The Team

The Team

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

DR2 CH3 Trial #1 Test

Hmmmm.... Actually this one is taken from Youtube, (Credit goes to the Uploader), so.... Yeah, I just screenshot all of it, and place it here.

Oh... my, Am...I Incompetent??? No one cares about this!! 


Hinata Hajime:
I think bigger is better..

Hinata Hajime:
I think smaller is better..


Here's some Music!

: Hope y'all enjoy it!

Is my brain alright??? Who's y'all?? i don't even have a Follower or Guests LOL.

Chapter 3 Trial is under construction :d

Retiring indeed..
Why i bother doing this in the 1st place anyway????

DR2 CH3 P21 -Investigation END-

  1. Super High-school Level Update #87

    Sorry to have kept you waiting. Let’s investigate the hospital!


     Hey… you were the one who made those camera sets, weren’t you?

     So what? S’not like I put any hidden contraptions in ‘em… What, you think I’m the culprit?!
     You found them at that strange shopping district, didn’t you? I remember there being mountains of gadgets over there…

     Yeah. Had to modify ‘em a bit, though.
     But, what if there were other sets there too?
     Would someone be able to use a third set to communicate with the hospital?

     No way. Impossible.
     See, the camera and the monitor come in a set and are used together.
     Whatever the hospital camera shoots gets displayed on the hospital monitor…
     And whatever the music club camera shoots gets displayed on the music club camera. That’s all.

     ‘Course, that on its own’s not much of a communications setup… so I switched the cameras between the sets.
     And that’s why we could see footage from the hospital at the music club, and vice versa, right?
     Both devices in the pair are keyed with unique ID numbers that can’t be changed… they use ‘em to recognize each other.
     So, even if you brought in a third camera, say, you still wouldn’t be able to send footage to either monitor.

    In other words… even if there are other sets around, it would’ve been impossible to communicate with them.

     …But switching the cameras wasn’t all I did, y’know?
     I also extended their broadcast range. If I hadn’t done that, we wouldn'ta been able to use ‘em.
     …Oh, right. Good job.

     It feels like it’s been a long time since I was last here… even though it’s really only been a couple of days.

    There’s a camera set on the counter.

    It’s useless now that the set at the music club is destroyed.

     Hey, Hinata-kun. I have a question.
     You found Mioda-san’s body in the music club, right?
     But, why did you go to the music club in the first place? Did you have a reason?
     Did you… see something on the monitor, perhaps?

     Oh! I’d kinda like to know that myself.
     If the camera had any recording capabilities I’d probably be able to extract the footage, but it’s just a cheap home model.

     …Tell us what you saw, Hinata-kun.
     Yeah, you’re right. I did see something on the monitor…

     Re: Despair Syndrome

     It showed the music club stage. It had that black curtain hung up in the back…
     But… the only illumination was by candlelight. It was pretty dim.
     There was a rope hanging from the ceiling, and a stepladder directly under it.
     A…And then…

     Someone wearing a hospital gown with a bag over their head appeared…
     Their face was hidden, so I couldn’t tell who it was, but now I know it was Mioda…

     She walked straight to the stepladder, and then, without even hesitating…
     …She climbed it. Then, she took the rope in her hand…
     …And that’s all I saw.
     The candle must have gotten blown out at that time.
     The screen suddenly turned black, and I couldn’t see what was going on anymore.


     Yeah, that’d happen if the candle was the only light in the place…
     Y’know, some newer security cameras come with infra-red vision, so they can still see in the dark…
     …But these ones’re pretty old. I don’t think they have that…

     …Ah! Hold it right there!

     Did you say you couldn’t tell the bag person was Mioda-san back then?

     So, you had no clue who it was, but since it seemed like they were about to commit suicide…
     …You ran all the way to the music club to try and stop them.
     …I didn’t make it in time, though.

     Still… if she climbed the stepladder all on her own…
     That’d… make it a suicide, right? I mean… she hanged herself, didn’t she?

    Did Mioda… really commit suicide?

     What do you think, Nanami?
     Are you absolutely sure Mioda-san climbed the ladder on her own?
     Yeah, I’m sure.
     In that case…

     Hey, you don’t have to think about it so long. If you don’t know, just come out and say it.
     Yeah, he’s right. I don’t think we can really make any conclusions right now.


