohoo! Bingo bingo bingo!

     Let’s get straight to business! Effective immediately, you’re the new member of my light music club!
     Ibuki thought it might go out of fashion, now that rock music is on the decline, but…

     Boys are “in” again! It’s a chance to ride a big fashion wave, and Ibuki’s not gonna let it escape!
     Um, I’m not really good with music or…

     Don’t worry! All you have to do is stand in the back and pretend to play.

    That’s not really something a “Super High-school Level Light Music Club Member” should say…

     But… I’ve never even held a musical instrument before…

     Everyone starts that way! As long as there’s love, it isn’t a problem.
     And what if… there isn’t any love?

     C'mon, just do it! The light music club is fun!
     Girls will be way into you, and even girls who are members of the light music club will be way into you!

     By the way, Ibuki thinks boys in a band are all narcissists, so hold your expectations in check!

    Once again, not really something a “Super High-school Level Light Music Club Member” should say.

     Moving on! Let’s hear what instrument you’d like to play!

     Oh, but Ibuki’s got dibs on guitar, so don’t even think about it!

    Seems like I have to choose… She won’t let me leave until I do.

    Well, it’s not like I ever played before, so anything will do.

    Keyboard / Drums / Bass guitar

     How about I play bass…

     Not gonna happen!
     Why?! Didn’t you say as long as it’s not guitar everything goes?

     Hmmm… Bass players stand out more than they should, and end up stealing the leading role from Ibuki.


    Keyboard / Drums / Bass guitar

     How about I play the keyboard…?

     So you do know how to play, Hajime-chan? That’s amazing!
     Um, no? Never even touched one.

     You’ll get caught in no time if you fake playing the keyboard, so Ibuki vetos it! Next!

    Is this choice even really up to me…?

    Keyboard / Drums / Bass guitar

     I guess I’ll play the drums.

     A fine choice! That’s it, then!
     Even if you can’t read music you can at least follow the beat!

     Besides, any amateur can play the drums! All you gotta do is hit things! It’s easy!

    She’d better not say that to a real drummer… That’s the most un-“Super High-school Level Light Music Club Member”-like declaration yet!

     So, now that we’ve decided on your instrument…

     Let the training session begin! First lesson; how to use a megaphone!
     Wait, wait, wait! What do I need a megaphone for?!

     What are you saying? It’s an essential tool for any live performance, isn’t it?

     And you can’t just hold it and shout!
     If you don’t put your soul into it, a megaphone won’t do you any good!

     Yes! Scream your soul out!

    What followed was a long, incomprehensible training session.

    I didn’t really get Mioda earlier, and now I understand her even less…

    Hope Shard Acquired

    I parted with Mioda and went back to my room, exhausted.

    * ding dong ding dong *

     Um, This is an announcement from Hope’s Peak Academy’s Field Trip Executive Committee…
     It is now 10pm.
     Please rest peacefully, along with the soothing sound of the waves.
     Well then, pleasant dreams. Goodnight…

    I don’t have anything to do tonight, so I guess I’ll just go to sleep.

    It’s nice to have a peaceful day once in a while.

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

    Monobear Theater

     It’s a waste of time to worry too much.
     Not that I’m going to stop you if wasting time is what you’re after.
     It’s not like spending some time in a meaningless way is such a bad thing, after all.
     Happy things, sad things, painful things, fun things, things you want to remember and things you don’t…
     All of them become nostalgic memories when enough time passes.
     And so… isn’t wasting some time worrying a splendid way to solve the problem that worries you so much?
     Upupu, wasting all your time worrying is a very good idea!

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