     Oh, I just remembered. I wanted to investigate the conference room on the second floor.

     …I’ll be back soon.

     …’Sup with her…? Just takin’ off like that all of a sudden…

    Did she mention the conference room? What’s so important over there?

    Also… was I just imagining it, or…

    …Did she just get a little miffed at us?

    Evidence Bullet Get posted:

    Footage from security camera

    The footage Hinata saw at the hospital.
    It showed a person in a hospital gown with a bag on their head climbing a stepladder in order to hang themselves.

    Let’s move beyond the reception area and into the hospital.

     Sigh… Finally, I feel like my old self again…

     Hinata! Come help me with my rehabilitation! If you win, I’ll let you touch my boobs!
     I… think I’ll pass.

    I’m glad she’s alright… but I kinda hope the aftereffects stick around a little while longer.

    …Not that I’d dare say that out loud, of course.

     By the way, what are you doing here?

     See, I never really got sick or injured before, so I had no idea, but…

     Those hospital gowns are super-comfy! So, I thought I’d come back and get one!
     Wait… are you going to be wearing only hospital gowns from now on?

     Well, that was the plan, but it seems they’re all gone.
     There was one assigned to each hospital room, see? So I thought the one from the empty room would be available, but…
     …It wasn’t there?

     Yeah, exactly.
     Mioda died in hers, so all I found was Komaeda’s used one.

     Maybe I should use that one! They’re one-size-fits-all, after all!
     …Wait. What about the one you were wearing?

     Wear the same clothes I just took off? That’s icky!

    Um… Surely it’s not as bad as wearing someone else’s unwashed clothes?

     Oh well. I can’t stay here much longer. I left Tsumiki all alone in the music club!
     Dammit, I should get back over there!

    I think putting Owari in charge of guarding the crime scene might’ve been a mistake.
    It’s a good thing I already finished investigating over there…

    There’s nothing helpful in the patient rooms, so let’s move into the second floor. We haven’t really explored it until now.

    And here’s a map we haven’t seen yet.

    There are two rooms we can investigate on this floor. This is the door to the rest ward we’ve been in before. It’s the smaller room, on the map’s bottom left corner.

     This… isn’t a regular hospital room. It must have been a resting ward.

    Even so, there are medical instruments thrown around everywhere. It’s more like a storage room than a lounge…

    If this is where the hospital staff are supposed to rest, it must be a really tough job.

    Still… if the hospital has a room like this… that’s more evidence that this place used to be inhabited.

     Seriously… what’s up with these islands?

    There’s a bed here…

    It looks like the ones in the hospital rooms, but I guess this one is meant for resting.

     No time for rest right now, though. Back to the investigation.

    Medical instruments, nursing care goods, and boxes of what look like medicine are lying around.

    Seems this room was also used for storage.

     …But, nothing here looks relevant to the investigation.

    Onto the second room. This is the larger one, on the map’s upper left corner.

    Music fades out


    What the hell…? It’s dark. I can’t see anything.

     Um… Where’s the light switch…?
     …Don’t turn it on.
     N…Nanami? Are you in here?
     …If you turn the light on, you’re going to see me… exposed. It’s embarrassing.
     Hey, Hinata-kun…
     …You may turn on the light, but first you have to rip both your eyes out.
     …So, how about it? Are you gonna rip them out?
     Why would I?!
     Sigh. Too bad.
     …So much for my practical joke.

    Then, the next second, I heard the sound of a curtain being pulled…

    …And a strong, bright light burned painfully through my eyeballs.

    Somehow, I managed to squint my eyes and get used to the light…


    …And saw Nanami, who had just pulled back the curtain that was covering the windows.

     “Surprised” isn’t the right word… More like… I don’t have a clue what just happened.

     Well, I do.

     The curtain in this conference room is light-resistant.

     There’s a projector here… so they must have fussed over getting the place dark.

     See? It’s a black, light-resistant curtain, and it reaches all the way down to the floor.
     A light-resistant curtain, huh? So that’s why it was pitch-black in here.
     But… why does that matter?

     …Not telling. I’m still investigating.

    She did get a little miffed back there, didn’t she.

     Okay… But, what about all those things you said?
     You know, about how it’s embarrassing and something about a practical joke…?

     Oh. I was just bullying you.

    Yep. Totally miffed. And acting like a kindergarten kid.

     Anyway, I guess that’s it for the hospital investigation.

    I should go somewhere else.

    Hinata may think so, but there are a few things to examine in this room. Most importantly, it’s very difficult to spot, but there’s something on the ceiling.

    It’s difficult to spot even in the closeup, but that’s another Hidden Monobear!

    Folding desks. They probably use them when there’s a meeting in this room.

     I can’t say they’re very interesting, though.

    That’s a fairly big window… It makes the room feel larger than it is.

    There’s a projector here. Well, this is a meeting room so it’s not unusual.

     I don’t think this would be helpful for the investigation, though. I should look somewhere else.

    So, that’s the light-resistant curtain. That’s why it was so dark in here.

    And now we’re really done with the hospital. There are still places to investigate, though!

    Now I think about it… I don’t think I’ve ever seen the inside of one of these rooms.

    I don’t even know where Saionji’s room is.

    …I guess the quickest way is just to ask someone.

     …I know you’re here. Show yourself!
     …Huh? Are you talking about me?
     Hmhmhm… Did you really think you could hide from me?


     Um… Can you tell me which room is Saionji’s?

     You will find what you seek beyond the middle door… over there.

     But be warned… Within that portal lie sights that can change a man…
     Be sure to pray to your loved ones before you enter… and consider preparing a change of underwear.
     Heh heh heh…

    I’d love to know how his parents and teachers deal with all this.

     Hey, Hinata… I have one more question for you.
     When you first found Mioda’s body, what was it like?
     It was just like it was when you got back there with me. She was hanging on a rope from the lighting rig.
     When I first found her, there was no announcement, though. That’s why I ran out to tell everyone.
     Then, I met Nanami right here at the motel, and when we started going back to the club…

     …That’s when you bumped into Tsumiki and me, huh.
     Then we all went back to the club, but for some reason the door wouldn’t open.

     We had no choice but to open it with force… And found that while you were gone Saionji was also killed.
     Yeah, exactly.

     Now, here’s the important part.
     When you came to the motel, did you encounter anyone other than Nanami?
     Hmm, let’s see…

    Are you deaf?! I found a body!!
    A…A…A…A body…?
    You lie… It is the work of the fever - the strain that renders your every word a falsehood. It has claimed you too!

     Yeah, Tanaka and Monomi were also here.

     But… you didn’t see Souda or Sonia anywhere?
     Are you saying… one of them did it?

     Well, think about when Saionji was killed.
     It must’ve been sometime after you found Mioda’s body, and before we broke into the club.
     The people whose whereabouts are a mystery during that time are the most suspicious, naturally.
     I guess you’re right, but…

     By the way, I don’t think I’ve told you my alibi yet.
     This morning, I went to the hospital right after Monobear’s morning announcement woke me up.
     When I got there, I found Tsumiki standing outside freaking out. When I asked her what was going on, she told me Mioda was missing.
     That’s when you two split up and went searching for her, right?

     Yeah. I went circling the island, and when I got to the motel I found the rest of you.
     Did you meet anyone while circling the island?

     No. I went through the movie theatre and the shopping district, but there was no one there.

     Well, I guess that means I don’t really have an alibi either. But, you’ve got the wrong idea if you think I’m suspicious.
     The time Tsumiki and I were searching separately doesn’t really amount to much…

     No one would be able to kill Saionji, let alone tape her to the pillar in such a short time.

    Was it even really possible to do all that during the time I was away from the club?

    Still… that’s what happened. Saionji was killed, and we found her body.

     What the hell…? Do you still suspect me?

     Well, I’m used to it. Not much I can do about it, I guess…

     Don’t worry, though. You won’t get dismembered and buried in concrete just because of suspicions.

    That’s… reassuring. I think.

    Evidence Bullet Get posted:

    Kuzuryuu’s Testimony

    After he met Tsumiki in front of the hospital, they split up to search for Mioda.
    He went to the movie theatre and the shopping district, but didn’t meet anyone.
    It appears he was separated from Tsumiki for only a short time.

    * rattle rattle *

    The door seems to be locked, but…

    I have the key Saionji had hidden in her kimono. And I’m pretty sure…

    * click *

     …So this is the key to her room.

    …Okay. Let’s see what’s inside.

    So this is where Saionji was living…

    She was only here for a couple of days, so it doesn’t really feel… lived in.

    It’s… kinda sad.

     …Oh? Was this room open?
     No… I used the key that was in Saionji’s kimono to open it.

     Oh… I see…
     …What’s wrong?
     No, it’s nothing… Only…
     I think this may be my fault. I can’t help but feel that way…

    Her fault? What does she mean?

    Before we ask her, let’s check out the room. We can start by twisting the camera to the left, which reveals…

    The final Hidden Monobear for this chapter! As a bonus, an achievement for discovering half of the game’s Hidden Monobears.

    There’s a mirror here, but… it’s tiny. And covered in rust.

    Hardly even worth calling it a mirror, really.

     Looks like the bed’s been made…

    I guess she wasn’t taken while she was sleeping then.

     After we came to this motel, Saionji-san locked herself in this room.
     Was she so scared of despair fever that she avoided the rest of you, too?
     Yes… At least, that was what she said, but…
     …I think there was something else.
     Something else? What other reason could she have?

     …Her wardrobe.
     Her… what?

     Um… yesterday, I came here trying to call her out.
     She’d been locked in here for so long, I thought she ought to at least come outside for some air…
     The door to her room was always locked, but for some reason I found it open.
     So… I happened to see her.

     Re: Desire for Execution

     She was in tears, struggling with her obi.
     She had taken a shower - I suppose she was sick of smelling bad - but it looked like she was having trouble tying her obi afterward…
     I think that without Koizumi-san to help her… she was still very bad at it.

     So… she didn’t come out of her room because she couldn’t change her clothes…?

     You may think an obi is not a big deal, but for her it was a serious problem.

     Saionji-san said that Koizumi-san taught her how to tie her obi.
     Koizumi-san was kind to her and showed her how to do it herself…
     That’s why… she desperately wanted to be able to tie her obi all on her own.

     I’m sure… she wouldn’t have been able to forgive herself if she couldn’t do it.

     And without even understanding her feelings, I…
     …What did you do?

     S…Saionji-san… Do you, perhaps, find it difficult to put your kimono on?
    W…What are you talking about, you idiot?! It’s not a problem at all!
    I mean… Big sis Koizumi taught me how to do it. I…I can do it on my own now.
    Um… in that case, how about trying to do it in front of a mirror?
    There was a big one in the music club’s storage room, wasn’t there?
    If you try it in front of a mirror, I’m sure it will be easy for you.
    Besides… staying inside your room all day isn’t good for your health…

     She… pushed me out of the room back then, but…

     Perhaps… she took what I said to heart, and…!
     …And went to the music club to try and put her kimono on?

    That… does sound plausible.

    Besides… she locked her room and stuffed the key inside her kimono…
    None of that makes any sense if she was taken against her will.

    …So she had to have gone out on her own!

     Did you tell this to anyone else before the murders? Or… did someone overhear your conversation…?
     No… I haven’t told it to anyone until now, and I don’t think anyone was eavesdropping.

    No one knew…?

    So… how did the culprit know Saionji would be at the music club?


    Something… isn’t right.

    Evidence Bullet Get posted:

    Sonia’s testimony

    Saionji was troubled because she couldn’t change into her kimono on her own, and it was a mess.
    Sonia suggested she try it in front of the big mirror in the music club’s storage room.


     I don’t think there’s anything else suspicious in this room…

    Nothing is out of place, and there are no signs of a forcible kidnapping.

     So, no hints over here. Well, can’t be helped, I guess…

    * ding dong ding dong *

     Yoo-hoo! How are you bastards doing?! This is Monobear! Feeling great!
     You know? Our school trial is about to start!
     So, come join me at the usual place. Gather at Monobear Rock, ASAP!
     Upupu, see you soon!

     Re: Despair-Syndrome

     I guess it’s time…

    So it’s that time again.

    We have to go back to that place…

     …Now’s not the time to get scared.
     I have to find out why Mioda and Saionji are dead…
     …I have no choice!

     Re: Despair Syndrome

    After hearing Monobear’s announcement, everyone gathered in front of Monobear Rock.

    And then…

     Re: Mr. Monobear’s Lesson

     You’re all here! You bastards really can’t wait to get to court, can you!

     Miss Monomi’s Practice Lesson

     You fiend! Wait just one second!!

     You again? You’re just here to play the role of my dimwitted sister, so don’t interfere.

     I’m not dimwitted!

     I demand an answer! What happened to Nidai-kun?!

     Oh, I see. You just came here to avenge him, huh?

     Avenge?! You’re talking as if he’s dead!!

     “As if”, you say? …Oops, I almost said too much again.

     Anyway, unfortunately, Nidai-kun won’t be able to join us for today’s proceedings. Please understand.

     W…Well, then! I shall be going up ahead!

     Wait! Don’t just wun away!!

     Re: Despair Syndrome

     D…Did you all hear that, guys…?

     Don’t worry… No way’s Nidai dead. He’s… just trying to upset us.

     Yeah, that’s right. There’s not even a slight chance that he’s dead.

     Yep. We should worry about our current situation instead.

     If things don’t go right, it’ll be all of our lives on the line, not just Nidai-kun’s.

     H…How can you be so cheerful…?!

     Hmmm… That’s a very good question. I guess I’m just excited that I’m about to see poetic justice in action.

     What… are you talking about?

     You’ll figure it out before long.

     So… Let’s go.

     Yeah! Let’s get this over with!
     Yeah… Let’s.

     Uyu… I couldn’t be of any help this time…
     I couldn’t even tell you what their times of death were… I’m sorry for being such useless trash…

     It… really was my fault that Saionji-san is dead.

     But if so… I shall certainly reveal the truth behind these murders!
     Let’s go!

     Let’s go. We don’t have time to stand here and do nothing.
     It may be sad, but we have to face forward… This time, we can end this.

     I’m sure you know this already, but don’t let Monomi fool you.
     Everything she says is just her trying to fool us.

     Or, would you rather be fooled…?

     Why are we still here?
     Let’s get this over with, already!
     I wanna be back here when ol’ man Nidai gets back!

     What the hell were they talking about? Is Nidai really…
     Monobear’s just trying to confuse us… Just… try to concentrate on the trial.

     Yeah, I know…

     Hmph. The appointed hour draws near…

     Long have I kept my true power sealed… but if unleashing it will help avenge our fallen comrades, then so be it.

     Just as I thought, these murders are…

     …Oops. I think I’ll continue this thought when we’re in court, Hinata-kun.

    Dammit. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any worse…

    We stepped onto the escalator, heading into Monobear Rock’s big open mouth…

    That was when it sunk in…

    There were fewer people next to me than ever before.

    But now’s not the time to get depressed.
    If I lose sight of what’s going on, I won’t be able to do what must be done.

    Once everyone was inside Monobear’s big mouth…

    Music stops

    The elevator began to descend deep underground, as it always had.

    No one spoke a word.
    There was no sound, except for the elevator, going deeper and deeper down.

    Down and down, deeper and deeper… until finally, it stopped.

    The door opened slowly, as if teasing us.

    The light flowing in from the other side encroached on the darkness inside the elevator.

    And then… I stood again inside the courtroom.

     Ocean Breeze Dead End

     Oh, my. The number of empty seats has certainly increased. So much open space!

     Two of my students died together… And Nidai-kun is also gone…

     Is Nidai-kun weally not participating?! If he’s alive, call him over!

     Oh, aren’t you tired of that already?

     How could I be?!

     Well, then. Let’s begin!

     Another fun school trial starts now! Please sit back and enjoy it to the very end!!

    Music fades out

    And so… the curtain opened on the third school trial.

     Re: Despair-Syndrome

    “Super High-school Level Light Music Club Member” Ibuki Mioda…

    She may have been a little loud, but she always knew how to set the mood.
    When I spent time with her… All my troubles and worries flew away.

    “Super High-school Level Classical Dancer” Hiyoko Saionji…

    In spite of her cute face, she was selfish and rude.
    And yet… she tried to change. After Koizumi’s death she really did try to improve herself.

    The culprit who killed our two dear friends… is among us.

     Tropical Despair

    As always… I find it difficult to believe, but…

    But… whether I believe it or not, the truth remains.

    If we don’t discover that truth… We can never escape from this hell.

    And so… I must find it.

    For myself…

    For the sake of my friends…

    And for the sake of the dead.

    And so, it begins…

    A school trial where hope and despair swirl together.

    It starts now.